Page 82 - The 'X' Chronicles Newspaper - February 2023 Edition
P. 82

82                  The Concept of Spirit: Myth or Science

            The Concept of Spirit:

                Myth or Science?

               Continued from Page 81

        Just as the Earth’s electromagnetic field
        protects her, our toroidal field naturally
        protects our energy body from harmful
        energy in our environment.

        This is not only true of the human body.
        All things have an electromagnetic field
        surrounding them. Everywhere the
        electromagnetic field of one thing crosses
        another, X points are formed.

        There’s a very interesting NASA
        documentary about X points, containing
        real life wormholes forming everywhere
        the electromagnetic fields of the sun and
        earth cross.  These X points serve as Can we travel through the X points ABOUT THE AUTHOR:
        shortcuts between time and space, and connecting our auric field to another
        NASA has been investigating them with person and feel his/her pain? Can we feel                   Gwilda  Wiyaka is a radio/TV creator,
        probes.                                          the emotional trauma left in the field of        producer, host, journalist, award winning
                                                         objects in a room after a violent act? Can       author, singer/songwriter and shamanic
        Shamanism has navigated these X points we               access      and     download        the   practitioner/instructor.
        for millennia.  The X points are light/information                       of    the    Akashic

        electromagnetic and do not need a Records?                                                        She was the founder and director of Path
        medium in which to propagate.  This                                                               Home Shamanic Arts School, a Colorado
        grants the shaman freedom from time and All of these abilities are very real. How                 State certified occupational school of the
        space limitations, as they project their proficient we are is dependent upon the                  shamanic arts, for which she authored all
        awareness through them.                          presence of light, the level of personal         the curriculum and texts. She creates
                                                         processing, our aptitude, training, and          online video Galactic Shamanism Classes
        In Celtic shamanism, it is believed our mastery.                                                  to promote personal empowerment.
        spirits extend from the body to
        encompass the entire universe.  The The scientific discovery of X points and                      Wiyaka is a preceptor for the University
        mechanism though which this happens is the ongoing quantum physics research is                    of Colorado School of Medicine, where
        X point navigation. The X points provide creating a heretofore absent bridge of                   she provides instruction to medical

        connection between all things, a gateway understanding. Surprisingly, this research               doctors on the modern interface between
        into the unified field if you will. It is uncovers the source of navigation found                 shamanism and allopathic medicine.
        fascinating to consider the complexity of within all ancient shamanic practices. It
        our systems and our ability to merge with is the fabled Indra’s net.  It’s also where             Gwilda now dedicates her life to sharing
        All-That-Is.                                     science and magic meet, expanding                the latest scientific and spiritual
                                                         human perception, evolution and                  information through multimedia to bring
        We are a system of wheels within wheels, potential, exponentially.                                unity and enlightenment to an evolving

        tori within tori that intermingle and                                                             world. She conducts workshops and
        interrelate from the quantum level to the For more information on this topic see                  seminars internationally.

        intergalactic one. There is no separation Gwilda Wiyaka’s award-winning books:
        between us and spirit. It’s simply a matter “So,  We’re Still Here. Now  What?                    Gwilda is the host of MISSION:
        of enough frequency or light for us to Spiritual Evolution and Personal                           EVOLUTION Radio/TV, the creator and
        perceive our connectedness. Our chakras, Empowerment in a New Era” and “The                       host of The Stairway to Heaven TV. Her
        as well as our auras, extend well beyond Science of Magic Book of Mysteries                       Radio and  TV shows are broadcast
        the physical body, traveling out into Volume 1”. Both are available on her                        internationally through the “X” Zone
        infinity.                                        website or              Broadcasting Network, and the ‘X’ Zone
                                                         on  []                            TV Channel.
        How much access we have to our chakric

        and auric fields is determined not only by          THE ‘X’ ZONE RADIO/TV SHOW                    Find out more at:
        the light present, but also by our level of                          With
        processing. This is the deciding factor in                   ROB McCONNELL                    
        esoteric gifts.                                                                                
                                                                  “Searching for Answers -
                                                                   Demanding the Truth.”
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