Page 76 - The 'X' Chronicles Newspaper - February 2023 Edition
P. 76
76 Canada’s UFO Sightings in 2022
Which Province
Reportedly Had The Most
UFO Sightings In 2022
Hundreds of Canadians who cast their
eye to the sky reported UFO sightings
last year, according to a new survey by
Ufology Research.
The organization headed up by ufologist
and researcher Chris Rutkowski found
there were 768 UFO sightings recorded
in Canada in 2022. That figure was a
slight increase of six per cent from the
2021 survey, but is the fourth-lowest
number from the past 20 years.
“That’s still two a day somewhere in
wingsuit’ flying at an altitude of 13,000
Canada, so if you see a UFO, you’re in DEBUNKED: There Are
feet. The study said that the incident was
good company,” Rutkowski said in an Canals On Mars.
filed with Transport Canada.
interview with CTV Morning Live
Winnipeg on Thursday. Author Percival Lowell became one of
Witnesses in Vancouver also reported a
space's first popularizers when he wrote
large, disc-shaped object with a mirror-
An unidentified flying object, otherwise many books for the general public back in
like finish on its underside hovering over the late 1800s and early 1900s. In these
known as a UFO, was defined for the
their sailboat on the Fraser River in books and other writings, he said there were
study as ‘an object seen in the sky which
September. canals on Mars built by an intelligent
its observer cannot identify.’
civilization, perhaps to move water into
Many witnesses were pilots, police and desert-stricken areas. He claimed to have
According to the 2022 numbers, Quebec seen the canals in his own telescope, and
‘other individuals with reasonably good
led all provinces with about 29 per cent produced several sketches that are still
observing capabilities and good
of all Canadian UFO reports, narrowly available on the internet today. There are no
judgment,’ the study said.
edging out Ontario’s 28 per cent. artificial canals on Mars. Several spacecraft
have flown by the planet or orbited it, and
The survey was compiled from receipts not one has caught signs of aliens from
Meantime, Manitoba’s reported sightings
of reports directly from witnesses and orbit. What they have seen, however, are
were down last year, with Winnipeg
through data mining of known websites smaller channels that were created by
ranking lowest among metropolitan areas
devoted to UFO reports. The goal of the nature – likely from water, ice or other
with eight incidents. processes that cause erosion.
annual study is to help researchers
understand the controversial
“We usually hold our own with the rest of
phenomenon of UFOs.
Canada, depending on population,” DEBUNKED: There Are
Rutkowski said.
“From a scientific curiosity, if things like Canals On Mars.
this aren't supposed to exist, and yet
“There were a smaller number in
people report them and see them all the A long-standing theory known as Nemesis
Manitoba, but it's usually with population
time - what's going on? And if pilots are supposes that there is some sort of "death
with B.C., Toronto. More people around,
seeing things at close range, and they star" on the outer edge of the solar system,
more UFOs to be seen.” whose orbital motions perturb comets in an
don't know what's going on, and they're
icy region of objects known as the Oort
familiar with what's in the sky, I want to
Other key takeaways - about 8.2 per cent Cloud. According to the myth, the star's
know what's being seen,” Ratkowski
of all UFO reports were classified as gravity throws these comets toward the
unexplained. The typical sighting lasted inner solar system, and these comets collide
with Earth and cause mass extinctions once
about 13 minutes.
The findings from the report can be read every 27 million years. However, a 2011
on Ufology Research’s website. [] study concluded that this idea is unlikely,
The majority of the sightings, about 52
because the comet strikes in recorded
per cent, were simple lights in the sky. history haven't happened with any
Witnesses also reported UFOs shaped regularity. The pattern that was recorded in
like triangles, spheres and boomerangs. the hoax is actually a statistical artifact, or
KEVIN RANDLE the result of researchers trying to find
Listen Now At patterns in nature where they do not exist,
Some standouts - a pilot in Toronto the study's authors found.
reported in June seeing ‘a person in a