Page 56 - The 'X' Chronicles Newspaper - February 2023 Edition
P. 56
56 Chinese Balloons Classified As UFOs
Previous Chinese Spy
Balloons Over US Were
Classified As UFOs:
We may now know how some Chinese
spy balloons managed to fly into U.S.
airspace under the radar.
A Chinese surveillance balloon drifted
through American skies for about a week
before an F-22 fighter jet shot it down off
the coast of South Carolina on Saturday
(Feb. 4).
That same day, the U.S. military revealed
that similar Chinese balloons had
intruded on U.S. airspace at least three
times during the administration of
President Donald Trump, which ran from Sailors assigned to Explosive Ordnance Disposal Group 2 recover a high-altitude Chinese
January 2017 to January 2021. surveillance balloon off the coast of Myrtle Beach, South Carolina on Feb. 5, 2023.
Those previous incursions didn't make Pentagon announced the creation of a Chinese officials, for their part, have
the news. Indeed, it took a while even for UAP task force. The organization's chief apologized for the recent balloon
top American military officials to learn goal is "to detect, analyze and catalog incursion. But they've claimed that the
about them, according to a report in The UAPs that could potentially pose a threat airship was a benign scientific vessel
New York Times (opens in new tab), at to U.S. national security," Pentagon collecting meteorological data that was
least in part because some incidents were officials said in a brief statement (opens blown off course over the U.S.
initially classified as unidentified aerial in new tab) released a few months later.
phenomena (UAP), as UFOs have That explanation doesn't wash with the
recently been branded. Then, in July 2022, the DOD created the U.S. military, however.
All-domain Anomaly Resolution Office
"Balloons account for many of the (AARO), to track UAP in space and in "This was a PRC [People's Republic of
unexplained incidents the Navy and other the air (and even under water, if some China] surveillance balloon," an
military services have tracked in recent venture into that domain). unnamed DOD official said in an update
years. The previous incidents, like other released by the Pentagon on Saturday
unexplained events, were handed over to Last month, DOD's Office of the (opens in new tab). "This surveillance
a Pentagon task force charged with Director of National Intelligence released balloon purposely traversed the United
investigating UFOs and other aerial a highly anticipated and long-delayed States and Canada, and we are confident
phenomena," The Times wrote in the report on UAP, which was mandated by it was seeking to monitor sensitive
story, which was published on Tuesday the 2022 National Defense Authorization military sites." []
(Feb. 7). "As the Pentagon and Act.
intelligence agencies stepped up efforts
over the past two years to find The unclassified report delves into 510
explanations for many of those incidents, UAP sightings, using information Caught “Refueling” At The
officials reclassified some events as gathered by a variety of intelligence Sun.
Chinese spy balloons." agencies and military branches, along
with the Federal Aviation
"It is not clear when the Pentagon Administration, the National NASA has a fleet of sun-gazing spacecraft
determined the incidents involved Oceanographic and Atmospheric that keep an eye on space weather,
especially during solar eruptions. In 2012,
Chinese spying. When the determination Administration, the Department of telescopic images appeared to show
was made, officials kept the information Energy and NASA. something in the shadows. On YouTube,
secret to avoid letting China know their some viewers said this could be a UFO that
surveillance efforts were uncovered," About one third of those 510 sightings — was refueling by using the solar
The Times added, citing multiple U.S. 171, to be precise — remain plasma.However, NASA pointed out that
officials who spoke on condition of "uncharacterized and unattributed," the feature is actually something called a
anonymity. according to the report. But nearly as "prominence," which has cooler and denser
plasma than the outer atmosphere of the
many, 163, were identified as balloons or sun, or the corona. Scientists are still trying
The U.S. Department of Defense (DOD) "balloon-like entities." How many of to figure out how solar prominences
has taken a greater, and much more those may have been foreign surveillance develop, but they're pretty sure it has
public, interest in UAP over the past few craft is unknown. nothing to do with aliens.
years. In May 2021, for example, the