Page 37 - The 'X' Chronicles Newspaper - February 2023 Edition
P. 37

Mystery Airships or Phantom Airships                                                                                        37

              Mystery Airships or

                Phantom Airships

               Continued from Page 36

        In     1973,     MUFON         investigators
        discovered the alleged stone marker used
        in this burial.  Their metal detectors
        indicated a quantity of foreign material
        might remain buried there. However,
        they were not permitted to exhume, and
        when they returned several years later,
        the headstone – and whatever metallic
        material had lain beneath it – was gone.
        An account by  Alexander Hamilton of

        Leroy, Kansas, supposedly occurred
        around  April 19, 1897, and was
        published in the  Yates Center Farmer's
        Advocate of April 23. Hamilton, his son
        and a tenant witnessed an airship
        hovering over his cattle pen. Upon closer
        examination, the witnesses realized that a       1887 wave                                        Clark writes that any attempt to "uncover
        red "cable" from the airship had lassoed                                                          the truth about the late 19th-century

        a heifer, but had also become entangled          Several unusual aerial events were airship scare comes up against some
        in the pen's fence.  After trying                reported from the East Coast of the U.S. unhappy realities: newspaper coverage
        unsuccessfully to free the heifer,               in 1887.                                         was     unreliable;      no     independent
        Hamilton cut loose a portion of the fence,                                                        investigators ('airshipologists') spoke
        then "stood in amazement to see the ship,        1909–1913                                        directly with alleged witnesses or
        cow and all rise slowly and sail off."                                                            attempted to verify or debunk their
        Some have suggested this was the                 There was a series of mystery airship testimony;                 and,     with     a    single
        earliest report of cattle mutilation. In         sightings in 1909 in New England, New unsatisfactory exception, no eyewitness
        1982, however, UFO researcher Jerome             Zealand and various European locations. was ever interviewed even in the 1950s,
        Clark debunked this story, and confirmed         Later reports came from the United when some were presumably still living."
        via interviews and Hamilton's own                Kingdom in 1912 and 1913. However, by
        affidavit that the story was a successful        this time airship technology was well The "single unsatisfactory exception"

        attempt to win a Liar's Club competition         advanced       (Count     Ferdinand       von Clark cites is a former San Francisco
        to create the most outlandish tall tale.         Zeppelin had been flying his massive Chronicle employee interviewed via
                                                         passenger-carrying airships for nearly a telephone by Edward J. Ruppelt in 1952.

        Other Cases                                      decade by then), making the prospect Ruppelt wrote that the man "had been a
                                                         that these may have been small, private copy boy…and remembered the incident,
                                                         airships rather than evidence of but time had cancelled out the details. He
        Before 1896
                                                         extraterrestrial visitation or newspaper did tell me that he, the editor of the paper,

        Charles Fort cited a mystery airship             hoaxes more reasonable.                          and the news staff had seen 'the ship', as
                                                                                                          he referred to the UFO. His story, even
        sighting in Copiapo, Chile. It was
                                                         Wallace  Tillinghast, a Massachusetts though it was fifty-six years old, smacked
        described as a gigantic, shining bird
                                                         businessman, gained notoriety for claims of others I'd heard when he said that no
        driven by a noisy motor.
                                                         he was responsible for the 1909 wave one at the newspaper ever told anyone

        In a variation of the usual airship, on July     due to an airship he had built, but his what they had seen; they didn't want
        29, 1880 two witnesses in Louisville,            claims were never substantiated.                 people to think they were 'crazy'."
        Kentucky saw a flying object described
        as "a man surrounded by machinery                Later research                                                      (Continued on Page 38)
        which he seemed to be working with his

        hands" with wings protruding from his            Jerome Clark writes, "One curious                   THE ‘X’ ZONE RADIO/TV SHOW
        back. Merely a month later, a similar            feature of the post-1887 airship waves                                with
        sighting happened in New Jersey. It was          was the failure of each to stick in                          ROB McCONNELL
        written at the New York  Times that "it          historical memory.  Although 1909, for          CH-54
        was apparently a man with bat's wings            example, brought a flood of sightings
        and improved frog's legs... the monster          worldwide and attendant discussion and                 PARANORMAL STAKEOUT
        waved his wings in answer to the whistle         speculation, contemporary accounts do                                 with
        of a locomotive."                                not allude to the hugely publicized                          LARRY LAWSON
                                                         events of little more than a decade                  
                                                         earlier."                                       CH-54
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