Page 41 - The 'X' Chronicles Newspaper - February 2023 Edition
P. 41
What To Know : The Chinese Spy Balloon 41
What to know about the
suspected Chinese spy
Continued from Page 40
The spotting of a high-altitude balloon
over the U.S. mainland this week quickly
spiraled into a diplomatic incident. U.S.
officials say the object is a Chinese spy
balloon, while Chinese officials called it
a “civilian airship” mainly used to track
Why did the authorities wait to
shoot it down?
President Biden was briefed about the
balloon Tuesday and asked the military to
present options, White House press
Why China might use a spy counterpart Friday the presence of the
secretary Karine Jean-Pierre said Friday.
balloon — and why it would balloon over U.S. airspace was “an
irresponsible act and a clear violation of
Military leaders strongly advised against U.S. sovereignty and international law
taking “kinetic action” — or firing at the that undermined the purpose of the trip.”
It’s well known that the United States and
balloon — out of concern for the safety
China spy on each other, and the senior
of the civilians on the ground who could The leaders of a House select committee
be hurt by debris, she said. The balloon U.S. official said that the balloon’s on China, Reps. Mike Gallagher (R-Wis.)
poses neither a physical nor a substantial capabilities did not appear to be “over and Raja Krishnamoorthi (D-Ill.), said in
and above” those of existing Chinese
intelligence threat, U.S. officials said. a statement that the threat China poses to
satellites and other tools. The defense
the United States “is not confined to
official said “I can’t speculate” about
By midday Saturday, the calculus had distant shores — it is here at home and
changed. Asked about the balloon whether China would have wanted the we must act to counter this threat.”
Saturday morning, Biden told reporters, balloon to be spotted.
“We’re gonna take care of it.” How has China responded to the
The balloons are part of an extensive,
years-long Chinese military surveillance spy-balloon accusations?
Shortly afterward, the Federal Aviation
Administration ordered ground stops for program, two officials told The Post,
all flights in and out of Wilmington, N.C., speaking on condition of anonymity to Initially, the Chinese Foreign Ministry
discuss a sensitive matter. spoke out against “speculation and
Myrtle Beach, S.C., and Charleston, S.C.
to “support the Department of Defense in
Professor Steve Tsang, the director of the
a national security effort.”
China Institute at the University of “China is a responsible country that has
Videos posted to social media in the early London’s School of Oriental and African always strictly abided by international
Studies, said that given China’s access to law and has no intention of infringing on
afternoon showed contrails from military
advanced technology, any spy balloon any country’s territory and airspace. We
aircraft circling the Chinese balloon
probably would be of more “symbolic hope that both sides can handle this
above South Carolina. In one video, shots
could be heard before the balloon value, showing that the Chinese are able together with calm and caution,”
exploded and began to fall. to send something in the air to survey spokeswoman Mao Ning said.
U.S. military installations.”
Later Friday, the Foreign Ministry said:
Biden ordered the military on Wednesday
But the incident marks a setback to “The airship is from China. It is a civilian
to take down the balloon “as soon as the
mission could be accomplished without Beijing’s diplomatic overtures to the airship used for research, mainly
undue risk to American lives under the United States. meteorological, purposes. Affected by the
Westerlies and with limited self-steering
balloon’s path,” Defense Secretary Lloyd
Blinken’s decision to postpone his trip to capability, the airship deviated far from
Austin said in a statement Saturday.
China came just hours before he was its planned course.”
Some Republicans criticized the Biden scheduled to depart — an indication of
administration for not downing the how seriously the Biden administration
takes the incident and hopes to avoid (Continued on Page 42)
balloon immediately. Officials are due to
potential criticism for appearing soft on
brief top lawmakers from both parties in
China. Blinken told his Chinese
the House and Senate next week.