Page 45 - The 'X' Chronicles Newspaper - February 2023 Edition
P. 45

Chinese Spy Balloons Near Texas & Florida                                                                                           45

             Pentagon reports past

              Chinese surveillance
            balloons near Florida,


              Continued From Page 44

        Rubio dismissed comparisons to previous
        episodes of Chinese aircraft illegally
        entering U.S. airspace. “What is
        unprecedented,” he told the network, “is
        a balloon flight that entered over Idaho,
        over Montana, all these sensitive military

        installations: air force bases, ICBM
        [intercontinental ballistic missile] fields,
        right across the middle of the country.
        That has never happened before.”

        A device that “flew briefly over part of
        the U.S., or continental U.S., that’s one
        thing. But what we saw this week, it’s           was convicted of involvement in a drug- the rules of the world order.” But, Booker
        unprecedented.” He also called the               trafficking conspiracy. Cruz said U.S. said, Biden’s handling of the balloon

        response a “dereliction of duty.”                officials have pushed for China to release situation was “very just and very
                                                         Swidan from custody.                             defensible.”

        Democrats defended Biden’s handling of
        the matter, noting the balloon was               “They’ve sentenced him to death on And retired Adm. Mike Mullen, a former
        brought down without injury to                   charges for which they have little to no chair of Joint Chiefs of Staff, said on
        Americans.                                       evidence,” said Cruz, who introduced a ABC’s “This Week,” that shooting down
                                                         resolution recently calling for Swidan’s the balloon while it was over the
        “The president called for this to be dealt       release. He also told the network that he continental U.S. posed potential risks to
        with in a way that balanced all of the           had raised Swidan’s case with Secretary civilian life that was not warranted.
        different risks,” Transportation Secretary       of State Antony Blinken before a planned
        Pete Buttigieg said on CNN’s “State of           trip to China, which was canceled in “It’s very clear to me that the intelligence

        the Union.” “That’s exactly what                 response to the balloon’s discovery.             value of this from the standpoint of what
        happened. The military did a terrific job.”                                                       it was getting, was not worth the risk of
                                                         Rep. Michael R.  Turner (R-Ohio), killing an  American on the ground,”

        Buttigieg also said on NBC’s “Meet the           chairman of the House Intelligence Mullen said. He added, “I know that’s
        Press” that precautions were taken to            Committee,         called      the     Biden why we waited to this point to take it
        protect the safety of American life and          administration’s decision to wait to shoot down.”
        property.                                        down the balloon “sort of like tackling
                                                         the quarterback after the game is over.”         Mullen said while it is important to learn
        Top Republicans said the balloon was an                                                           more about this episode, “More

        unprecedented        test    of    American      Turner said on NBC’s “Meet the Press” importantly, we need to make sure we can
        leadership amid increasingly difficult           on Sunday that the U.S. military should get this relationship moving in the right
        economic and diplomatic debates                  have shot down the balloon days earlier direction.” []
        between the two nations.                         when it was over sparsely populated parts
                                                         of  Alaska. He accused the Biden                  THE ‘X’ ZONE RADIO/TV SHOW

        New Hampshire Gov. Chris Sununu (R),             administration of lacking sufficient                                 with
        who has said he is considering a                 urgency. And he called China’s decision                     ROB McCONNELL
        presidential run in 2024, said on ABC’s          to fly a balloon over the country “a                 
        “This Week” that the balloon was “China          crisis.”                                       CH-54
        poking at us.”
                                                         “I believe that they were trying to gain              PARANORMAL STAKEOUT

        “This is all about China testing the             information on how to defeat the                                     with
        American resolve,” he said.                      command and control of our nuclear                           LARRY LAWSON
                                                         weapons systems and our missile defense              

        On  ABC’s “This  Week,” Cruz drew                systems,” Turner said.                         CH-54
        attention another point of tension
        between the countries: the case of Texas         Sen. Cory Booker (D-N.J.), who sits on              The ‘X’ Zone Broadcast Network
        businessman Mark Swidan, who has been            the Senate Foreign Relations Committee,                  “Searching For Answers -
        held in China for more than a decade and         said the balloon incursion was just one                   Demanding the Truth.”
                                                         example of how China is “not playing by
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