Page 75 - The 'X' Chronicles Newspaper - February 2023 Edition
P. 75

Sasquatch in Thunder Bay Region of ON? 75

               Sasquatch Sighting

          Increase In Thunder Bay
               Region of Ontario,


               Continued from Page 74

        "Also, it's for these people, too, who have

        this kind of amazing thing happen to
        them, and they're afraid to talk about it,
        because no one's going to take them
        seriously," Fruetel said. "They can just
        get it off their chest."

        Glowing red lights

        As for the project itself, "it's me and my
        girlfriend doing it together," Fruetel said.

        They currently operate a Twitter account,
        which was launched in July, and accept guys had a moose camp up there, and
        submissions via email.                           they found a nine-inch footprint in the Another notable bit of Manitoba
                                                         mud."                                            weirdness involved a couple walking
        When he spoke to CBC, Fruetel said he'd                                                           along Lake Winnipeg at dusk, when they
        so far received eight substantial reports "There's plenty of humans with nine were suddenly overcome by a feeling of
        (as well as several that were light on inches, or even larger, feet," Fruetel said. being watched.
        detail, and whose submitters couldn't be "But what was odd about it was wide: it

        reached for any sort of follow-up, and looked about twice as wide as a human's Then, they saw a set of eyes, about seven
        have thus been disregarded).                     foot would."                                     feet off the ground, in the brush.

        "I was hoping I would get more out of Fruetel said the print was very deep in the "They got out of there," Fruetel said.
        western Ontario," he said. "I haven't mud, and "had a wide heel, the foot didn't "Something bipedal paralleled them,
        gotten any sasquatch sightings out of taper towards the heel like a human's foot stayed in the brush but it paralleled them
        there yet."                                      would."                                          and walked with them as they got out of
                                                                                                          that area."
        That's not to say he doesn't have any The group covered the print with a tarp,
        reports from the area, however. One and brought a life-long hunter and trapper Fruetel says Great Lakes Sasquatch is
        individual contacted Fruetel and told of to look at the print, which was found in a looking for all manner of strange
        an encounter with something while he very remote area, only accessible by boat. encounters in the woods, whether they

        was out smelt fishing one night (the                                                              involve a possible sasquatch, or
        witness didn't disclose the exact location, "He was just dumbfounded by it, too," something else entirely.
        so "western Ontario" is as specific as it Fruetel said.
        gets in this case).                                                                               "Pretty much the criteria is the areas
                                                         Another Manitoba incident took place in we're covering," he said. "If it happened
        The man reported "glowing red lights" the Powerview-Pine Falls, area, and in the woods and it's weird, we'd like to

        floating in the woods, Fruetel said.             involved an actual sighting of a large, hear it." []
                                                         hairy figure as it crossed a road.

        "He said he watched these glowing lights
        for a little bit, and then they did very "It appeared to be eight feet tall," Fruetel
        quick manoeuvres above him," Fruetel said. "It crossed the road in three steps.
        said. "He said he ran to the truck and left Completely bipedal, and it had a human-
        very quickly."                                   type stride."

        As far as actual sasquatch reports go, "It almost appeared to glide.  The head
        however, Fruetel has received a number didn't bounce as it walked, like a human's
        of reports from Manitoba.                        does."

        Crossed a road in 'three steps'                  That sighting was a brief one, however,
                                                         and no other details were provided.                    BEAUTIFUL MIND COFFEE

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        "I got one in northern Manitoba, near the
        town of The Pas," he said. "A group of           'We'd like to hear it'                        
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