Page 59 - The 'X' Chronicles Newspaper - February 2023 Edition
P. 59

Balloon Part of Vast Aerial Spy Program 59

          Chinese Balloon Part Of

           Vast Aerial Surveillance

               Program, U.S. Says

               Continued from Page 58

        The ministry initially issued a statement,
        saying China “regrets that the airship
        strayed into the United States by
        mistake.” Since then, Beijing has been
        contacting its neighbors to keep lines of
        communications          open     amid      the
        burgeoning crisis — a signal, said one
        official in the Pacific region, that Beijing
        was embarrassed by the balloon’s flight

        across the United States and trying to
        quell the controversy.

        In a statement over the weekend, a
        Ministry of Foreign Affairs spokesperson
        appealed for maintaining “a coolheaded
        and prudent” approach to the incident.
                                                                                             N O R A D

        A U.S. official said that “there was no                           ~ North American Defense Command ~
        sense that” the balloon’s incursion into
        continental U.S. airspace on the eve of                                              Agreement

        Blinken’s visit was a deliberate
        provocation. But, the person added, “We
                                                           The common defense of the North American continent traces its history back to
        are confident that this was a purposeful
                                                           1940 when Canadian Prime Minister Mackenzie King and U.S. President
        global program.”
                                                           Franklin Roosevelt met to discuss the war in Europe and mutual defense
        “China’s foreign policy is a constant
        search for leverage and in most
                                                           In September 1957, the two nations agreed to create the “North American Air
        circumstances        there      are     ample
                                                           Defense Command” (NORAD) headquartered in Colorado Springs, Colo. as a
        opportunities,” said the official. “In this
                                                           bi-national command, centralizing operational control of continental air defenses
        one, there would appear to be very few.
                                                           against the threat of Soviet bombers. On May 12, 1958, the agreement between
        So when the Chinese appeal for calm and
                                                           the Canadian and U.S. governments that established NORAD was formalized.
        coolheadedness you can be sure they’re
                                                           The agreement included 11 principles governing the organization and operation
        nearly out of options.” []
                                                           of NORAD and called for a renewal of the agreement in 10 years.

          DEBUNKED: I Just Saw A
                                                           The first renewal of the agreement came in March 1968.  The NORAD
          Bright UFO!
                                                           Agreement has been reviewed, revised, renewed or extended several times since
                                                           then: May 1973; May 1975; May 1980; March 1981 (when the name was
                                                           changed to “North  American  Aerospace Defense Command”); March 1986;
          It's a familiar trope for police stations and
                                                           April 1991; March 1996; June 2000; and May 2006.
          astronomy writers. From time to time,
          somebody will call (or write) in to say they
          just saw a UFO in the sky. While UFO is          The March 1996 renewal redefined NORAD’s missions as aerospace warning
          the term used for any flying object that an      and aerospace control for North  America.  The new agreement included a
          observer cannot identify, many people            consultative mechanism for issues concerning aerospace defense cooperation
          claim that they are alien spaceships. They       and, a provision for the review and management of environmental practices
          spotted a bright light around sunset, or saw
                                                           related to NORAD operations. As part of its aerospace control mission, NORAD
          a light moving around in an unfamiliar way.
                                                           also assists civil authorities in the detection and monitoring of aircraft suspected
                                                           of illegal drug trafficking.
          While every situation is different, one
          common explanation for "UFOs" is actually
          another extraterrestrial object:  Venus.         The May 2006 renewal added a maritime warning mission to the command's
          Venus can be extremely bright when it's at       existing missions.
          its closest, because it's relatively near Earth.
          The planet is also extremely reflective          The on-going adaptation of NORAD’s mission and capabilities to meet the
          because the sun's light bounces off the
                                                           challenges posed by ever-changing threats testifies to the strength of the
          clouds. So before calling to say you've
                                                           NORAD Agreement and the close cooperation between Canada and the United
          spotted a UFO, check your sky charts!
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