Page 58 - The 'X' Chronicles Newspaper - February 2023 Edition
P. 58

58               Balloon Part of Vast Aerial Spy Program

          Chinese Balloon Part Of

           Vast Aerial Surveillance

               Program, U.S. Says

               Continued from Page 57

        President Biden directed that all sensitive

        sites were protected from espionage,
        “which was straightforward because we
        could track the path of the balloon and
        ensure no sensitive activities or
        unencrypted communications would be
        conducted in its vicinity,” said National
        Security           Council          strategic
        communications coordinator John Kirby.
        “At the same time, we turned the tables

        on China and collected against the
        balloon, so that we would learn more
        about      China’s      capabilities      and
                                                         The spy balloon shot down Saturday first officials said.
        Monitoring the recent balloon helped fill        entered U.S. airspace over Alaska on Jan.
        in gaps about the four others, officials         28. It crossed north of the  Aleutian China has made significant use of
        said.  The U.S. military sent up fighter         islands, back over mainland Alaska, over balloons to monitor targets on the ground,
        jets and other aircraft over the past week       Canada and then over northern Idaho last officials said.  The balloons often don’t
        to observe the airship.  A Chinese spy           week, but the Pentagon did not use the most cutting-edge technology —
        balloon that crashed off the Hawaiian            acknowledge its presence until NBC in most cases, the sensors aboard don’t

        islands last June also yielded helpful           News reported last  Thursday that the capture more information than China
        information, including about the nature          Pentagon was tracking the balloon over could obtain with a satellite.
        of the technology China is using, they           Montana.
        said.                                                                                             But balloons offer some advantages.
                                                         The resulting political uproar — some They can linger over a target for hours,
        For instance, some of the balloons are           Republicans slammed the Biden whereas a satellite orbiting Earth may
        outfitted with electrooptical sensors or         administration for not shooting down the have only minutes to snap a picture of its
        digital cameras that, depending on their         balloon sooner — led Secretary of State target. “If you have a balloon that’s
        resolution, can capture highly precise           Antony Blinken to postpone a trip to moving extremely slowly you have

        images, officials said.  They also are           Beijing, an announcement made hours persistence that you can’t get from a
        equipped with radio signal and satellite         before his plane was set to take off.            satellite,” said retired Air Force Lt. Gen.
        transmission capability, they said.                                                               Charlie “Tuna” Moore, a former fighter
                                                         U.S.     intelligence      analysts      have pilot who helped run operations out of
        Hainan, one of the locations where               retroactively identified as spy balloons NORAD and retired in October as deputy
        officials said the balloons are based, is an     objects that were previously deemed of U.S. Cyber Command.
        island off the southern coast of China           unidentified, according to U.S. officials.
        that has long been a PLA command and             New technologies have enabled the Analysts think the balloons, like drones,
        control location. Though known more for          detection of measurement and signature can be remotely piloted — at about 30 to
        its naval facility, it features an airfield      intelligence, or MASINT, which 60 mph, said one official. And because
        that was the home base for the Chinese J-        typically includes information about balloons float along high-altitude winds,

        8 interceptor fighter jet that collided with     radar or electromagnetic signals, such as their paths are less predictable and thus
        an American EP-3 spy plane in 2001.              those that might be emitted by more difficult to track. The balloons are
                                                         surveillance balloons.                           also much cheaper to produce and launch
        In January, the U.S. military disclosed                                                           than space-based satellites.
        what it characterized as an unsafe               In some instances, the military and
        maneuver in December by a Chinese                intelligence communities have been able Some of the balloons have been launched
        fighter jet that U.S. military officials said    to say that they originated in particular from China on flight paths that took them
        flew too close to an  American                   countries, including China, the officials around the entire globe, officials said.
        reconnaissance aircraft in international         said.

        airspace near the island. The Chinese J-                                                          Officials noted that China’s Ministry of
        11 fighter pulled within 20 feet of the          The retroactive discovery of the Chinese Foreign Affairs was apparently caught by
        American plane’s nose, “forcing the RC-          balloons helps explain why senior surprise and was chagrined to see
        135 to take evasive maneuvers to avoid a         defense officials serving in the  Trump Blinken cancel his visit.
        collision,” U.S. Indo-Pacific Command            administration were not aware of the
        said in a statement.                             incursions during their time in office,                             (Continued on Page 59)
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