Page 78 - The 'X' Chronicles Newspaper - February 2023 Edition
P. 78

78                         Hoax Sparked Spiritualism Craze

              How a Hoax by Two                                       FACT*oids                           anyway, as kind of participation

          Sisters Helped Spark the                                                                        trophy.

               Spiritualism Craze                        - According to scientists, 40 percent
                                                         of people have a first memory that               - The main source of food for coral
                                                         didn’t really happen.                            is fish urine.
               Continued from Page 77

                                                         -In France, the 1975 movie  Jaws                 - Largest number whose name only

        “That I have been mainly instrumental in         was called Les Dents de la Mer, or               has one syllable is twelve.
        perpetuating the fraud of Spiritualism “The Teeth of the Sea.”
        upon a too-confiding public, many of you                                                          - Astronaut comes from two Ancient
        already know. It is the greatest sorrow of       - Six million years ago, otters were             Greek words that translate to “star
        my life.” Yet for believers, the news was                                                         sailor.”
                                                         as big as wolves.
        not necessarily a blow to spiritualism’s

                                                         - That’s using their heads: In the late          -  All the air on  Warth weighs 11

        “There are a lot of situations in which          1800’s road crews in  Argentina                  quintillion pounds.
        spiritualist mediums were caught faking, filled in potholes with sheep heads.
        committing fraud, or spiritualist mediums                                                         - Dolphins will allow other trusted
        made declarations similar to [Maggie’s           - There are about eight billion fog              adult dolphins to babysit their
        confession],” says Simone Natale, a                                                               children.
                                                         particles that would fit in a
        professor at the University of  Turin in
        Italy and author of Supernatural
                                                                                                          - A quarter of the world’s hazelnut
        Entertainments: Victorian  Spiritualism                                                           crop is used to make Nutella.
        and the Rise of Modern Media Culture.            - Qatar Airways has a rule limiting
        “But these never really stopped people six falcons to a plane’s economy

        from believing it."                              class section.                                   -  There are more hot springs in
                                                                                                          Yellowstone National Park than in
        It isn’t clear what motivated Maggie to                                                           the rest of the world combined/
                                                         -  The original prototype for the
        confess that it had all been a hoax in
                                                         television set was called a
        1888, nor is it clear why exactly she                                                             - Stomach acid can burn a hole
        recanted that confession the next year.          “shadowgraph.”
                                                                                                          through human skin.
        Regardless of Maggie and Kate’s true
        feelings about their careers as mediums, - Athletes who finished outside fo

        the spiritualist craze they had unwittingly the top three in the 1896 Olympics                    There are more FACT-oids in this
        helped start continued to be popular well        were awarded a bronze medal                      edition of The ‘X’ Chronicles.
        into the 20th century. []
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