Page 81 - The 'X' Chronicles Newspaper - February 2023 Edition
P. 81

The Concept of Spirit: Myth or Science                                                                                      81

            The Concept of Spirit:

                Myth or Science?

                  By Gwilda Wiyaka

        The most common definition of the
                                                         frequency determined by the number of musical scale that repeats at higher or
        spiritual realm is “that which cannot be
                                                         disturbances per unit of time.  These lower frequencies, like chords on a piano
        perceived by either the five senses, or
                                                         waves are picked up by our eardrums and keyboard.
        scientific instrumentation.” In order to
                                                         translated in the brain. Some intense
        investigate the concept of spirit, it is
                                                         sounds—drumming, for instance—can The human makeup contains another
        necessary to look at perception.
                                                         be felt through the body as vibration.           mechanism, currently ignored, through
                                                                                                          which we can receive and transmit more
        For the most part, human beings interpret
                                                         Some frequencies are created by the refined information.
        and define their reality based upon the
                                                         transmutation of one form into another.
        information coming in through the five
                                                         An example is the light from our sun, Scientific instrumentation has been able
        senses: sight, sound, smell, taste and
                                                         created by the element of fire as it burns to detect the electromagnetic field around
        touch. For years, unless one was a mystic,
                                                         and transmutes gases.  This produces the human body.  This field has been
        if a thing couldn’t consciously be
                                                         electromagnetic waves that travel alluded to by mystics throughout the ages
        registered by one of the five, it simply
                                                         through time and space at the speed of and is known in spiritual traditions as the
        didn’t exist. End of story.
                                                         light. Light is picked up by the cones and “auric field.” Though unseen by normal
                                                         rods in our eyes and translated by our human perceptions, the auric field and
        As science advanced, instrumentation
                                                         brains into vision.                              the chakras that interact with it are the
        was developed that could register
                                                                                                          link between spirit and the mundane.
        frequencies the five human senses could
                                                         Each frequency within the scale of light
        not, such as electromagnetic fields, or
                                                         gives us a different color. White reflects Our body not only houses our soul, but is
        sound and light above and below the
                                                         all colors and black absorbs them. It’s the gateway through which spiritual
        threshold of the human ability to
                                                         necessary to have black as well as white power is moved from the ethers into the
        perceive. This discovery gave way to the
                                                         to create contrast. Without contrast there physical. In short, it is the channel for
        concept that there are things beyond our
                                                         would be no vision as we know it.                true manifestation.

                                                         Some frequencies of light can be felt by The physical body is a finely tuned
              ALL THINGS EXPRESS
                                                         the body. Infra-red, for instance, is instrument that prisms light and
                   ACCORDING TO
                                                         perceived as heat.                               frequencies, which are, in turn, used to
                     FREQUENCY.                                                                           influence the energetic matrix that

                                                         Other frequencies cannot normally be surrounds us. This matrix (or auric field)
        Everything we experience through our             perceived by the human body.  Among is responsible for drawing to us what we

        five senses is in the form of frequency.         these are radio waves. They are of such a need for any particular project or
        There is a scale of frequencies that runs        high frequency as to pass virtually manifestation, and for repelling what is
        from the denseness of matter to the              unnoticed through lower, denser ones, harmful or not needed. Our auric field is
        invisibility of radiation and beyond.            like the walls of buildings or the human also a toroidal field that expresses our
                                                         form.                                            spirit, or interaction, at the quantum level
        For example, our eardrums perceive                                                                of life.
        mechanical waves, while our eyes detect          Sound, light, radio waves, and nuclear
        electromagnetic ones.  The frequency of          radiation form a range of frequencies
        sound is produced by repetitive                  within the scale. Just as we can dial                               (Continued on Page 82)
        disturbances of the air, causing waves to        different radio stations, the scale of
        travel at the speed of sound, at a               frequencies is a continuum, like a
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