Page 12 - The 'X' Chronicles Newspaper - February 2023 Edition
P. 12

12                                       Blame It On The Aliens!

         Blame it on the Aliens! 10

         Mysteries From the Nazca
             Lines to Crop Circles

        Aliens have an unfortunate reputation.
        When they aren’t abducting humans they
        seem to be joyriding around space,
        flashing their bright lights and making a

        But sometimes aliens may also perform

        Here, we examine 10 mysteries that may

        have had a bony helping hand from outer

        1. Crop Circles:
               Crop circles popped up in England

        in the 1970s and quickly spread
        worldwide, from the cornfields of
        Colorado to China’s Mount Qiyun. More
        recent examples incorporate elaborate
        designs and mathematical equations,
        indicating the work of a team - human or
        otherwise. Some blame pranksters but
        Horace Drew, the molecular biologist
        with a Ph.D from the California Institute
        of  Technology, believes they either
                                                         between Florida, Bermuda and Puerto
        suggest alien life or could be made by
                                                         Rico. Some claim a paranormal or 5. The Utah monolith:
        human time travelers from the distant
                                                         supernatural explanation, or they link the              The Utah monolith is gone but not
        future. Drew said he has decoded crop
                                                         lost city of Atlantis to the tragic events.      forgotten. Biologists discovered it in
        circle symbols and messages such as
                                                         Others believe in geological or                  November 2020, but it vanished quickly
        ‘Believe’ and ‘There is good out there’,
                                                         hydrological explanations but that               only to be replaced by replica monoliths
        indicating the alien time travellers speak
                                                         wouldn’t explain why wreckage wasn’t             shooting up around the globe. Some
        an earthly language.
                                                         found.  The US National Oceanic and              wonder if the structure was planted by the
                                                         Atmospheric Administration, responding           late artist John McCracken and later
        2. Easter Island's Moai statues:
                                                         to questions about a missing vessel and          stolen.  The San Juan County Sheriff's
               Easter Island’s Moai statues have         its 20 passengers in the Bermuda Triangle        Office distributed a ‘Most Wanted’ poster
        been a mystery since Europeans landed            in 2021, suggested “the combined forces          suggesting nine possible suspects in the
        on the island in 1722. The giant statues -       of nature and human fallibility outdo            disappearance of the Utah monolith,
        some as tall as 40 feet and weighing up to       even the most incredulous science                including ET.
        75 tonnes - may have been erected by             fiction”.
        Polynesian settlers as tributes to their
                                                                                                          6. Sloan Digital Sky Survey:
        elders, then ‘walked’ into place with the        4. Nazca lines:
        help of ropes. But UFO-ologists point out                                                                Canadian professor Ermanno
                                                                Peru’s Nazca lines are mysterious         Borra was exploring a theory that
        that shaped rocks can also be found on
                                                         drawings found in an arid coastal area           advanced aliens might want to connect
        Mars, pointing to the Mars Exploration
                                                         covering about 170 square miles.                 with earth using directed lasers, so the
        Rover snapshots as evidence. In fact,
                                                         Thousands of designs are etched into the         Laval University researcher and a grad
        Scott  Waring, a conspiracy theorist and
                                                         ground, depicting real and imagined              student searched the 2.5 mn stars
        self-appointed UFO expert, said Mars
                                                         worlds. Many are animals - a                     documented by the Sloan Digital Sky
        tells us everything we need to know
                                                         hummingbird, monkey, lizard, pelican             Survey. They found 234 candidates - in
        about Easter Island. So mystery solved,
                                                         and a whale among them. Trees, flowers           other words, 234 possible alien
                                                         and geometric shapes are common. But             civilizations. Borra believes there must
                                                         where did they come from? Scientists             be extraterrestrial intelligent life but he
        3. The Bermuda Triangle:                         believe the lines were made by the Nazca         and other scientists plan to take his

               Bermuda Triangle stories began in         people around 10 to 700 AD using grids           research to the next level to see if the
        1945 when five US Navy planes                    made of ropes and stakes. Others see             hypothesis can be validated.
        disappeared during training exercises. By        messages in the art. Why would humans
        the mid-1980s, 25 small planes had               create oversized drawings unless they                              (Continued on Page 12)
        vanished in the same area, a triangle            wanted to signal those above?
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