Page 21 - The 'X' Chronicles Newspaper - September 2021
P. 21

Sir Richard Branson Reaches Space                                                                                       21

         Richard Branson Reaches

         Space on Virgin Galactic’s

                      VSS Unity

            The historic flight is only the
         second time that the rocket plane

                  has carried people.

                      by Steven Levy

        The sky over the Spaceport  America in Las
        Cruces, New Mexico, was afire with lightning
        last night. The storm was sufficiently fierce to
        postpone Virgin Galactic’s planned rollout of its
        twin airships, mothership Eve and a space
        vehicle called VSS Unity, from their hangar. The
        delay meant that liftoff for today’s planned
        flight, which would send a crew on Unity 50
        miles above Earth, would be pushed back 90

        But no matter—Richard Branson still had plenty
        of time to beat Jeff Bezos into outer space.
                                                         were denied a view of Branson and crewmates people to space. That means having the travelers
        And he did it. At 9:25 am MT, about 45 minutes
                                                         spinning in weightless bliss. (The closest we got climb seven flights of steps to a capsule sitting
        after taking off from the spaceport at the delayed
                                                         was about three seconds of heavily pixelated on top of a giant rocket booster and literally
        time, the spaceship component of the duo,
                                                         limbs waving around.) Nor did we hear from the blasting off to the skies. Virgin Galactic uses a
        Unity, was ready to be freed from Eve. Branson
                                                         British entrepreneur during his time freed from technology originally developed by a company
        and five of his colleagues—two pilots, three
                                                         gravity. “We’ll be sure to capture his magical owned by Microsoft cofounder Paul Allen and
        other mission specialists—were on board.
                                                         words and share them with the world when built by a firm called Scaled Composites,
        Branson awaited the ignition of the rocket
                                                         available,” said one of the Virgin commentators strapping a rocket-powered vehicle underneath a
        engine with a smile frozen on his face. Then fire
                                                         on the live feed.                                much larger double-fuselage airplane.
        belched from the vehicle, and in just under two
        minutes, it reached altitude. Branson was at the
                                                         Lurking behind today’s Virgin Galactic flight is The crew drives up to the ship in SUVs and
        edge of space, around 80 kilometers up. Fifteen
                                                         some not-so-warm-and-fuzzy competition climbs about six steps on a tiny metal staircase
        minutes later, Branson and his crew were back
                                                         between billionaires.  After a successful May to the hatch. When the bound vehicles reach an
        on Earth, ready to talk about how  Virgin
                                                         crewed test flight, Virgin Galactic’s plan was to altitude of around 45,000 feet, Eve drops its
        Galactic would be offering an identical
                                                         have three more test flights this year with cargo. Once clear of the mothership, Unity’s
        experience to anyone willing to pay $250,000 or
                                                         Branson on the second of these. But after Bezos pilots fire the rockets. The flight tops off about
        so. Hundreds are already on the waiting list.
                                                         announced that he would be among the 55 miles above Earth, just high enough to
                                                         passengers on Blue Origin’s first crewed flight, sample weightlessness.  Whether or not it
        Branson is the king of spectacle, so it’s not
                                                         Branson hastily changed the  Virgin timetable. qualifies as “outer space” depends on whose
        surprising that the launch had a festival feel to it.
                                                         Unity would head back into flight on July 11, definition you accept:  The Department of
        In the hours before the launch, Branson’s Twitter
                                                         with the quickest turnaround the company has Defense won’t consider you an astronaut unless
        feed, along with those of his colleagues, was
                                                         pulled off.  And Branson would be on board, you cross the Kármán line of 100 kilometers,
        stuffed with slick videos intended to portray a
                                                         along with a cabin-full of his employees. In which is around 62 miles. The Federal Aviation
        hero’s journey.  We saw him arriving at the
                                                         addition to the personal risk, there was a Administration is more lenient, granting you
        spaceport on a bicycle—pedaled across the
                                                         financial one: Virgin Galactic became a public astronaut wings at 50 miles, which we may as
        Atlantic?—greeting his crewmates, who were
                                                         company in late 2019 by merging with an well call the Branson Line.
        already decked out in their custom-designed
                                                         existing firm on the stock exchange, and an
        Under  Armour suits. “You’re late!” they told
                                                         unsuccessful flight would screw the pooch, in Ever since Branson announced his beat-Bezos
        him. “Suit up!”
                                                         terms of share price.                            timetable, the pair have wished each other well
                                                                                                          at the same time they frantically traded
        A longer version of the video showed them
                                                         Caution seemed reasonable; in 2014, a test flight microaggressions. Blue Origin scored a coup by
        signing into a log book, with Branson
                                                         ended in disaster when the SpaceShipTwo          including 82-year-old  Wally Funk, who had
        identifying himself as Astronaut 001. The Virgin
                                                         rocket vehicle came apart soon after the rockets been trained as one of the original Mercury
        Galactic founder posted a photo of a welcome
                                                         fired. One pilot died and another was seriously astronauts but was unable to join the program
        observer to the launch—Elon Musk. As Branson
                                                         injured. Branson persisted and funded a second because NASA wasn’t sending women to space.
        walked to the launch pad, he was surrounded by
                                                         space vehicle, dubbed Unity. Each of today’s (Funk had also been on the  Virgin Galactic
        cheering spectators; he paused his fist-bumping
                                                         crew of six was assigned a task, including waiting list.)
        stroll to sign some souvenirs offered by little
                                                         Branson, whose job would be assessing the
        children.  The live feed itself was cohosted by
                                                         experience of future space tourists on the                              (Continued on Page 22)
        Stephen Colbert.  Waiting in the wings was
                                                         flight—because who could be more impartial in
        Khalid, who had written a song, “New Normal,”
                                                         evaluating the experience than the person who
        to be unveiled upon the end of the ride.                                                                 FOR THOUSANDS OF PAST
                                                         has most to gain from people lining up to buy
                                                                                                                         EPISODES OF
                                                         tickets for future flights?
        The only disappointment was that the King of                                                            THE ‘X’ ZONE RADIO SHOW
        Media’s live feed in the capsule failed during the                                                        WITH ROB McCONNELL,
                                                         Virgin’s literal path to space is unique. Bezos’
        two minutes of actual space travel. Spectators                                                          VISIT XZONEUNIVERSE.COM
                                                         Blue Origin uses traditional means of sending
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