Page 65 - The 'X' Chronicles Newspaper - February 2023 Edition
P. 65
Lake Ontario’s Bermuda Triangle 65
‘Strange things out there’: DEBUNKED: NASA Can
Inside Lake Ontario’s Travel Faster Than Light.
‘Bermuda Triangle’
If you've seen the "Star Trek" clips that
show the Enterprise spaceship warping
Continued from Page 64 (opens in new tab) into another sector, you
might have wondered how fast NASA is
making progress on being able to move at
the speed of light. The EmDrive has created
It all began in Bermuda
years of speculation, with some
breathlessly saying NASA must be on the
Before Hugh Cochrane identified the verge of breaking the famed barrier.In
Marysburgh Vortex, there was the reality, NASA is downplaying the reports.
Bermuda Triangle, a stretch of ocean The engine in question is a prototype that is
between Miami, Bermuda and Puerto producing some interesting results, such as
appearing to create thrust when there was
Rico with an allegedly high incidence of
no reason for this to happen – and thereby
shipwrecks and mysterious
breathless cadence of a true believer, violating Newton's Third Law of Motion.
blending densely packed historical That said, NASA has not yet verified the
anecdotes with an elaborate set of results from these tests, and the engine has
Charles Berlitz, scion of the Berlitz pseudoscientific explanations that are not been widely discussed in peer-reviewed
Language School empire, is credited with hard to pin down. research.
popularizing the legend. His 1974 best-
seller The Bermuda Triangle sold nearly DEBUNKED: We’ve Launched
Cochrane himself, who, according to an
20-million copies worldwide, and acquaintance, passed away in 1999, is an Balloons Into Space.
transformed the once-obscure bit of elusive figure. Attempts to track down
nautical lore into a household name, additional biographical details have been With the advent of high-resolution,
spawning an army of imitators in the miniature cameras, several people have
futile. Perhaps, as one Facebook
process. decided to strap these cameras on to high-
commenter suggested, “the Vortex got
altitude balloons and take pictures from up
The Bass Strait Triangle in Australia, the high. They've caught glimpses of blackness
Broad Haven Triangle in Wales and the Regardless of what became of the man, and, at times, taken interesting tiny
Bennington Triangle in Vermont are just passengers along (such as Lego pieces and
the legend of the Marysburgh Vortex a Canadian flag in 2012). So they must be
a few examples of the triangle boom of
lives on in the hearts and minds of Prince in space, right? There's no way a helium
the 1970s and ‘80s. Edward County residents like Janet balloon can get into space, according to the
Kellough. California Institute of Technology (opens in
Even the term “Bermuda Triangle” has new tab), and simple physics explains why.
become synonymous with the When a balloon rises into the sky, the air
“There’s something very special about
unexplained, and finds itself attached to inside will expand in response to the
that area, and I think anybody who’s
places nowhere near Bermuda. There is spent any time close to it feels that.” dropping atmospheric pressure and
the Alaskan Bermuda Triangle, the eventually pop. Even Felix Baumgartner's
stunning high-altitude balloon jump in
Mexican Bermuda Triangle, the Whether or not the Vortex is the result of 2012 was not actually from space, but from
Romanian Bermuda Triangle, the African
supernatural forces is of less importance the stratosphere, which extends to roughly
Bermuda Triangle — even the Bermuda
to Kellough. There are many mysterious 31 miles (50 kilometers) above the Earth's
Triangle of Space. places on this planet. But the history, surface. At that altitude the air is thin
geography, culture and experiences that enough to see the blackness of space, but
It’s possible to view Cochrane’s inform this legend are actually quite thick enough to support special high-
Marysburgh Vortex as an attempt to cash altitude balloons. The boundary between
familiar. They are the texture that makes
in on the popularity of the Bermuda Earth's atmosphere and outer space is about
life in this small corner of southern twice as high as the upper limits of the
Triangle by transposing it onto a Ontario unique. stratosphere.
Canadian locale.
“It’s an absolutely wonderful story. And
It would be hard to believe that Cochrane “The Only difference between and
we have too few wonderful stories in this
was not influenced by the Bermuda Dream and Reality is Doing It!”
world.” []
Triangle legend. Both stories document a - Rob McConnell
pattern of disappearing ships and planes
over a roughly triangular body of water.
Even the cover of Gateway to Oblivion is
Hosted by
a mirror image of Berlitz’ original.
is on
Still, many of the shipwreck stories THE ‘X’ ZONE BROADCAST NETWORK
featured in Gateway to Oblivion have Available For Your Listening Pleasure at
been part of local lore, long before the
Bermuda Triangle ever existed as a Visit the Paranormal StakeOut Website at
concept. And Cochrane writes with the