Page 36 - The 'X' Chronicles Newspaper - February 2023 Edition
P. 36

36                  Mystery Airships or Phantom Airships

              Mystery Airships or

                Phantom Airships

               Continued from Page 35

        The November 19, 1896, edition of the
        Stockton, California, Daily Mail featured
        one of the earliest accounts of an alleged
        alien craft sighting. Colonel H.G. Shaw
        claimed that while driving his buggy
        through the countryside near Stockton, he
        came across what appeared to be a landed
        spacecraft. Shaw described it as having a
        metallic surface which was completely
        featureless apart from a rudder, and
        pointed ends. He estimated a diameter of

        25 feet and said the vessel was around
        150 feet in total length. Three slender, 7-
        foot-tall (2.1m), apparent extraterrestrials
        were said to approach from the craft
        while "emitting a strange warbling
        noise."                                              1553 North Pole expedition led by               by the Table Rock Argus claimed that
                                                             Hugh Willoughby.                                a group of "anonymous but reliable"
        The beings reportedly examined Shaw's             •  On February 2, 1897, the Omaha Bee              witnesses had seen an airship sailing
        buggy and then tried to physically force             reported an airship sighting over               overhead.  The craft had many

        him to accompany them back to the                    Hastings, Nebraska, the previous day.           passengers.  The witnesses claimed
        airship. The aliens were said to give up          •  An article in the Albion Weekly News            that among these passengers was a
        after realizing they lacked the physical             reported that two witnesses saw an              woman tied to a chair, a woman
        strength to force Shaw aboard.  They                 airship crash just inches from where            attending her, and a man with a pistol
        supposedly fled back to their ship, which            they were standing.  The airship                guarding their apparent prisoner.
        lifted off the ground and sped out of                suddenly disappeared, with a man                Before the witnesses thought to
        sight. Shaw believed that the beings were            standing where the vessel had been.             contact the authorities, the airship was
        Martians sent to kidnap an earthling for             The airship pilot showed the men a              already gone.
        unknowable but potentially nefarious                 small device that supposedly enabled          •  An account from  Aurora,  Texas,
        purposes. This has been seen by some as              him to shrink the airship small enough          related in the Dallas Morning News
        an early attempt at alien abduction; it is           to store the vessel in his pocket.  A           on  April 19, 1897, reported that a

        apparently the first published account of            rival newspaper, the  Wilsonville               couple of days before, an airship had
        explicitly       extraterrestrial      beings        Review, playfully claimed that its own          smashed into a windmill – later
        attempting to kidnap humans into their               editor was an additional witness to the         determined to be a sump pump –
        spacecraft.                                          incident and that he heard the pilot say        belonging to a Judge Proctor, then
                                                             "Weiver eht rof ebircsbus!"  The                crashed. The occupant was dead and
         •  The mystery light reappeared over                phrase he allegedly heard is                    mangled, but the story reported that
            Sacramento on the evening of                     "subscribe for the Review" spelled              the presumed pilot was clearly "not an
            November 21 1896. It was also seen               backwards.                                      inhabitant of this world." Strange
            over Folsom, San Francisco, Oakland,          •  On April 10, 1897, the St. Louis Post-          "hieroglyphic" figures were seen on

            Modesto, Manteca, Sebastopol and                 Dispatch published a story reporting            the wreckage, which resembled "a
            several other cities later that same             that one W.H. Hopkins encountered a             mixture of aluminum and silver ... it
            evening and was reportedly viewed by             grounded airship about 20 feet in               must have weighed several tons."In
            hundreds of witnesses.                           length and 8 feet in diameter near the          the 20th century, unusual metallic
         •  One witness from  Arkansas –                     outskirts of Springfield, Missouri. The         material recovered from the presumed
            allegedly a former state senator Harris          vehicle was apparently propelled by             crash site was shown to contain a
            – was supposedly told by an airship              three large propellers and crewed by a          percentage of aluminum and iron
            pilot (during the tensions leading up to         beautiful, nude woman and a bearded             admixed.  The story ended by noting
            the Spanish–American  War) that the              man, also nude. Hopkins attempted               that the pilot was given a "Christian
            craft was bound for Cuba, to use its             with some difficulty to communicate             burial" in the town cemetery.
            "Hotchkiss gun" to "kill Spaniards".             with the crew in order to ascertain

         •  In one account from Texas, three men             their    origins.    Eventually      they                       (Continued on Page 37)
            reported an encounter with an airship            understood what Hopkins was asking
            and with "five peculiarly dressed                of them and they both pointed to the            THE ‘X’ ZONE RADIO/TV SHOW
            men" who asserted that they were                 sky and "uttered something that                          ROB McCONNELL
            descendants of the lost tribes of Israel,        sounded like the word Mars."                     
            and had learned English from the              •  An April 16, 1897, a story published        CH-54
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