Page 87 - The 'X' Chronicles Newspaper - February 2023 Edition
P. 87

Secret Sting to Expose Celebrity Psychic                                                                                    87

            Inside the Secret Sting

             Operations to Expose

                Celebrity Psychic

               Continued from Page 86

        Suddenly, the real sorrow of this
        stranger’s loss was here, near me, on my
        row.  And then the whole room felt it.
        “Your mom says I am taking
        responsibility for that.” I could barely
        look up.  This little moment felt so
        intimate and private. Grief is one of those
        emotions that doesn’t happen publicly

        too often, and so when it does, the mood
        easily dominates the room.  With each
        reading, Fraser was, in fact, summoning
        the dead because all these middle-aged
        people had lived lives.  We all knew
        death, family death, deeply felt. One by
                                                         side.” Fraser learned that Christmas was out of character as Fraser signed one of
        one, everyone in the room was reliving
                                                         no longer celebrated at home, and Fraser his books for her: “Trust your own
        some loss. Helplessly, I thought of my
                                                         crushed the room: “He says you have psychic voice.” []
        own father, who died when I was 11, and
                                                         another son, who needs you?”  The
        those old emotions, stored away but
                                                         husband nodded; she nodded. “He says to
        never far off, took hold of me as if I were                                                        DEBUNKED: There’s Life On
                                                         me, just because we’ve passed, it doesn’t
        graveside.                                                                                         Venus
                                                         mean my mother stops her life.”

        Grief is one of those emotions that                                                                Back in the 1970s and 1980s, the Soviet
                                                         Even the most stoic of men were
        doesn’t happen publicly too often,               overwhelmed, heads turned away, into              Union sent several uncrewed missions to
                                                                                                           study  Venus.  Ten of these  Venera probes
        and so when it does, the mood shirt sleeves. Fraser stepped toward the                             landed on the surface of  Venus and were
        easily dominates the room.                       couple and took both of them in a long,           able to transmit data and images for a few
                                                         sobbing group hug. Then he moved away.            minutes before succumbing to the planet's
        By the time Fraser inched his way to the                                                           extreme atmosphere. In 2012, the Russian

        other side of the auditorium, people were        There were a few more readings, each a            news service RIA Novosti reported that
        even more forthcoming. Fraser came to a          little bit easier emotionally. Fraser was a       Leonid Ksanfomaliti (opens in new tab), a
                                                                                                           scientist who worked on the  Venera
        middle-aged woman dressed in a colorful          brilliant performer, cooling off the room.        missions, suggested that the photographs
        scenic sweater. Her burly husband with a         With a couple of light jokes salted with          showed living objects moving around on
        snow white goatee and veteran’s cap was          naughty words, he bolted onto the stage,          the planet's surface. (RIA Novosti ceased
        beside her as she revealed losing two of         and then disappeared into the wings.              operations (opens in new tab) in 2013.)
        her sons, in tragic ways. She said she           Eventually, Gerbic’s Guerrillas will
        missed them every day.                           produce an account, and Operation Peach           These alleged life-forms on Venus are just
                                                         Pit will be online with the hope of               an example of "letting your mind see

        The audience was with her; our grief held        reaching a future audience with logic.            patterns in low-resolution data that simply
                                                                                                           aren't real," Jonathon Hill, a research
        her.  We were all wrapped in rich, old           But there was no denying the real power           technician who processes images taken
        memories of aching pain. Maybe dead              of what we all felt in the room. “Reason,”        during NASA's Mars missions, explained to
        spirits aren’t real. But these emotions          wrote the philosopher David Hume        's sister site, LiveScience (opens
        were. My exhausted father waking up              almost 300 years ago, “is and ought only          in new tab), in 2012.
        early on his Saturday off to watch               to be the slave of passions.”
        cartoons with his little kid. Decades                                                              According to NASA, the objects that
        disappeared. I squeezed back a little            The real world was out there, in fact, just       appeared to be moving were actually
        boy’s confused tears. “Sonny boy,” my            down this hall, but it was hard for me to         camera-lens covers that automatically
                                                                                                           popped off of the cameras after landing
        mom said one morning, “I have                    get there as the crowd inched along.              LiveScience reports.  These half-circle
        something sad to tell you.” I so miss him.       Fraser appeared in the corridor at a table        objects were seen in images from Venera-
                                                         with stacks of his book, “The Secrets to
                                                                                                           13 and Venera-14, two identical spacecraft
        Fraser consoled the mother with news.            Unlocking Your Psychic Ability.” On the           that landed about 590 miles (950 km) apart.
        “Your son says he’s O.K.,” Fraser said,          cover was oversmiling  Tom Cruise                 Both had two identical cameras — one in
        speaking in the voice of one of her              bathed in heavenly light, clutching a             the front and one in the back — so it makes
        deceased boys.  The mother sobbed and            gigantic key longer than his forearm. Out         sense that the covers would appear in
        sank into her husband’s big chest. “More         the corner of my eye, I caught a blue wig         different places.  Another photograph that
        important, they are together on the other        in the line of fans. Zoe couldn’t quite get       Ksanfomaliti said was a scorpion is actually
                                                                                                           a blur in the image.
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