Page 70 - The 'X' Chronicles Newspaper - February 2023 Edition
P. 70

70                          Ancestors of Coffee and Potatoes

           Ancestors of Coffee and

                Potatoes Survived
         Cataclysm That Killed the

              Dinosaurs Discovery
             extends the record of

           nearly 40,000 species of
            flowering plants to the

                Cretaceous period

               Continued from Page 69

        To confirm his thinking about the fossil,
        Atkinson needed to take a closer look. He
        studied the fossil fruit’s structures using

        light microscopy, which allowed him to
        generate beautiful photographs of the
        specimen.        By      scrutinizing       its
                                                         deep time to better reconcile how modern wine-like drink (yum!?).
        arrangement of ridges, pits, rows, and
                                                         biodiversity came to be—and potentially
        tubercles, the KU investigator could
                                                         how it will fare in the future with climate -  There are two main types: Arabica
        make      comparisons       to    previously
                                                         change,” said Atkinson. “I’ve been trying and Robusta.
        described fossils to place it correctly          to characterize these evolutionary events               Growers predominantly plant the
        within its family tree.  The work
                                                         of flowering plants in the Cretaceous Arabica species. Although less popular,
        challenged Atkinson because he’d never
                                                         period, when the diversity of these plants Robusta tastes slightly more bitter and
        described a “compression fossil” of its
                                                         just exploded. The Cretaceous record of contains more caffeine.
        kind.                                            lamiids has been hard to establish, but I

                                                         knew these fossils had to be around. The - Brazil grows the most coffee in the
        “I'm used to working on fossils that
                                                         West Coast of North America is under- world.
        preserve in a different mode called
                                                         sampled for Cretaceous plants compared                  Today, Brazil produces about third
        ‘permineralization,’” Atkinson  said.
                                                         to the Western Interior and East Coast of of the world's supply, according to the
        “This is my first paper on a compression         North  America. By broadening our International Coffee Organization, about
        fossil, and it was a little bit nerve-           sampling geographically, we'll come twice as much as the second place holder,
        wracking, working in a different
                                                         across more and more plants to help us Vietnam.
        preservation type than you're used to.
                                                         understand Cretaceous diversification
        Imaging it is a whole different process—
                                                         that led to modern biodiversity.”                - Only two U.S. states produce coffee.
        I'm glad this turned out so well.”                                                                       Kona coffee is the United States'
                                                              SOME COFFEE TRIVIA                          gift to the coffee world. Because coffee
        After placing the fossil plant within the
                                                                                                          traditionally grows best in climates along
        genus      Palaeophytocrene,        Atkinson
                                                         - The drink dates back to 800 A.D.               the equator, Hawaii's weather is optimal
        named the species chicoensis after the
                                                                Legend has it that 9th-century goat       for harvesting beans. California also
        Chico Formation where it was found.
                                                         herders noticed the effect caffeine had on       recently got into the coffee game with
                                                         their goats, who appeared to "dance" after       dozens of farms now churning out pricey
        “I just named it after the formation it was
                                                         eating the fruit of the Coffea plant.  A         premium bags.
        recovered from,” he said. “Part of my job
                                                         local monk then made a drink with the
        is coming up with scientific names for
                                                         produce and found that it kept him awake         - Multiple people have tried to ban
        new species that I describe, but I’m not
                                                         at night, thus the original cup of coffee        coffee.
        that creative about it—usually I look up
                                                         was born.                                               Back in 1511, leaders in Mecca
        the location where it was discovered. Has
                                                                                                          believed it stimulated radical thinking
        that name been taken already?”
                                                         - Coffee beans are technically seeds.            and outlawed the drink. Some 16th-
                                                                They're the pits of the cherry-like       century Italian clergymen also tried to
        If the fossil fruit’s name is humdrum, it’s
                                                         berries found on the flowering shrubs,           ban coffee because they believed it to be
        significance isn’t.  The KU researcher
                                                         but we call them "beans" because of the          "satanic." However, Pope Clement  VII
        said the findings help establish that one
                                                         resemblance to legumes.                          loved coffee so much that he lifted the
        of the most diverse flowering plant
                                                                                                          ban and had coffee baptized in 1600.
        groups survived the cataclysm that killed
                                                         - And you can eat coffee cherries as a                  Even as recently as the 18th
        the dinosaurs to evolve into thousands of
                                                         food.                                            century, the Swedish government made
        familiar modern species, including vital
                                                                Early on, people mixed coffee             both coffee and coffee paraphernalia
        food crops for humanity.
                                                         berries with fat to create an energy-rich        (including cups and dishes) illegal for its
                                                         snack ball, according to PBS.  They              supposed ties to rebellious sentiment. []
        “My research involves understanding
                                                         would also ferment the pulp to make a
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