Page 23 - The 'X' Chronicles Newspaper - September 2021
P. 23

Sir Richard Branson Reaches Space                                                                                       23

         Richard Branson Reaches

         Space on Virgin Galactic’s

                      VSS Unity

                 Continued from Page 22

        Before climbing aboard, Branson, who has kite-
        surfed the English Channel and attempted to
        circle the world in a hot-air balloon, signed the
        astronaut log book and wisecracked: "The
        name's Branson. Sir Richard Branson. Astronaut
        Double-oh-one. License to thrill."

        Upon his return to Earth, he announced a
        sweepstakes drawing for two seats on a Virgin
        Galactic jaunt once tourist flights begin.
                                                         Branson will become the first of three This year's space race is much different than the
        Virgin Galactic already has more than 600 billionaires to get into space if the launch from race to the moon in the 1960s. The modern race
        reservations from would-be space tourists, with New Mexico is successful.                         is defined primarily by competition and dreams
        tickets initially costing $250,000 US apiece.                                                     to commercialize space flight, said Sara
        Blue Origin is waiting for Bezos's flight before Nine days later, Amazon founder Jeff Bezos's Mazrouei, a planetary scientist and an
        announcing its ticket prices.                    Blue Origin is planning to launch into space educational developer at Ryerson University in
                                                         from  Texas, with  Tesla founder Elon Musk's Toronto.
        Kerianne Flynn, who signed up in 2011 to fly SpaceX launch scheduled for later this year.
        with  Virgin Galactic, had butterflies ahead of                                                   But planetary experts like Mazrouei and
        Sunday's launch.                                 It's the beginning of what Kate Howells — Howells said this space race can also bring some
                                                         Canadian space policy adviser for the Planetary benefits to Earth.
        "I think there's going to be nothing like going up Society, the world's largest non-profit space
        there and looking back down on the Earth, organization — says is the next era of space If trips to space become more accessible,
        which is what I think I'm most excited about," tourism.                                           research in suborbital space could happen more
        she said. She added: "Hopefully the next                                                          often — and that could lead to exciting
        generations will be able to explore what's up And if trips to space become more affordable discoveries.
        there."                                          and more frequent, Howells and others say,
                                                         researchers at universities and private "The last space race that we had to get to the
        Musk's SpaceX, which is already launching        companies could have a quicker way to travel to moon gave us the technology for our running
        astronauts to the space station for NASA and space.                                               shoes, for our foam mattresses, for our
        building moon and Mars ships, plans to take                                                       bulletproof vests," Mazrouei said.
        tourists on more than just brief, up-and-down "Previously, the only way for tourists to go to
        trips. They will instead go into orbit around the space was to fly to the International Space "I'm really hopeful that once we move beyond
        Earth for days, with seats costing well into the Station.  And that hasn't happened for many this initial set of billionaires getting to space,
        millions. The company's first private flight is set years," she said.                             there will be room for other experiments and for
        for September.                                                                                    more involvement."
                                                         "This is taking space tourism to the next level,
        Musk himself has not committed to going into opening up a more affordable — still not very Virgin Galactic, Blue Origin and SpaceX all
        space any time soon.                             affordable — but a more affordable way for have calls out on their websites for what is
                                                         tourists to go into space."                      known as payloads, referring to elements on
           3 billionaires' dreams of                                                                      spacecraft dedicated to producing mission data
                                                         Ticket prices to get aboard aren't cheap, with and then relaying that data back to Earth,
           space tourism are more                        someone paying $28 million US in an auction according to the European Space Agency.

                                                         for a seat on Bezos's first flight to suborbital
              than flights of fancy,
                                                         space.                                           Boucher     said   the    potential   research
             planetary experts say                                                                        opportunities are exciting.
                                                         If successful in their launches, Virgin Galactic's
                                                         and Blue Origin's crafts will be near or within "We have to understand that there's a lot of
           If space travel becomes more                  the edge of space. The Fédération Aéronautique research that's going on in space right now. A lot
                                                         Internationale, the world governing body for air of that is happening on the International Space
         affordable, there's a potential for
                                                         sports, defines the boundary between Earth's Station, but it's really expensive," he said.
                      more research                      atmosphere and outer space as 100 kilometres
                                                         above Earth's mean sea level, the so-called "So these flights of opportunities on these new
                                                         Kármán Line.                                     suborbital vehicles will offer a much cheaper
                                                         But the crafts will have enough height to give cost to do some of this research." []
                 Stephanie Dubois - CBC
                                                         both    crews   a    chance    to   experience
                                                         weightlessness for just a few minutes.            More FACT*oids…

        It might be several years before most Canadians
                                                         "That's the part of the experience that you're    52 million years ago, Antarctica was
        can afford a ticket to outer space, but some
                                                         paying for," said Marc Boucher, founder and
        planetary experts say the upcoming space                                                           covered with palm trees.
                                                         editor-in-chief of SpaceQ Media Inc., an online
        launches led by billionaires could bring a new
                                                         Canadian space news company based in              Sesame Street’s Cookie Monster has a first
        era of space exploration.
                                                         London, Ont.                                      name: Sid
        On Sunday, Virgin Galactic founder Sir Richard
                                                         New space race, new research
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