Page 50 - The 'X' Chronicles Newspaper - February 2023 Edition
P. 50

50                             Disappointing Reality of UFOs

          The Chinese Balloon and

         the Disappointing Reality
                        of UFOs

        Most strange sights in the sky

              have a very terrestrial


                   By Marina Koren

        Residents      of     Billings,     Montana,
        encountered a rather strange sight this

        week: A giant white ball hovering in the
        sky in broad daylight. The ball drifted
        between clouds and shimmered in the
        sun. It looked almost like a second moon.

        American military officials suspect that
        the floating mystery object is a Chinese
        spy balloon. The high-altitude object,
        they say, traveled from China to Alaska
        and then Canada before crossing into the
        continental United States.  The U.S.

        government considered shooting down
                                                         all sorts of objects have been mistaken “further analysis,” as the  Defense
        the balloon before determining that the
                                                         for the otherworldly over the years: Department puts it—usually stay that
        resulting debris could endanger those on
                                                         military aircraft, drones, floating way. And any unanswered questions are a
        the ground.  China has insisted that the
                                                         lanterns, meteors, weather events, birds, matter of national security, not  ET;
        aerial interloper isn’t a surveillance
                                                         the afterglow of rocket launches—even government officials said that when the
        system, but a weather balloon that was
                                                         the planet Venus, on its brightest days. Chinese balloon was spotted, they “acted
        unfortunately blown off course. The
                                                         And, of course, balloons. One of the most immediately to protect against the
        White House said that the balloon isn’t a
                                                         famous  UFO sightings, over  Roswell, collection of sensitive information”—
        threat to anyone on the ground, but the
                                                         New Mexico, in 1947, turned out to be a hardly a cosmically thrilling response. To
        U.S. secretary of state has postponed a
                                                         high-altitude balloon belonging to the Air this day, there has been no definitive
        scheduled trip to  Beijing, reportedly
                                                         Force.                                           evidence that any UAPs merit existential
        because of the situation.
                                                                                                          panic. The atmosphere is a bad place to
                                                         The first (and typically secretive) look for such signs, anyway.  As  I’ve
        In a way, this is one more uncomfortable
                                                         government programs dedicated to written before, if aliens exist (or once
        chapter in the story of adversarial nations
                                                         identifying  UFOs emerged around that existed), their stories are probably
        operating in a shared stratosphere.  It is
                                                         time, and they’ve been contending with playing out (or once did) light-years from
        also—hear me out—a little refreshing.
                                                         civilian sightings ever since.  Last year, Earth.
        After several years of breathless news
                                                         the Defense Department  established  a
        coverage of mysterious things moving
                                                         new office to spot and identify You know what is everywhere? Balloons.
        across the sky, inscrutable pilot footage,
                                                         “anomalous” objects flying around its Eyewitness reports put the  Chinese spy
        and shadowy government programs, here
                                                         military installations. In a recent analysis balloon over  Missouri this afternoon.
        is a headline-grabbing flying object of
                                                         of 366  UAP sightings, the office Canadian officials said yesterday that
        concern that is, for once, identified. The
                                                         characterized 163—about 45 percent of they were monitoring what could be
        U.S. and  China may have different
                                                         reports—as “balloon or balloon-like another high-altitude balloon.  As  I was
        explanations for what the thing does, but
                                                         entities.”  Some reports turn out to not writing this story,  I looked out my
        we know what it is—and it’s not aliens.
                                                         concern objects at all:  One of the most apartment window and saw a party

                                                         intriguing  UFO videos in recent years balloon zooming over the rooftops.  An
        As in the case of the  Chinese balloon,
                                                         was found by a Pentagon analysis to be alien explanation would have been great
        there are almost always terrestrial
                                                         the result of a quirk of camera equipment. for my career. But we haven’t found such
        explanations for unidentified flying
                                                         Another widely circulated video that an answer to that grand question yet, not
        objects, or  UFOs, a term that has been
                                                         captured a fast-moving object was in our atmosphere or beyond it. We must
        synonymous with aliens since the
                                                         explained away as an optical illusion.           settle for this:  In a universe where the
        moment government officials introduced
                                                                                                          truth about aliens is out there but difficult
        it in the 1950s. (These days, the official
                                                         This is the great disappointment of to find, we can have at least one balloon-
        term is  UAPs, for “unexplained aerial
                                                         UFOs.  Sightings get “debunked,” and shaped truth. []
        phenomena.”)  UFOs have classically
                                                         those that are unexplained—requiring
        been depicted as saucers, but sightings of
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