Page 33 - The 'X' Chronicles Newspaper - February 2023 Edition
P. 33

What Is Multiple Sclerosis - MS?                                                                                    33

                        What Is



               Continued from Page 32

        So the best thing to do when living with
        MS is to find a trusted interdisciplinary
        medical team that can help you monitor
        and manage your health. Having a
        multidisciplinary team is essential for
        addressing the individual symptoms that
        you're experiencing. If you have an MS
        attack or relapse, your doctor may
        prescribe you corticosteroids to reduce or

        improve your symptoms.  And if your
        attack symptoms do not respond to
        steroids, another option is plasmapheresis
        or plasma exchange, which is a treatment
        similar to dialysis. About 50 percent of
                                                         In MS, the immune system attacks the
        people who do not respond to steroids                                                              DEBUNKED:                       Saturn’s
                                                         protective sheath (myelin) that covers
        have a significant improvement with a                                                              Hexagon Is Alien Technology
                                                         nerve fibers and causes communication
        short course of plasma exchange. There
                                                         problems between your brain and the rest
        are over 20 medications currently
                                                         of your body. Eventually, the disease can
        approved for prevention of MS attacks
                                                         cause permanent damage or deterioration
        and prevention of new MRI lesions.
                                                         of the nerve fibers.

        As learning to function with MS can be
                                                         Signs and symptoms of MS vary widely
        challenging, there are medical experts
                                                         between patients and depend on the
        ready to work with you to help you
                                                         location and severity of nerve fiber
        manage it, so you can still live a full life.
                                                         damage in the central nervous system.
        Consulting with a physiatrist, physical or
                                                         Some people with severe MS may lose
        occupational therapist can help you deal
                                                         the ability to walk independently or
        with physical difficulties. Physical
                                                         ambulate at all. Other individuals may
        activity is strongly recommended for all
                                                         experience long periods of remission
        people with MS. Mental health is also an
                                                         without any new symptoms depending on
        important consideration. So keeping up
                                                         the type of MS they have.
        personal connections with friends and
        family and trying to stay involved with
                                                         There's no cure for multiple sclerosis.
        your hobbies is important. But also be
                                                         However, there are treatments to help
        kind to yourself and realistic about what                                                          Saturn's hexagon was first spotted when
                                                         speed the recovery from attacks, modify
        you're up for. This can change from day                                                            NASA's  Voyager spacecraft flew by the
                                                         the course of the disease and manage
        to day, so it's okay to give yourself                                                              giant, ringed planet in 1980.  The bizarre,
                                                         symptoms. []                                      six-sided structure on the round planet's
        permission if something seems like too
                                                                                                           north pole caused quite the stir, because
        much or if you need to cancel plans. You
                                                                                                           straight lines and polygons are not so
        may also find support groups helpful to
                                                                                                           common in nature.
        connect with people who understand
        what you are going through and discuss                                                             Immediately after the Voyager returned its
        your feelings and concerns with a doctor                                                           first images of Saturn's strange feature,
        or a counselor. Meanwhile, scientists are                                                          even stranger theories arose to explain it,
        hard     at     work,      expanding       our                                                     including that it was somehow related to
        understanding of this disease and                                                                  alien technology, or perhaps even was a
                                                                                                           gateway to hell.  The hexagon is not
        developing       new      treatments      and
                                                                                                           artificial, but rather a weird-looking
        medications which are ever more
                                                                                                           hurricane at Saturn's pole (opens in new
        effective. If you want to learn more,
        watch more of our videos or visit We wish you well.                                                                  NASA has done several flybys of this
                                                                                                           region with the Cassini spacecraft, studying
        Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a potentially                                                           the haze particles and other features of the
        disabling disease of the brain and spinal                                                          storm, to try to learn more about its unusual
        cord (central nervous system).
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