Page 55 - The 'X' Chronicles Newspaper - February 2023 Edition
P. 55

China Balloon Collecting Intelligence                                                                                    55

            US Says China Balloon                        sensitivity of the collection process.           balloon prior to the coast of South
                                                                                                          Carolina,” said Sen. Susan Collins, R-
         Could Collect Intelligence
                                                         The State Department official, providing Maine. “By the administration’s logic we
                         Signals                         details to reporters by email, also on would allow the Chinese to fly

                                                         condition of anonymity, said an analysis surveillance balloons over the Pentagon
                                                         of the balloon debris was “inconsistent” or other sensitive sites and populated

            Continued from Front Page                    with China’s explanation that it was a areas.”
                                                         weather balloon that went off course. The
                                                         U.S. is reaching out to countries that have Melissa Dalton, assistant defense
                                                         also been targeted, the official said.           secretary of Homeland Defense, and Lt.
        The U.S. flatly contradicted China’s
                                                                                                          Gen. Doug Sims, director of operations
        version of events, saying that imagery of
                                                         The U.S. has confidence that the for the Joint Chiefs of Staff, said the U.S.
        the balloon collected by  American U-2
                                                         manufacturer of the balloon shot down on wanted to avoid any injuries or deaths
        spy planes as it crossed the country
                                                         Saturday has “a direct relationship with from the debris field if the balloon was
        showed that it was “capable of
                                                         China’s military and is an approved shot down over Alaska.
        conducting         signals       intelligence
                                                         vendor of the” army, the official said,
        collection” with multiple antennas and
                                                         citing an official PLA procurement portal And they added that shooting it down
        other equipment designed to upload
                                                         as evidence.                                     over the frigid, icy waters in that region
        sensitive information and solar panels to
                                                                                                          would have made it more difficult and
        power them.
                                                         State Department spokesman Ned Price dangerous to recover the pieces for more
                                                         would not identify the other countries the analysis.
        Jedidiah Royal, the U.S. assistant defense
                                                         U.S. says have also been targeted. Nor
        secretary for the Indo-Pacific, told a
                                                         would he reveal how the U.S. knows “We thought before we shot,” said
        Senate Appropriations subcommittee that
                                                         there have been Chinese incursions over Sims.This is not the first time the U.S.
        the military has “some very good
                                                         those countries’ territory, saying to do so government has publicly called out
        guesses” about what intelligence China
                                                         could compromise intelligence sources alleged activities of the People’s
        was seeking. More information was
                                                         and methods.                                     Liberation  Army. In a first-of-its-kind
        expected to be provided in a classified
                                                                                                          prosecution in 2014, the Obama
                                                         The release of new information appeared administration                Justice    Department
                                                         part of a coordinated administration indicted five accused PLA hackers of
        Senior FBI officials who briefed
                                                         response,      with    multiple      officials breaking into the computer networks of
        reporters on the condition of anonymity
                                                         appearing        before       congressional major American corporations in an effort
        under ground rules set by the bureau said
                                                         committees to face questions about the to steal trade secrets. []
        just a few pieces of the balloon had
        arrived at the FBI’s Quantico,  Virginia,
                                                                                                           DEBUNKED: Alien Spacecraft
        lab for investigation. So far, investigators
                                                         Testifying before the Senate Foreign
        have parts of the balloon canopy, wiring,                                                          Caused A Mysterious
                                                         Relations Committee, Deputy Secretary
        and what one official called “a very small                                                         Explosion - Russia.
                                                         of State  Wendy Sherman said officials
        amount of electronics.” The official said
                                                         had taken “all necessary steps to protect
        it was “very early for us to assess what
                                                         sensitive information” and had been able
        the intent was and how the device was                                                              Back in 2004, an expedition of Russian
                                                         to study and scrutinize the balloon and its       researchers working in Siberia claimed to
                                                         equipment.                                        have discovered "an extraterrestrial device"
                                                                                                           close to where the mysterious  Tunguska
        According to two U.S. officials, the
                                                         “We will continue to answer the dangers           explosion occurred. Scientists still aren't
        balloon recovery efforts were temporarily                                                          sure exactly what it was that blew up in the
                                                         posed by the PRC with determination and
        suspended on Thursday due to high seas.                                                            sky over Siberia that day in 1908, but the
                                                         resolve,” Sherman said, referring to the
        They said some balloon debris was intact                                                           leading theory is that it was a large
                                                         People’s Republic of China. “We will
        on the ocean floor and divers had                                                                  meteorite or an asteroid, according to Live
                                                         make clear to the PRC that violations of
        recovered        potentially      high-value                                                       Science.
                                                         our sovereignty and the sovereignty of
        equipment over the past day and a half.
                                                         other countries are unacceptable.”                The Tunguska incident flattened hundreds
        Another official said that some of the
                                                                                                           of square miles of forest, and signs of the
        recovered equipment components had
                                                         At a separate Senate subcommittee                 destruction were visible even decades
        English writing or markings on them but                                                            afterward.  At the time, news reports
                                                         hearing, lawmakers repeatedly pressed
        it wasn’t clear if they were  American                                                             claimed that evidence of aliens was found
                                                         administration       officials,    including
        parts or from another English speaking                                                             at the site, but this claim was never
                                                         Pentagon military leaders, about why the
        country. The official said the more highly                                                         substantiated. "The Russian team stupidly
                                                         balloon was not shot down over sparsely
        technical parts recovered did not have                                                             stated long before they went to Siberia that
                                                         populated areas of  Alaska.  And they             the main intention of their expedition was
        any overt markings.
                                                         questioned whether allowing the balloon           to find the remnants of an alien spaceship,"
                                                         to transit such a large area set a precedent      Benny Peiser, a researcher at Liverpool
        Much of the debris is concentrated in two
                                                         for future spying efforts by China and            John Moores University in the U.K., told
        separate sections of an area 15 football
                                                         others.                                  "And bingo! A week later, that's
        fields long and 15 fields across,                                                                  what they claim to have found."
        according to the officials who spoke on
                                                         “It defies belief that there was not a
        condition of anonymity because of the
                                                         single opportunity to safely shoot this spy
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