Page 72 - The 'X' Chronicles Newspaper - February 2023 Edition
P. 72

72                   Niagara Falls, ON, Rips-Off Tourists!

          A look at the sneaky fees

        at Canada's biggest tourist
         spot that some call 'a total

                       cash grab'

               Continued from Page 71

        Ching opposes fees that could be
        construed as taxes, and is concerned by
        front-line      staff    providing       false

        "I would say this is very problematic," he


        The server at Milestones was upfront
        about the Luxury Fee.

        "I always joke that it should be called the
        BS instead of the LF," she told                  independently operated locations in change
        Marketplace journalists posing as                Niagara Falls.                                   Longtime Niagara Falls Mayor Jim
        tourists. She described the fees as
                                                                                                          Diodati says businesses should be
        "insulting because the prices are jacked         The Radisson said its four per cent resort       transparent and inform customers about
        up in tourist areas everywhere already."         fee is on the low end comparable to its          the fees before purchase, and explain
                                                         competitors and goes toward amenities            what they're for.
        Government has promised action                   guests can enjoy while staying at its
        before                                           property, not an environmental fee as            Ministry investigations can begin with
                                                         Marketplace was told.                            complaints from consumers, but there is

        The Ontario government has allowed                                                                no indication the provincial government
        destination marketing fees in tourist The company said it's working with staff                    plans to investigate or engage in
        communities since 2004. Multiple to ensure the messaging is clear moving                          enforcement.
        communities        adopted      such     fees, forward.
        including Niagara Falls.                                                                          Diodati is calling on the province to use
                                                         In 2017, Ontario's then-Tourism Minister         its powers to "investigate to find out first
        The city also now collects the MAT from Eleanor McMahon told Marketplace: "If                     of all if it's allowed, if it's legal, and the
        certain hotel stays. The money collected businesses in Niagara are not being                      question is if it's a good idea."

        funds tourist initiatives in the city.           transparent and they're not telling people
                                                         what the fee is used for, then not only am       He does defend the addition of fees at

        But the fees being added are in addition I concerned about that, then we'll engage                these businesses, however, especially
        to the MAT.                                      and do something about it."                      with the devastating impact of the
                                                                                                          COVID-19 pandemic across the tourism
        They are not designed to be collected by And yet there is no indication the                       sector.
        a third party, like a tourism authority. government took any action.
        They are solely another revenue stream                                                            Though he acknowledges that restaurants
        for the businesses that collect them, Marketplace shared its latest findings                      and attractions could take a different
        according to Thomson.                            with the Ontario Ministry of  Tourism,           approach, including by increasing the
                                                         Culture and Sport and asked if it would          cost of their rooms, meals and entry
        While hotels do show the added fees investigate how the fees are marketed and                     prices, rather than tacking on fees many
        when a reservation is made, the collected. Instead, it directed us to                             tourists don't understand.

        Marketplace        visits    found       some Ontario's Ministry of Public and Business
        restaurants do not provide notice of the Service Delivery, which said businesses                  Diodati has advice for tourists.
        fees on menus or signs.                          cannot misrepresent consumer fees as
                                                         taxes, and any misrepresentation about           "I always tell people, first off, make sure
        Marketplace reached out to all 12 the purpose of a fee may be considered in                       [it's] buyer beware, and if it's on a hotel
        establishments we visited.                       violation of the Consumer Protection Act.        bill, you should have received an email

                                                                                                          confirmation.  You should have read it,
        The parent companies of Days Inn, The ministry also said any corporation                          right? Do your diligence, do your

        Milestones,      Embassy        Suites    and convicted of an offence could be fined up           homework, right?"
        Starbucks sent us statements, saying they to $250,000.
        don't control the pricing, and charging                                                           And if it's not on the bill, he says, "well
        those extra fees is unique to the City can't force companies to then you don't have to pay it." []
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