Page 16 - The 'X' Chronicles Newspaper - September 2021
P. 16
16 A Different Perspective on UAP Report
UAP Report and a Mini
Estimate of the Situation -
A Comparison
Continued from Page 15
The Project Blue Book files available show that
two Air Force (at the time Army Air Forces)
pilots and two intelligence officers saw a bright
light zigzagging in the night sky over Maxwell
Air Force Base on June 28, 1947. The sighting
lasted for about five minutes.
Ed Ruppelt reported it this way:
That night [June 28, 1947] at nine-twenty, four
Air Force officers, two pilots and two
intelligence officers from Maxwell AFB in
Montgomery, Alabama, saw a bright light
traveling across the sky. It was first seen just
above the horizon, and as it traversed toward
the observers it “zigzagged,” with bursts of high
speed. When it was directly overhead it made a
sharp 90-degree turn and was lost from view as different altitudes. It should also be noted that between those given and about one-third of the
it traveled south. there is nothing to suggest a lighted balloon in distance from Las Cruces [name redacted, but
the area, though weather balloons did, probably Kauke] who was driving the car,
The Blue Book files included just ten pages of sometimes, carry lights for the ease of noticed the subject device and called attention to
information about the case that included the observation after dark. the other occupants. Mr. [name redacted]
project card and weather data. In a letter dated opened the window nearest him and observed
July 7, 1947, to the Assistant Chief of Staff for Garrett’s next case was witnessed by three the object moving at an unknown rapid velocity
intelligence at Air Tactical Command, there was scientists and the wife of one at White Sands, at an unknown altitude, which he estimated at
additional information. It said: New Mexico, on June 29, 1947. Again, while about 10,000 feet, and which Mr. [name
there is little real information included in redacted], who also observed it through an open
At approximately 2120 Central time, a light, Garrett’s estimate, there is more data available. window, estimated at between 8,000 feet and
with a brilliance slightly better than a star, According to the Project Blue Book files, not to 10,000 feet, although the former puts little
appeared in the West. It was first noted above mention several newspapers including the credence in the estimates.
the horizon of the clear moon-light night, Washington Star on July 7, Dr. C. J. Zohn,
traveling in an easterly direction at a high rate described as a rocket expert, was traveling with When first sighted the object was to the right
of speed. There was no audible sound and it was two other scientists, Curtis C. Rockwood and and forward of the automobile at an unstated
impossible to determine the altitude, except that John R. Kauke, near Las Cruces, when Zohn elevation and was apparently moving
it appeared to be at great height. It traveled in a spotted the object traveling north at about horizontally in a Northerly direction such as to
zig zag course with frequent bursts of speed, 10,000 feet. He said it was bright and silver with cross the highway from right to left. The object
much light a water bug as it spurts and stops no protuberances visible and was elliptical in was observed by all persons in the automobile.
across the surface of water. It continued until it shape. Mr. [name redacted] stated that he could not
was directly overhead and changed course 90 observe any details of the object other than its
[degrees] into the south. After traveling in the Zohn pointed it out to the others, so that all four shape was uniform., with no protuberances such
above manner for approximately five (5) of them saw the object. The disc was moving the wings of an airplane. It was too distant to
minutes, it turned southwest and was lost in the away from them at a uniform rate of speed. He enable stereoscopic visualization. Thee was
brilliance of the moon. [sic] at 2145 Central it said, “It was clearly visible and then suddenly, it apparently some solar specular reflection which
was no longer possible to observe. wasn’t there.” seemed to change in intensity as the object
receded until it was lost from sight after an
It was noted, in the letter signed by one of the Garrett had access to this information. estimated 30 seconds from the time first noticed.
witnesses, Kayko, “No plausible explanation is According to a letter dated July 16, Major He could not explain how it disappeared except
offered for the unusual action of this source of William P. Mellen, wrote, “At the request of Lt. perhaps that the reflection angle may have
light, which acted contrary to common Col. G. D. Garrett, the undersigned has changed abruptly. There were apparently no
aerodynamic laws.” interviewed this date Mr. [name redacted] clouds or visibility obstructions at the time. The
Administrative Assistant in Rocker Sonde sun was to the rear of the automobile. Mr.
There is one other interesting note. On the Section NRL, who had previously released [redacted] thought that at one time he saw vapor
“checklist” that contains many questions about information to the press regarding an aerial trails.
the sighting, there is one question about object which he stated he saw at White Sands,
photographs. Here the answer was, “None in our New Mexico, 29 June.” The Blue Book file on the case mentioned that
file altho letter of transmittal indicates one was Zohn had been in New Mexico to observe V-2
sent.” Those photographs have not surfaced. Mellen went into greater detail about the launches, but that the sighting had nothing to do
sighting. The trouble here is that with the names with that. This was mentioned as a way of
The eventual label applied to the case was that redacted, there is no real way to know which of establishing that Zohn and the others were
this was a balloon. Although it seems that four the witnesses said what. Mellen wrote: familiar with the rocket tests, and it was noted
officers, including the two intelligence officers, that one of the men had recently been discharged
would have been able to identify a balloon if that At between 1:00 and 1:30 p.m. Sunday 29 June from the Navy. It was suggested that his Naval
was the solution, it would also seem that the 1947, [names redacted] was proceeding along training meant that he was familiar with various
maneuvers of the object would rule out a Highway 17 in a North-Easterly direction from types of aircraft.
balloon, regardless of how strong the winds aloft Las Cruces, New Mexico to White Sands V-2
were blowing or how variable they might be at firing grounds in an automobile… At some time (Continued on Page 17)