Page 63 - The 'X' Chronicles Newspaper - February 2023 Edition
P. 63
More of Those Amazing FACT*oids 63
MORE OF THOSE Kentucky. 43 percent under budget.
- Technically, Starburst is a kind of taffy. - Michigan is the state with the largest
FACT*oids portion of its area that water (41.5
- The oldest running online webcam percent).
stream is San Francisco’s FogCam,
- Champion racehorse Secretariat had a which has been going since 1994. - In captivity, cheetahs experience such
heart almost twice as big as a regular severe anxiety that zoos often pair them
horse’s. - Cate Blanchett was the first person to with emotional support dogs.
win an Oscar for playing an Oscar, who
- All 50 states of the United States have played Katherine Hepburn in The Aviator - Hunting for sport in Costa Rica is illegal
an official state soil, (Maryland’s is (2004). and was banned in 2012.
sassafras soil.)
- The U.S. federal government issued - All species of octopus are venomous,
- “Fist” games, similar to “rock paper Santa Claus a pilot’s licence in 1927. but only the blue-ringed octopuss’ venom
scissors,” originated in China and date is deadly to humans.
back to the 3rd century BC. - Hiltl in Zurich, Switzerland, which
opened in 1898 is the world’s oldest - The mother of ‘80s rock star Adam Ant
- Helium is the only element that stays vegetarian restaurant. was the house cleaner for rock star Sir
liquid when cooled to absolute zero. (- Paul McCartney.
459.6 degrees F). - In a 2021 study, 40% of American kids
said they thought hot dogs were - More bank robberies occur in Italy than
- About half of all elephants in zoos are vegetables. in the rest of Europe put together.
over weight.
- The inspiration for Arthur Miller’s -The BC and AD dating system was
- British children are not legally Death of a Salesman was the author’s proposed in AD 525, but wasn’t used
permitted to own goldfish until age 16. uncle, Manny Newman, a successful until more than 300 years later.
- August 14, 1936, That was the day the - The response to. “Liar, liar, pants on
last public execution in the U.S. - a - The Empire State Building cost $24.7 Fire” is “I don’t care, I don’t care, I can
hanging - took place in Owensburg, million to build. At that price, it came in buy another pair.” []