Page 52 - The 'X' Chronicles Newspaper - February 2023 Edition
P. 52

52                 3 Chinese Spy Ballons in Trump Admin

               The 3 Chinese Spy

          Balloons Spotted During

                      The Trump

             Administration Were

             Initially Classified As


        Days after a  Chinese spy balloon was
        shot down over the  Atlantic  Ocean,
        Pentagon officials are acknowledging the

        surveillance devices have been seen
        floating over the United States before.

        In  former President Donald  Trump's
        administration, at least three surveillance
        balloons were detected traversing the
        country, officials acknowledged in a
        Sunday press conference.  Bloomberg
        reported the devices were initially

        categorized by intelligence officials as
                                                         "So those balloons, so every day as a Jazeera, and was popularized during the
        "unidentified aerial phenomena" before
                                                         NORAD           commander         it's     my first World War. The F-22 that took down
        being identified as balloons.
                                                         responsibility to detect threats to  North China's surveillance balloon on Saturday
                                                         America," General Glen  VanHerck, used the call sign 'FRANK01' in homage
        In December, the Department of Defense
                                                         commander of the  North  American to a heroic pilot from WWI, known for
        established  the All-domain Anomaly
                                                         Aerospace Defense Command,  said  at shooting down over a dozen enemy
        Resolution        Office      to     identify
                                                         the  Monday briefing regarding the balloons. []
        "unidentified anomalous phenomena" —
                                                         Trump-era balloons. "I will tell you that
        in space, in the air, on land, or in the sea
                                                         we did not detect those threats. And that's       DEBUNKED:  The Earth  Will
        — that may threaten national security.
                                                         a domain awareness gap that we have to            Go Dark For Two Weeks
        The term  UAP replaces the traditional
                                                         figure out.  But  I don't want to go into
        "unidentified flying object" or  UFO
                                                         further detail."
        designation, as officials expect to
        evaluate anomalies "across all domains."
                                                         General VanHerck said the intelligence
                                                         community was briefed after the
        During his term as president, Trump
                                                         balloons were spotted during the Trump
        promised to "take a good, strong look" at
                                                         administration and trained to assess
        whether UFOs existed and, in 2020, the
                                                         similar threats, which contributed to the
        Pentagon released formerly classified
                                                         recent balloon being detected more
        footage of unexplained phenomena
                                                         quickly than previous incidents.
        Trump called a "hell of a video,"  CBS
        News reported.
                                                         As the latest known Chinese surveillance
                                                         device floated over the country last week         In July 2015, a website called
        Trump, however, denies the                                                                         "NewsWatch33" wrote an article claiming
                                                         before being shot down off the  South
        balloons ever existed                                                                              that Earth would have 15 days of complete
                                                         Carolina coast of Myrtle Beach, Trump
                                                                                                           darkness that year.  The website, which is
                                                         took aim at the  Biden administration,            actually a fake news site, was borrowing
        In a  Sunday interview with  Fox  News,
                                                         calling for officials to "SHOOT DOWN              from an older version of the tale that has
        Trump said the Biden administration lied
                                                         THE BALLOON!"                                     been circulating for years, according to
        about  Chinese balloons being seen
                                                                                                           debunking website Snopes. As we all know,
        during his term because "they look so            It is unclear if the spy balloons seen            Earth did not actually experience that much
        bad."                                                                                              darkness that year. (The article claimed that
                                                         during the Trump administration were
                                                                                                           the alleged darkness was partly due to a
                                                         shot down, as limited details about the
        "This never happened," he said. "It                                                                Jupiter-Venus conjunction, which actually
                                                         incidents were only made public this
        would have never happened."                      week. The Pentagon declined to answer             took place more than 500 million miles
                                                                                                           apart.) Darkness occurs when the Earth
                                                         Insider's questions about the sightings           rotates, causing the sun to "set" on the local
        The  Biden administration indicated
                                                         and representatives for Trump did not             horizon. Brief periods of darkness can also
        intelligence regarding the Trump-era
                                                         immediately respond to  Insider's                 happen when the sun is totally obscured
        balloons came to light after he left office
                                                         requests for comment.                             during total solar eclipses, which occur
        and has extended an offer to brief the                                                             rarely in any particular spot on Earth. But
        former President on the new information          Balloon surveillance has been utilized as         even during an eclipse, Earth is never
        available, Politico reported.                                                                      completely in the dark.
                                                         far back as the 1800s, according to Al
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