Page 91 - The 'X' Chronicles Newspaper - February 2023 Edition
P. 91
Did You Know: American Ginseng 91
Surprising Things about
American Ginseng
Continued on From Page 90
6. Presentation is everything:
In many systems of traditional
medicine, practitioners believe that a
plant has the ability to cure whatever
body part it resembles. Ginseng root,
with its appendage-like fibers, tends to
resemble a whole human body—making
it a cure-all. Roots with all their “limbs”
intact are highly valued. In fact,
sometimes people frame them for their
home as a sign of prestige and wealth,
rather than consume them.
7. Hmong communities play a major
role in ginseng cultivation:
Beginning in the mid-1600s, the
Hmong ethnic people were forced out of
China by the Han Chinese majority.
Many of these communities dispersed
into Laos and Thailand. When the tend to glorify poachers, ginseng
Vietnam War began, the Hmong aided the poaching is a serious offense and is not FACT*oids
United States to fight against communists taken lightly by those interested in the
in Southeast Asia. Once U.S. troops conservation of the plant. Ginseng - 40% of Americans say they believe in
withdrew from Laos, communist groups poachers illegally trespass onto private ghosts. Half of those claim to have met
began targeting the Hmong. Thousands property and publically owned park land, one.
were pushed into refugee camps in often out of “ginseng season,” which
Thailand, while others immigrated to the takes place every year in most states from - In the early 1950s, airlines wouldn’t
United States, where many found September 1 to December 31. serve alcohol when flying over states
agricultural jobs. Today, the Hmong Fortunately, park rangers and other law where booze was illegal.
make up a large percentage of American enforcement professionals are working
ginseng farm workers, primarily in hard to minimize the amount of poaching - Odds that an astronaut who walked
Wisconsin. Some families even own their that occurs each year. on the Moon was born in Texas: 1 in 4.
own farms. Unfortunately, the stories of
these traditional farmers may soon 10. Conservation efforts are stronger - Canada hosted the Summer Olympics
become a thing of the past, as their than ever before: in 1976...and didn’t win a single gold
children become college graduates and Monetary value aside, American medal.
have little interest in continuing the ginseng plays a major role in its
tradition. ecosystem, but the quantity of wild roots - At what would turn out to be the
is diminishing rapidly. It’s a long-term Beatle’s last concert in 1966, 15,000
8. Ginseng foodways are a thing: result of poaching, overharvesting, ickets went unsold.
With the large amounts of ginseng increased deer populations, and loss of
cultivated in Wisconsin, it is common to habitat due to mountaintop mining and - The only manned lighthouse in the
find local restaurants hosting “ginseng other development. Indeed, the depletion United States : Boston Light.
dinners.” Ginseng roots, fresh or dried, of wild American ginseng has been
are used in making soups, beverages, and evident since the start of the twentieth - Shirley was considered a man’s name
desserts. Most individuals describe the century, when people began to see a until 1849, when Charlotte Bronte
taste of ginseng as having an earthy, bitter decline in plant number and sizes. Now, published her novel, about a woman
taste that complements many other flavor American ginseng is listed in Appendix II named Shirley.
profiles nicely. I’ve had the opportunity of the Convention on International Trade
to try ginseng honey and chocolate in Endangered Species. In an effort to - Falcons are more closely related to
truffles and can say I thoroughly enjoyed preserve this valuable plant species, parrots than other birds of prey.
the taste! groups such as United Plant Savers in
Ohio and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife - In 2020, Americans collectively
9. Ginseng poaching is a real threat: Service are working diligently to protect watched 57 billion minutes of The
Although shows such as the wild ginseng populations for generations Office, which ended production in
History Channel’s Appalachian Outlaws to come. [] 2013.