Page 89 - The 'X' Chronicles Newspaper - February 2023 Edition
P. 89
Beautiful Mind Coffee 89
Dr. Michel Rathbone Dr. Shuci Jiang Dr. Christopher Winslow
CHIEF OPERATING OFFICER: Coffee was originally chewed.
Sipping may be your preferred method of java consumption, but coffee has
Dr. Christopher Winslow earned a BA in not always been a liquid treat. According to a number of historians, the first African
Chemistry from the State University of tribes to consume coffee did so by grinding the berries together, adding in some
New York at Buffalo followed by a M.Sc. animal fat, and rolling these caffeinated treats into tiny edible energy balls.
in Chemistry from Rensselaer
Polytechnic Institute and a Ph.D. in Drinking decaf coffee fuels the soda industry.
Synthetic Organic Chemistry from Texas After coffee beans are decaffeinated, several coffee manufacturers sell the
Christian University. Following his caffeine to soda and pharmaceutical companies.
education, Dr. Winslow worked in the
pharmaceutical industry for over 18 years The average American spends about $4000 on coffee each year.
in research, development and According to research, women drop approximately $3,927 per year on
manufacturing leading divisions in both coffee while men spend just a tiny bit less, at around $2,934 per year. You’d think
organic and biologic chemistry. Dr. that spending that kind of money would be enough to make America the world’s
Winslow joined LibramenNaturals in most caffeinated nation. But you would be wrong ...
2014 and has brought with him a wealth
of knowledge in the areas of Finland is the world’s coffee capital.
manufacturing, operations and applied Though Finland does not produce any beans of its own, its citizens drink a
research along with a strong background lot of the brown stuff. The average Finn drinks about 6 cups of coffee each day—
in analytics and chemistry. Although Dr. the most of any country in the world.
Winslow's training and background is in
the Western style of research and Beethoven was a barista’s worst nightmare.
medicine he has always had a keen Beethoven enjoyed a cup of coffee, and was extremely particular about its
interest in the incorporation of Eastern preparation; he insisted that each cup he consumed be made with exactly 60 beans.
and Western styles of medicine and
enjoys expanding his knowledge and Coffee beans sent Brazilian athletes to the Olympics in 1932.
understanding of how the body works In 1932, Brazil couldn’t afford to send its athletes to the Olympics in Los
and how to help others live a better life. Angeles. So they loaded their ship with coffee and sold it along the way.
For more information on BEAUTIFUL There have been several attempts to ban coffee entirely.
MIND COFFEE or to order As recently as the 18th century, governments were trying to eradicate coffee.
BEAUTIFUL MIND COFFEE, visit Among the many reasons for outlawing the beverage were its tendency to stimulate [] “radical thinking.” In 1746 Sweden took things to an extreme when it banned both
coffee and coffee paraphernalia (i.e. cups and saucers).
The world’s most expensive coffee comes from animal poop.
Kopi Luwak, one of the world’s most expensive coffee, earns its pricey
2023 COFFEE SURVEY distinction thanks to a surprising step in its production: digestion. In Indonesia, a
BY CLICKING wild animal known as the Asian palm civet (a small critter similar to the weasel)
cannot resist the bright red coffee cherries that abound, even though they can’t
digest the actual coffee beans. The beans pass through the civets’ systems without
being fully digested. At which point, some brave coffee farmer collects the beans
TAKE THE SURVEY from the civets’ droppings, (hopefully) thoroughly washes them, and sells them for
up to $600 per pound.