Page 79 - The 'X' Chronicles Newspaper - February 2023 Edition
P. 79

Secret Sting to Expose Celebrity Psychic                                                                                     79

            Inside the Secret Sting

             Operations to Expose
                Celebrity Psychic

            Are some celebrity mediums
          fooling their audience members

         by reading social media pages in
             advance? A group of online

             vigilantes is out to prove it.

        When you’re setting up fake Facebook
        pages, it’s the little details that can mess
        things up. On a group computer call last
        winter, Susan Gerbic was going through
        her checklist of tips for her team’s latest

        sting operation — this one focused on
        infiltrating the audience of a psychic. It
        all started with maintaining their
        Facebook sock puppets — those fake
        online profiles. “American spellings             vineyards      or    the     Queen      Mary the opening credits of “The Brady
        everyone!” she commanded her half-               permanently anchored in Long Beach. Bunch,” a tick-tack-toe board of men and
        dozen international colleagues through           Some regional favorites may sound women ranging from Daniel in New
        the Skype crackle.                               familiar —  Theresa Caputo, the Long Zealand, Ruth in London, Kimon in
                                                         Island medium; or Chip Coffey, the Alabama, Robert in Maine and Michelle

        Gerbic lives in Salinas, Calif., and while       “clairvoyant,         clairaudient        and near Humpty Doo,  Australia. Matthew
        she is retired from the routine world of         clairsentient” psychic.                          Fraser, the target, is a young Long Island
        work, she has taken on a new job, as self-                                                        psychic who resembles Tom Cruise in the
        appointed guardian of Enlightenment              These are good, extremely profitable role of an oversharing altar boy. He has
        Reason. She spends most of her days              days for the ectoplasm-related industry. been on the circuit for years, has a book
        wrangling her far-flung group of                 According to one market analysis, there under his belt and works some
        Guerrilla Skeptics into common cause,            are nearly 95,000 psychic “businesses” in Doubletree or Crowne Plaza back room
        defending empirical truth online.  This          America, generating some $2 billion in every two or three days.
        usually consists of editing and                  revenue in 2018. Lately, technology has
        monitoring  Wikipedia pages — a cat-             changed the business of talking to the These Guerrilla Skeptics are hoping to
        herding task she says she’s uniquely             dead and created new kinds of openings catch Fraser on tape spewing intimate

        qualified     for.    “I    was     a    baby    for psychics to lure customers but also Facebook details that are totally false
        photographer,” she explained. “I ran a           new ways for skeptics to flip that about the person the psychic is
        JCPenney portrait studio for 34 years.”          technology right back at them.                   addressing. In fact, the details aren’t true
                                                                                                          about anyone, because they will be

        Collectively, the group, which has               For instance, many psychics still rely on entirely fabricated by people like
        swelled to 144 members, has researched,          “cold readings,” in which the psychic Michelle of Humpty Doo. At this stage,
        written or revised almost 900 Wikipedia          uses clues, like your clothes or subtle on this Skype call, the group’s only task
        pages. Sure, they take on the classics, like     body signals, to make educated, but is to create and maintain these fake
        debunking         “spontaneous         human     generally vague, guesses about your life Facebook profiles.  These need to look

        combustion,” but many of their other             and family. But the internet has normal — with regular updates of, say, a
        pages have real-world impact. For                popularized a new kind of “hot reading,” good New Yorker cartoon or a gif of Will
        instance, they straightened out a lot of         in which the psychics come to their Ferrell dancing, along with vintage
        grim hooey about the teen-suicide myth           shows prepped with specific details about Polaroid pics or posts expressing sly life
        “blue whale game,” and they have                 various members of the audience. One sentiments. (“Still a little pissed I can’t
        provided facts about the Burzynski               new source of psychic intel is Facebook, fly or set things on fire with my mind!”)
        Clinic, a theoretical treatment for cancer       which has become a clearinghouse for the
        operating out of Houston.                        kind of insider, personal detail that “Post often, post cat pictures, memes,
                                                         psychics used to have to really sweat for. favorite foods, recipes,” Gerbic urged
        Most recently, Gerbic’s members have             If anything, “the psychics have just through the crackle and pop, and to
        focused on what they call “grief                 gotten lazier,” a team member told me.           ensure they don’t get caught too easily,

        vampires,” that is, the kind of                                                                   “Make sure the pictures aren’t too
        middlebrow psychics who profit by                The crew invited to last winter’s Skype Google searchable!” The Facebook pages
        claiming to summon the dead in shows in          meeting had been vetted by Gerbic to are meant to be catnip.
        venues ranging from casinos or any old           participate in a mission called “Operation
        Motel 6 conference suite to wine                 Peach Pit” (and I was invited to observe).                          (Continued on Page 80)
                                                         On my computer screen, we resembled
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