Page 49 - The 'X' Chronicles Newspaper - February 2023 Edition
P. 49

Ghost Rockets                                                                            49

                        GHOST                                                                             The document also mentioned a search

                                                                                                          for an object crashing in a Swedish lake
                                                                                                          conducted by a  Swedish naval salvage
                                                                                                          team, with the discovery of a previously
               Continued from Page 48                                                                     unknown crater on the lake floor believed
                                                                                                          caused by the object (possibly
        U.S. InvolvementU.S.                                                                              referencing the Lake Kölmjärv search for

        Involvement                                                                                       a ghost rocket discussed above, though
                                                                                                          the date is unclear). The document ends

        In early  August 1946,  Swedish  Lt.                                                              with the statement that "we are inclined
        Lennart Neckman of the Defense Staff's                                                            not to discredit entirely this somewhat
        Air Defense Division saw something that                                                           spectacular      theory     [extraterrestrial
        was "without a doubt ... a rocket                                                                 origins], meantime keeping an open mind
        projectile". On August 14, 1946, the New                                                          on the subject".
                                                         and do not overfly  Swedish territory
        York Times reported that Undersecretary
                                                         specifically for intimidation; self-destruct
        of State Dean Acheson was "very much                                                              Greek government investigation
                                                         by small demolition charge or burning".
        interested" in the ghost rocket reports, as
        was U.S. Army Air Forces intelligence as                                                          The "ghost rocket" reports were not
                                                         Nevertheless, there are no reports of
        indicated nonpublicly by later documents                                                          confined to  Scandinavian countries.
                                                         rocket launches at  Peenemünde or the
        (Clark, 246). Then on  August 20, the                                                             Similar objects were also reported early
                                                         Greifswalder Oie  after February  21,
        Times reported that two U.S. experts on                                                           the following month by  British  Army
        aerial warfare, aviation legend  General                                                          units in  Greece, especially around
        Jimmy Doolittle  and General David                                                                Thessaloniki.  In an interview on
                                                         Swedish military opinion
        Sarnoff, president of  RCA, arrived in                                                            September 5, 1946, the  Greek  Prime

        Stockholm, ostensibly on private                                                                  Minister,      Konstantinos        Tsaldaris,
                                                         Although the official opinion of the
        business and independently of each other.                                                         likewise reported a number of projectiles
                                                         Swedish and  U.S. military remains
        The official explanation was that                                                                 had been seen over  Macedonia and
                                                         unclear, a Top  Secret  USAFE (United
        Doolittle, who was now vice-president of                                                          Thessaloniki on  September 1.  In mid-
                                                         States Air Force Europe) document from
        the Shell Oil Company,  was  inspecting                                                           September, they were also seen in
                                                         4 November 1948 indicates that at least
        Shell branch offices in  Europe, while                                                            Portugal, and then in  Belgium and
                                                         some investigators believed the ghost
        Sarnoff, a former member of  General                                                              northern Italy.
                                                         rockets and later "flying saucers" had
        Dwight D. Eisenhower's London  staff,
                                                         extraterrestrial origins. Declassified only
        was studying the market for radio                                                                 The  Greek government conducted their
                                                         in 1997, the document states:
        equipment.  However, the Times story                                                              own investigation, with their leading
        indicated that the  Chief of the  Swedish                                                         scientist,  physicist Dr. Paul Santorinis
                                                         "For some time we have been concerned
        Defense  Staff, made no secret that he                                                            [el], in charge.  Santorinis had been a
                                                         by the recurring reports on flying
        "was extremely interested in asking the                                                           developer of the proximity fuze on the
                                                         saucers.  They periodically continue to
        two generals' advice and, if possible,                                                            first  A-bomb and held patents on
                                                         c[r]op up; during the last week, one was
        would place all available reports before                                                          guidance systems for  Nike missiles and
                                                         observed hovering over  Neubiberg Air
        them". Doolittle and Sarnoff were briefed                                                         radar systems. Santorinis was supplied by
                                                         Base for about thirty minutes. They have
        that on several occasions the ghost                                                               the Greek Army with a team of engineers
                                                         been reported by so many sources and
        rockets had been tracked on radar.[6]                                                             to investigate what again were believed
                                                         from such a variety of places that we are
        Sarnoff was quoted by the N.Y. Times on                                                           to be Soviet missiles flying over Greece.
                                                         convinced      that     they    cannot      be
        September 30 saying that he was
                                                         disregarded and must be explained on
        "convinced that the 'ghost bombs' are no                                                          In a 1967 lecture to the  Greek
                                                         some basis which is perhaps slightly
        myth but real missiles".                                                                          Astronomical  Society, broadcast on
                                                         beyond the scope of our present                  Athens Radio, Santorinis  first  publicly
                                                         intelligence thinking.
        On August 22, 1946, the director of the                                                           revealed what had been found in his 1947
        Central Intelligence Group  (CIG), Lt.                                                            investigation. "We soon established that
                                                         "When officers of this  Directorate
        Gen.  Hoyt Vandenberg, wrote a Top                                                                they were not missiles.  But, before we
                                                         recently visited the  Swedish Air
        Secret memo to  President Truman,                                                                 could do any more, the  Army, after
                                                         Intelligence  Service, this question was
        perhaps based in part on information                                                              conferring      with     foreign     officials
                                                         put to the Swedes. Their answer was that
        from Doolittle and Sarnoff. Vandenberg                                                            (presumably U.S. Defense Dept.),
                                                         some reliable and fully technically
        stated that the "weight of evidence                                                               ordered the investigation stopped.
                                                         qualified people have reached the
        pointed to  Peenemünde as origin of the                                                           Foreign scientists [from Washington]
                                                         conclusion that 'these phenomena are
        missiles, that  US  MA [military attaché]                                                         flew to Greece for secret talks with me".
                                                         obviously the result of a high technical
        in  Moscow had been told by 'key                                                                  Later Santorinis  told UFO  researchers
                                                         skill which cannot be credited to any
        Swedish  Air  Officer' that radar course-                                                         such as  Raymond  Fowler that secrecy
                                                         presently known culture on earth'.  They
        plotting had led to conclusion that                                                               was invoked because officials were afraid
                                                         are therefore assuming that these objects
        Peenemünde was the launch site.  CIG                                                              to admit of a superior technology against
                                                         originate from some previously unknown
        speculates that the missiles are extended-                                                        which we have "no possibility of
                                                         or unidentified technology, possibly
        range developments of V-1 being aimed                                                             defense". []
                                                         outside the earth".
        for the Gulf of Bothnia for test purposes
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