Page 90 - The 'X' Chronicles Newspaper - February 2023 Edition
P. 90

90                        Did You Know: American Ginseng

                                                           Surprising Things about                        has advertised their distinctly human-
          DEBUNKED: An Asteroid Is
                                                                                                          shaped root for a whopping $3,800.
          About to Crash Into Earth.                            American Ginseng
                                                                                                          Another has listed less than three ounces
                                                                                                          for $10,859!
          This recurring rumor claims that a             American ginseng, scientifically known
          threatening "doomsday" asteroid is about to    as Panax quinquefolius, is an herbaceous
          slam into our planet.  An example from                                                          3. Dry sells high, but fresh is best:
                                                         plant commonly used in traditional
          2015 had an asteroid purported to hit Earth                                                            To ensure that roots wouldn’t rot
          in late September, when it would               medicine.  The use and cultivation of            on their way to China, ginseng diggers
          supposedly wreak devastation from its          ginseng spans across centuries and is still      and sellers typically dried ginseng after
          impact point near Puerto Rico. NASA            prominent in North  America and  Asia            harvesting.  This practice is continued
          quickly dismissed the reports — which          today.                                           today, yet there is also a growing market
          turned out, as usual, to be false. But that's                                                   for fresh ginseng. Dealers like Caleb
          not to say that asteroids will never hit our   It’s a plant that even I—as an                   Trivett from Tennessee would rather buy
          planet. NASA and a network of monitoring       anthropology student with a focus on
          telescopes across the world are cataloging     ethnobotany—didn’t know much about               fresh ginseng roots, because it helps to
          all known asteroids wider than 459 feet                                                         ensure that they weren’t illegally
                                                         when Smithsonian Folklife curator Betty
          (140 meters) across in line with a 2005                                                         harvested out of season.  At the North
                                                         Belanus recruited me for this research
          congressional mandate. (Smaller asteroids,                                                      Carolina Ginseng Association meeting in
          if found, are also cataloged.) Of the space    project. In an email, she explained, “This       March, Trivett explained that fresh roots
          rocks discovered so far, NASA has not          plant, which I have come to find                 are easier to handle, whereas dry roots are
          found a single asteroid that has a high        endlessly fascinating in its history,            more prone to breaking, which
          probability of hitting Earth in the            folklore,      and       connections        to   diminishes their value, and some people
          foreseeable future.                            conservation, international trade, and           are better at drying roots properly than
                                                         other topics too numerous to mention,            others. But, since almost ninety percent
          DEBUNKED: Aliens Landed in                     could be a really interesting topic to build
          Roswell, New Mexico.                           a Folklife Festival program around.” I           of American ginseng is directly shipped
                                                                                                          to China, dried roots will still have a
                                                         thought to myself, “How endlessly                market into the foreseeable future.
          On a ranch in Roswell, New Mexico, so the      fascinating can a plant really be?”
          story goes, an alien spacecraft crashed in
          1947 (opens in new tab).  While the                                                             4. Sengers go senging for seng:
                                                         It is indeed, endless.
          accounts of exactly what happen vary, the                                                              Digging for wild ginseng is known
          legend claims that a disc or some sort of             Ginseng is a wondrous species, as         colloquially as “senging.”  As a way to
          spacecraft was found on a ranch, and that      I have learned through the work of               make some extra cash in rural areas, it’s a
          the government quickly covered up the          twenty-four virtual interns participating        tradition that has been passed down from
          evidence.  While rumors of aliens              in our online  American ginseng field            generation to generation. Senging usually
          circulated, some people speculated that the    school. So, here are the most surprising         requires a “seng hoe,” a tool that allows
          crash was just a plain old weather balloon     things I learned about American ginseng.
          that might not have been recognized by the                                                      them to dig up the plant without
                                                                                                          damaging the precious root. It can also
          local community.  The U.S. military
                                                         1. Growing ginseng is not for the casual
          acknowledged the "spacecraft" was actually                                                      double as a walking stick. Since seng
                                                         hobby gardener:
          a weather balloon sent aloft as part of                                                         hoes are generally not sold in stores,
          Project Mogul, which involved flying                  If you’ve ever considered growing         people turn to recycled materials to create
          microphones on high-altitude balloons to       ginseng, you should know it takes more           their own. Folklorist Mary Hufford
          listen for sound waves generated by            than a green thumb and a smile.                  reports that items such as old mine picks,
          possible Soviet Union nuclear tests.           American ginseng is native to the                fire pokers, and automobile springs have
                                                         deciduous forests of the United States,          all been reused as seng hoes.
          DEBUNKED: Climate Change                       primarily in the Appalachian and Ozark
          Isn’t Real.                                    regions, which means you’ll need a               5. The girls can do it too, y’all

                                                         similar environment in order to cultivate
                                                                                                                 The stories and associations of
          Earth is on an abnormal warming trend          the root.  You’ll also need well-drained         American ginseng have predominantly
          (opens in new tab). Arctic ice is melting, the  soil with a slightly acidic pH balance of
          sea level is rising and temperatures are                                                        consisted of white men, but female
                                                         around 5.0 to 6.5 to place the seeds in. If
          going to extremes in many locations around                                                      diggers have always existed, as girls were
                                                         you’re lucky, those seeds will germinate
          the world.  Why is this happening?  Anti-                                                       taught to seng alongside their brothers. In
                                                         in the next eighteen months!
          climate-change conspirators (opens in new                                                       fact, female diggers are just as passionate
          tab) have many explanations: solar activity,                                                    about ginseng. “If you can’t go
          radiation, the Earth's (and sun's)             2. Someone is selling ginseng on eBay            ginsenging, it totally drives you crazy,”
          movements around the Milky Way, among          for $10,859:                                     Carla Pettry confessed. Unfortunately,
          other theories.  While there are many
                                                                Because of its popularity in China, the stories of these women have not been
          components of climate change, the fact that
                                                         there is a major market for  American            as widely documented as those of their
          humans have contributed to it is
          indisputable, according to NASA (opens in      ginseng.  While cultivated ginseng runs          male counterparts. Researchers have
          new tab). Temperature graphs show that the     for about $50 a pound, the prices for            begun to record the stories of female
          climate has not warmed this much, this         wild,     older      roots     are     almost    sengers, in hopes that it may shed light on
          quickly in all of Earth's history (as seen in  unimaginable. One pound of dried, wild           a part of history and contemporary
          geological records), and that the increase     ginseng sold for up to $800 in 2018. An          folklife that is largely unreported.
          correlates with increased industrialization.
                                                         ounce of ginseng powder had a value of
                                                         $150 that same year. On eBay, one person                            (Continued on Page 91)
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