Page 40 - The 'X' Chronicles Newspaper - February 2023 Edition
P. 40

40            What To Know :  The Chinese Spy Balloon

           What to know about the

            suspected Chinese spy


        The spotting of a high-altitude balloon
        over the U.S. mainland this week quickly
        spiraled into a diplomatic incident. U.S.
        officials say the object is a Chinese spy
        balloon, while Chinese officials called it
        a “civilian airship” mainly used to track

        The airborne vehicle was originally
        spotted over Montana, home to some of
        the United States’ nuclear missile silos.
        The balloon then moved southeast from
        Montana, with locals in Missouri and
        Kansas reporting sightings, before a U.S.
        military aircraft brought it down just off
        the Atlantic Coast, near the Carolinas.
                                                         to conduct surveillance and provide aerial that the balloon didn’t represent a
                                                         imagery. And in the 1950s, the U.S. Air physical or military threat to people on
        The Pentagon said Friday it had assessed
                                                         Force launched Project Genetrix, which it the ground.  That’s roughly double the
        that a similar airborne vehicle spotted
                                                         described as its first “large-scale, altitude at which commercial aircraft
        over Latin  America was a separate
                                                         unmanned,       high     altitude     balloon typically fly.
        Chinese spy balloon.
                                                         intelligence operation,” designed to take
                                                         photos over “the Soviet land mass.”              The balloon’s path crossed over “a
        Spy balloons have previously passed over
                                                                                                          number of sensitive sites” a U.S. defense
        the United States, but this object was
                                                         Balloon surveillance activity has official said, but the Pentagon was
        unusual for loitering overhead “for an
                                                         continued in recent years. Chinese “taking steps to be extra vigilant so that
        extended period of time,” defense
                                                         surveillance balloons have been sighted we can mitigate any foreign intelligence
        officials say.  The incident prompted
                                                         “multiple times over the last five years” risk,” a U.S. defense official said
        Secretary of State  Antony Blinken to
                                                         in the Pacific, including near Hawaii, one Thursday.
        cancel a planned trip to China that was
                                                         U.S. official told The Post.
        intended to lower tensions between the
                                                                                                          The National Weather Service reported a
        two countries.
                                                         How big was the suspected spy sighting of a “large balloon” over Kansas

        The first known usage of reconnaissance          balloon over the United States?                  City, Mo., in the early afternoon Friday
                                                                                                          that was not one of its weather balloons.
        balloons was by the French during the
        Battle of Fleurus in 1794, when they were The payload of the balloon — the part
        used to spy on Austrian and Dutch troops underneath the balloon itself — was the                  Kansas Gov. Laura Kelly said Friday

        in what is now Belgium.                          size of three large buses, according to          afternoon she had received reports of the
                                                         U.S. officials.  A Pentagon official             suspected Chinese spy balloon over

        Here’s what you need to know about spy previously said the balloon is “large                      northeast Kansas. “If true, this
        balloons, and about the Chinese balloons enough to cause damage from the debris                   provocation is alarming,” she tweeted.
        sighted this week in North America.              field if we downed it over an area.”             By Saturday afternoon, the balloon had
                                                                                                          reached the Carolinas. Residents near

        What is a spy balloon?                           One official said Saturday the airship           Myrtle Beach, S.C., spotted the round,
                                                         contains         “some         sophisticated     white object high overhead in the early

        A spy balloon is just that — a balloon           communications gear.”                            afternoon, before it was downed off the
                                                                                                          Atlantic Coast.
        used for surveillance purposes. “Clearly
        they’re trying to fly this — this balloon        The United States had “been tracking it          Before reaching the U.S. mainland, the
        over sensitive sites … to collect                for some time,” as the balloon entered the       balloon soared above Alaska’s Aleutian
        information,” the U.S. defense official          airspace of the U.S. mainland “a couple          Islands and Canada,  The  Washington
        said Thursday.                                   of days ago,” a senior defense official
                                                         told reporters Thursday.                         Post reported, citing American officials.
        And spy balloons are nothing new:                                                                 This particular balloon stands out for how
        During the  American Civil  War, the             Where did the balloon travel?
                                                                                                          long it stayed over U.S. territory.
        Union even used hot-air balloons to track
        Confederate troop movements. During              The balloon was flying at about 60,000
        World War I, the photographic section of         feet, Air Force Brig. Gen. Patrick Ryder                            (Continued on Page 41)
        the U.S. Army Air Service used balloons          said at a Pentagon briefing Friday, adding
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