Page 48 - The 'X' Chronicles Newspaper - February 2023 Edition
P. 48

48                                                     Ghost Rockets



        Ghost rockets (Swedish:  Spökraketer,
        also called  Scandinavian ghost rockets)
        were rocket - or missile-shaped
        unidentified flying objects sighted in
        1946, mostly in  Sweden and nearby
        countries like Finland.

        The first reports of ghost rockets were
        made on February 26, 1946, by Finnish

        observers.  About 2,000 sightings were
        logged between  May and  December
        1946, with peaks on 9 and 11  August
        1946. Two hundred sightings were
        verified with radar returns, and
        authorities recovered physical fragments
        which were attributed to ghost rockets.

        Investigations concluded that many ghost
        rocket sightings were probably caused by         slowly, flying horizontally, traveling and alloy that would disintegrate easily, and
        meteors.  For example, the peaks of the          maneuvering in formation, and appearing not give indications on our instruments".

        sightings, on 9 and 11 August 1946, also         to be silent.                                    When  Bartoll was later interviewed in
        fall within the peak of the annual Perseid                                                        1984 by Swedish researcher Clas Svahn,
        meteor shower.  However, most ghost              The sightings most often consisted of he again said their investigation
        rocket sightings did not occur during            fast-flying rocket- or missile-shaped suggested the object largely disintegrated
        meteor shower activity, and furthermore          objects, with or without wings, visible for in flight and insisted that "what people
        displayed characteristics inconsistent           mere seconds.  Instances of slower saw were real, physical objects".
        with meteors, such as reported                   moving, cigar-shaped objects are also
        maneuverability.                                 known. A hissing or rumbling sound was On  October 10, 1946, the  Swedish

                                                         sometimes reported.                              Defense  Staff publicly stated, "Most
        Debate continues as to the origins of the                                                         observations are vague and must be
        unidentified ghost rockets.  In 1946,            Crashes were not uncommon, almost treated very skeptically.  In some cases,
        however, it was thought likely that they         always in lakes.  Reports were made of however,                   clear,        unambiguous
        originated from the former  German               objects crashing into a lake, sometimes observations have been made that cannot
        rocket facility at Peenemünde, and were          then propelling themselves across the be explained as natural phenomena,
        long-range tests by the  Soviets of              surface before sinking. The  Swedish Swedish aircraft, or imagination on the
        captured German V-1 or V-2 missiles, or          military performed several dives in the part of the observer.  Echo, radar, and
        perhaps another early form of cruise             affected lakes shortly after the crashes, other equipment registered readings but
        missile because of the ways they were            but found nothing other than occasional gave no clue as to the nature of the
        sometimes seen to maneuver. This                 craters in the lake bottom or torn off objects". It was also stated that fragments
        prompted the  Swedish Army to issue a            aquatic plants.                                  alleged to have come from the missiles

        directive stating that newspapers were                                                            were nothing more than ordinary coke or
        not to report the exact location of ghost        The best known of these crashes occurred slag.
        rocket sightings, or any information             on  July 19, 1946, into  Lake  Kölmjärv,
        regarding the direction or speed of the          Sweden. Witnesses reported a gray, On  December 3, 1946, a memo was
        object. This information, they reasoned,         rocket-shaped object with wings crashing drafted for the  Swedish  Ghost  Rocket
        was vital for evaluation purposes to the         in the lake.  One witness interviewed committee stating "nearly one hundred
        nation or nations assumed to be                  heard a thunderclap, possibly the object impacts have been reported and thirty
        performing the tests.                            exploding.  However, a 3-week military pieces of debris have been received and

                                                         search reported nothing.                         examined by Swedish National Defence
        Descriptions & Early                                                                              Research  Institute (FOA)". The debris
        Investigations                                   Immediately after the investigation, the was later said to be meteorite
                                                         Swedish  Air  Force officer who led the fragments.[citation needed] Of the nearly
        The early  Soviet origins theory was search, Karl-Gösta Bartoll  submitted  a 1,000 reports that had been received by
        rejected  by Swedish, British,  and U.S. report in which he stated that the bottom the Swedish Defense Staff to November
        military investigators because no of the lake had been disturbed but 29, 225 were considered observations of
        recognizable rocket fragments were ever nothing was recovered and that "there are "real physical objects" and every one had
        found, and according to some sightings, many indications that the  Kölmjärv been seen in broad daylight.

        the objects displayed some combination object disintegrated itself...the object was
        of leaving no exhaust trail, moving too probably manufactured in a lightweight
                                                         material, possibly a kind of magnesium                              (Continued on Page 49)
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