Page 71 - The 'X' Chronicles Newspaper - February 2023 Edition
P. 71

Niagara Falls, ON, Rips-Off Tourists!                                                                                      71

          A look at the sneaky fees                      restaurant or attraction, random spot and restaurants, journalists asked for an
                                                         checks conducted by Marketplace over explanation of the added fees and
        at Canada's biggest tourist
                                                         nearly a decade show the number of received some misleading explanations
         spot that some call 'a total                    businesses adding fees to customer bills from front-line staff.

                       cash grab'                        is growing, as is the amount being
                                                         charged.                                         At the Days Inn, a staffer described it as
                                                                                                          a Daily Mandatory Tax before correcting

                   CBC Marketplace                       For instance, a $150/night hotel charge herself and calling it the main Mandatory
                                                         would see up to an additional $18 added. Charge, which the hotel combines with

        With around 14 million annual visitors,                                                           the recently instituted Mandatory
        Niagara Falls is already a potential cash        "It's a total cash grab," a server at Accommodation  Tax (MAT) of $2 per
        cow to the many area businesses serving          Milestones restaurant told an undercover night, the only fee actually collected by
        tourists. But at some of them, visitors are      Marketplace producer.  When asked by the city.
        finding contentious fees added to their          customers, she says she "cringe[s] every

        bills — and CBC Marketplace has found            time and I'm totally honest about it The Radisson front desk described it as
        they're growing.                                 because that's what it is."                      an environmental fee: "It pays to

        If noticed at all, tourists typically see        The restaurant charges a six per cent
        them next to provincial sales tax, or the        "Luxury Fee" at its Niagara Fallsview The Skylon Tower overlooking the Falls
        city's mandatory accommodation tax.              location, though no such charge exists at charges the lowest figure documented, an
                                                         most other locations of the chain, added three per cent on top of the
        Tourists and critics say that placement on       according to the restaurant's parent admission price. Staff explained the APF,
        the bill gives the appearance of a               company, Foodtastic.                             or Attractions and Promotions Fee, pays

        government-mandated charge. But that is                                                           for renovations and landscaping, among
        not the case.                                    "It's clearly deceptive," says Prof. other things, but could be removed if
                                                         Andrew Ching, a marketing and requested.

        "It's going to the owner" of the business,       economics professor at Johns Hopkins
        said Janice Thomson, president and CEO           Carey Business School.                           At a nearby TGI Fridays, a server said the
        of Niagara Falls Tourism.                                                                         NFDF, or Niagara Falls Destination Fee,
                                                         What's the fee for? Front-line "goes towards improving the tourist
        Just as there is no consistency in how staff offer incorrect explanations                         experience," while at IHOP, the server
        much is charged — Marketplace found                                                               said he had been trained to explain the 10
        they ranged from three to 12 per cent — Critics of added fees say they lack                       per cent NFDF as "mandatory" and going
        there is no single name for the added fees. transparency, particularly when an array              toward "maintenance and fireworks."

        They go by names such as NFDF, or of names are used. Many visitors may not
        Niagara Falls Destination Fee, and TIF, know what the acronyms stand for, and                     In fact, the city's famed fireworks are
        or  Tourism Improvement Fee.  There's the Marketplace spot check elicited                         paid for by a separate fund, which
        even an LF, or Luxury Fee, among many sometimes conflicting accounts of what                      receives money from the MAT.
        others.                                          the fees are for.
                                                                                                                             (Continued on Page 72)

        While they are not charged at every hotel, In a hidden camera spot check of hotels
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