Page 46 - The 'X' Chronicles Newspaper - February 2023 Edition
P. 46

46                              BEAUTIFUL MIND COFFEE

                 BEAUTIFUL                                 100%  Arabica coffee, roasted

                                                           and ground in small batches, on
              MIND COFFEE                                  Price Edward Island, Canada, to

             The Coffee That YOUR                          ensure that each bag of
                          BRAIN                            BEAUTIFUL MIND COFFEE
                                                           contains a wonderful full bodied                LibramenNaturals was started in 2014 and is
                            Will                                                                           a functional food/beverage company.  So
                                                           artisan coffee and herbal                       what is a functional food/beverage? This is
                                                           ingredients to aid in boosting                  taking a food or beverage and adding
                                                           your daily mental clarity and                   something to it that is beneficial or may even
                                                                                                           improve one’s health. LibramenNaturals was
          Natural           Products           For         focus.                                          started by two professors from McMaster

          Cognitive Brain Health                                                                           University, one a neurologist (Dr. Michel
                                                           Maca root powder, green tea                     Rathbone) and the other a neurobiologist (Dr.
                                                                                                           Shucui Jiang). We decided to stick with what
                                                           extract and  American ginseng
          Taking care of your brain’s                                                                      we know best and focus on brain health. As
                                                           have all been selected for their                for the “something added” we work with
          health now can help delay or
                                                           ability to support good brain                   natural products/extracts utilizing the
          prevent the onset of cognitive                                                                   extensive background and knowledge of one
          dysfunction, including dementia,                                                                 of our founders, Dr. Shucui Jiang, who
                                                                                                           continues to work with natural products and
          Alzheimer’s, and more general
                                                           To purchase            BEAUTIFUL                herbal mixtures in China. Our goal at
          memory loss as you get older.                                                                    LibramenNaturals is not to change the
                                                           MIND COFFEE, please visit
                                                                                                           flavour of your favourite food or beverage
                                                           our SHOP.                                       but rather to retain the familiar tastes
                                                                                                           associated with them, sometimes adding a
          is the delicious coffee that your                                                                little extra to the flavour and remove the need
                                                           Please take a few minutes to take
          brain with love.                                                                                 for extra supplements or pills that add up day
                                                           our online coffee survey by                     after day.  We really hope you enjoy our
                                                           slicking on THIS LINK.                          products and would love to hear from you at
          is made with ethically sourced                                                         

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