Page 80 - The 'X' Chronicles Newspaper - February 2023 Edition
P. 80

80                 Secret Sting to Expose Celebrity Psychic

            Inside the Secret Sting

             Operations to Expose

                Celebrity Psychic

               Continued from Page 79

        “We want the target to see dollar signs,
        not question marks,” said Mark Edward,

        a    mentalist      and    magician       who
        collaborates with Gerbic in organizing
        these operations.

        When the Facebook pages have aged
        enough to look real and the target psychic
        is in a town where some of Gerbic’s crew
        lives, she will call upon others of her
        SWAT team to leave their screens, don

        undercover identities of these Facebook
        sock puppets and head out into the mean
        streets of the corporeal sphere. The sting
                                                         somewhere around the mid-19th century. And throughout this rise of interest, there
        intends to catch the hustlers working their
                                                         Of course, there has always been a was a parallel rise in debunkers. The poet
        tricks, but Gerbic’s strategy also includes
                                                         general sense that there exists a Robert Browning once exposed the mid-
        luring these most susceptible of
                                                         supernatural gift for seeing into the 19th century Scottish psychic, Daniel
        audiences back into the ways of logical
                                                         future, the present (sometimes called Home, who claimed to conjure the spirit
        thought. To do this, she sends four or five
                                                         “remote viewing”) or the past (that is, of Browning’s infant son, who died
        of her shills to a show under these sock-
                                                         communicating with the dead). The hope young. Except Browning hadn’t lost a
        puppet names and has them record the
                                                         that this power exists reaches back to son.  Worse, the poet lunged at the
        psychic when he approaches and spews
                                                         some of the earliest civilizations — the apparition to unmask it and found himself
        all the made-up stories of life and death
                                                         court seers of the Egyptians, the Oracle of clutching Home’s bare foot. Helen
        from the fake Facebook pages.
                                                         Delphi just north of  Athens, the bone- Duncan was found to swallow a length of
                                                         reading shaman of ancient China. Among cheesecloth, which she could produce
        Once the psychic has been stung, the
                                                         the more recent big shifts in how we dramatically from her mouth as
        team will write up an account and then
                                                         conceive of supernatural communication ectoplasm. During an early-20th century
        post the evidence — video or sound —
                                                         occurred around the time of Charles séance, Frederick Munnings deployed a
        onto a website dedicated to a particular
                                                         Darwin, when there was an explosion of long voice-altering trumpet across the
        debunking mission, which Gerbic gives a
                                                         secular interest in the numinous, called room — a clever tactic undermined one
        memorable name. In future events, other
                                                         spiritualism.                                    night when someone accidentally
        skeptics      can     simply      slip    into
                                                                                                          switched on the light.
        performances and just leave cards with
                                                         This new popular pursuit found an
        these odd operation names printed on
                                                         audience across all classes and The idea of talking with the dead is one
                                                         denominations.  While the poor sought of those stubborn hopes that’s difficult
                                                         out their corner soothsayer, the smart set for a culture to move beyond. Famous
        “That’s why I do my stings with names
                                                         was happy to ponder the works of a skeptics like Harry Houdini left precise
        that     are      ridiculous:      Operation
                                                         Russian      mystic      named      Madame instructions with his wife and friends as
        Bumblebee, Operation Ice Cream Cone,
                                                         Blavatsky, whose “theosophies” were a to just how he would reach out, if it were
        Operation Pizza Roll,” she said. “They’re
                                                         kind of modern mash-up of religion, possible, after his death. Stanley Kubrick,
        all easy to spell and easy to remember. So
                                                         science and philosophy. In fact, a lot of in talking about his movie “The Shining”
        even if you throw the card away, you
                                                         this interest took the form of science — with Stephen King, confessed that he
        might remember ‘Operation Pizza Roll.’
                                                         people trying to measure these various found optimism in stories about the
        And you’ll say, You know what, I’ve got
                                                         powers or to discuss the supernatural in supernatural. “If there are ghosts, that
        a couple of minutes before the show
                                                         sober, logical tomes. These were the days means we survived death,” he explained.
        starts; I’m going to see what this
                                                         when you might read the other books
        Operation  Tater  Tot is all about.”  Then
                                                         written by Sherlock Holmes’s creator, Gerbic got into the sting racket because
        you’ll work your way to Gerbic’s write-
                                                         Arthur Conan Doyle, a member of the of her mentor, James Randi, the famous
        up about the psychic you are about to see
                                                         London-based Society for Psychical skeptic who started his career as a
        and, just maybe, find yourself in a thicket
                                                         Research who died insisting that he magician, the Amazing Randi.
        of contradictions so intense, you can
                                                         would rather be remembered for his
        escape only by thinking.
                                                         paranormal works such as “The New
                                                         Revelation” and “The  Vital Message”                                (Continued on Page 83)
        Busting psychics has a history almost as
                                                         than for his Sherlock Holmes detective
        rich as the rise of modern psychic belief,
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