Page 39 - The 'X' Chronicles Newspaper - February 2023 Edition
P. 39

The 2023 Chinese Spy Balloon Timeline                                                                                        39

            The 2023 Chinese Spy

               Ballon’s Eight-day


        The United States’ dramatic takedown of
        what it has called a Chinese surveillance
        balloon started with a few civilian

        sightings in  America’s heartland and
        ended with a missile explosion over
        South Carolina so loud that it rattled
        homes below.

        Although it’s not the first time a spy
        balloon has been spotted by U.S.
        officials, this latest one has become the
        center of a diplomatic dispute that could
        set back dialogue between  Washington
        and Beijing, said John Delury, a professor

        of Chinese studies at Yonsei University in
        South Korea who recently wrote a book
        about Cold  War-era U.S. espionage in

                                                         ground.                                          spokesman Ned Price.
        “It’s hard to know how long this is going
        to play out diplomatically,” he said,
                                                         President Biden authorized a takedown In response, a spokesperson for the
        noting that Pentagon officials have
                                                         “as soon as the mission could be Chinese Foreign Ministry accused some
        indicated the balloon would not be more
                                                         accomplished without undue risk to politicians and media organizations of
        effective for information gathering than a
                                                         American lives under the balloon’s path,” having “hyped” the incident to “smear
        satellite. “But now that this has gotten so
                                                         Defense Secretary Lloyd  Austin would China.”
        big, whatever the intention, the effect is
                                                         later say in a statement. Secretary of State
        that this pushes the issue of surveillance
                                                         Antony Blinken summoned the senior- The North American Aerospace Defense
        to the forefront of U.S.-China relations.”
                                                         most official at the Chinese Embassy in Command said on Friday that it was
                                                         Washington.                                      tracking a balloon in Canada that was
        Saturday, Jan. 28: The balloon entered
                                                                                                          thought to be of Chinese origin. Another
        American airspace, flying in around the
                                                         Thursday, Feb. 2:  U.S. officials Chinese spy balloon was also spotted
        southern tip of  Alaska. It then crossed
                                                         disclosed to the public that the balloon over Latin  America on Friday, the
        north of the Aleutian Islands and over the
                                                         had been flying over the mainland United Pentagon confirmed.
        state’s mainland.  At this point, U.S.
                                                         States for several days. Brig. Gen. Patrick
        officials had not publicly acknowledged
                                                         Ryder, a Pentagon spokesman, told Saturday, Feb. 4: The U.S. military shot
        the balloon or its presence in the United
                                                         reporters it was traveling at an altitude down the balloon as it hovered over the
                                                         “well above commercial air traffic and Atlantic Ocean off the South Carolina
                                                         does not present a military or physical coast, using a missile fired from an F-22
        Monday, Jan. 30:  The balloon entered
                                                         threat to people on the ground.”                 Raptor.  The balloon had been flying
        Canadian airspace.
                                                                                                          about 60,000 to 65,000 feet high.  The
                                                         Friday, Feb. 3: The balloon was spotted Federal Aviation Administration ordered
        Tuesday, Jan. 31: The balloon floated
                                                         by civilians as it flew over Kansas and ground stops for flights in parts of North
        back into U.S. airspace over northern
                                                         Missouri. China’s Foreign Ministry said Carolina and South Carolina shortly
        Idaho. U.S. officials considered
                                                         in a statement that the “airship” was a before shooting down the balloon.
                                                         weather balloon that had strayed from its
        Wednesday, Feb. 1: The balloon flew
                                                         intended course into the United States The same day, U.S. officials disclosed
        over Montana, near Malmstrom  Air
                                                         “due to the influence of westerly winds that the balloon’s path had taken it over
        Force Base, home to several nuclear
                                                         and its limited control capacity,” adding several U.S. military installations,  The
        missile silos. It was spotted by civilians
                                                         that “China regrets that the airship Post reported, and that the administration
        and recorded by Chase Doak, who
                                                         strayed into the United States by had taken steps to stop it from collecting
        captured on video from his driveway
                                                         mistake.”                                        information that could undermine
        what he later described as a “big, round
                                                                                                          national security. []
        disc in the sky” around 5:30 p.m. Billings
                                                         Blinken postponed his visit to Beijing
        Logan International Airport temporarily
                                                         hours before he was scheduled to depart,
        shut down over the balloon, grounding                                                                THE ‘X’ ZONE RADIO/TV SHOW
                                                         telling China’s foreign affairs chief that                            with
        several flights.shooting it down,  The
                                                         the     “surveillance       balloon”      had                ROB McCONNELL
        Washington Post reported, but planners
                                                         “undermined” the purpose of the trip,                
        couldn’t mitigate the risk to people on the
                                                         according       to     State     Department     CH-54
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