Page 14 - The 'X' Chronicles Newspaper - September 2021
P. 14

14                 A Different Perspective on UAP Report

           UAP Report and a Mini

         Estimate of the Situation -

                   A Comparison

               Continued from Page 13

        The day after the first article appeared in the
        Denver Post, there was a second one. This time
        the Post reported witnesses had been
        interviewed by members of the 15th Air Force
        Headquarters and the results of the investigation
        would be sent on to  Washington, which
        suggested those results were seen by Garrett.
        The conclusion, unknown to the witnesses, was
        “possible birds.” (Bloecher I-1). This case itself,
        is not mentioned in the Project Blue Book files.

        The reason that Garrett might have been
        impressed with the sighting would be the
        number of witnesses, that they observed the      Edward L. de Rose said, ...there appeared across description of the motion of the objects, reporter
        object through binoculars, and that they were    his line of vision a “brilliant, small, round- Bill Bequette, coined the term "flying saucer,"
        men with some mechanical expertise. It should    shaped, silvery white object” moving in a though in the next few days, most reporters and
        also be noted that the object was in sight for   northwesterly direction as fast as or probably then scientists and Army officers would call the
        about twenty minutes and that a bird, observed   faster than a speeding plane at an estimated objects flying disks. The term, then, according to
        first with the unaided eye would be resolved as  altitude of 1,000 feet or more. The object stayed most investigators, didn't originally refer to the
        a bird when seen through the binoculars.         in view for eight or ten seconds until obscured shape of the objects, but to the style of their
                                                         by a cloud bank. It reflected the sunlight strongly movement through the air.
        Garrett next cited a report by Bryon Savage, a   as though it were of polished aluminum or
        businessman pilot, living in Oklahoma City,      silver… He said it did not resemble any weather Within days Arnold would provide the military
        Oklahoma. Savage said that he, and his wife,     balloon he had ever seen and that “I can assure with a written description of the events. In a
        had seen a round, flat object, described in some  you it was very real.”                          document that was originally classified, but that
        accounts as “disc-like,” traveling nearly due                                                     has long since been downgraded and was a part
        north at a speed estimated at three times that of  According to the information available, this was of the Project Blue Book files, Arnold wrote:
        a jet on May 17 or 18, about 8:30 in the evening.  a case that had been secretly investigated by the
        (Maccabee UFO Investigator January 1978 p.       FBI, and given Special  Agent Reynolds’ On June 24th... I had finished my work... and
        3).                                              participation with Schulgen and Garrett it is not about two o’clock I took off for Chehalis,
                                                         difficult to believe that the FBI was involved. It Washington, airport with the intention of going
        The Oklahoma City  Times gave it prominent       does demonstrate an FBI interest in UFOs that to Yakima, Washington... I flew directly toward
        space on June 26th. At the time of his sighting,  began at the very beginning, something the FBI Mt. Rainier after reaching an altitude of about
        Savage had been out in his yard near dusk, and   sometimes suggests they wanted to hide.          9,500 feet, which is the approximate elevation of
        the sky was still light, when he saw an object                                                    the high plateau from with Mt. Rainier rises...
        “come across the city from just a little east of  Garrett finally reached the case that had There was a DC-4 to the left and to the rear of
        south … its altitude was very high somewhere     launched the problem. It was the one that had me approximately fifteen miles distance, and I
        around 10,000 feet, I couldn’t be sure. Funny    been featured in newspapers and on radio should judge, a 14,000 foot elevation... I hadn’t
        thing about it, it made no noise. I don't think it  programs. It was the reason that people were flown more than two or three minutes on my
        had kind of internal combustion engine. But I    talking about flying saucers and flying discs. course when a bright flash reflected on my
        did notice that right after it went out of sight, I  Kenneth Arnold, a Boise, Idaho, businessman, airplane. It startled me as I thought I was too
        heard the sound of rushing wind and air. I told  said that he had seen a string of strange objects, close to some other aircraft. I looked every place
        my wife right away, but she thought I must have  flying one behind the other, at about 9,500 feet. in the sky and couldn’t find where the reflection
        seen lightning.”                                 Watching them, he at first thought they might be had come from until I looked to the left and the
                                                         water spots on the windows or maybe sunlight north of Mt. Rainier where I observed a chain of
        He said that the object was “a shiny, silvery    reflecting off the mountain top snow but then nine peculiar looking aircraft flying from north
        color,” and very large -- “bigger than any aircraft  realized they were something unusual.        to the south at approximately 9,500 foot
        we have.” He said it was “perfectly round and                                                     elevation and going, seemingly, in a definite
        flat.” He was also quoted as saying that it      Using the cockpit clock to time them, and direction of about 170 degrees.
        appeared “frosty white,” and that its speed was  guessing at their distance, he calculated the
        about three times as fast as a jet. It disappeared  speed to be more than 1500 miles an hour                             (Continued on Page 15)
        from view in about fifteen to twenty seconds.    thought there are various other reports about
        Although the sighting details provided by        their speed. He was unsure of the exact shape              MISSION EVOLUTION
        Savage are far more complete than those given    but later said they were crescent shaped. He
        for many of the official cases listed by Blue    counted nine of them in an undulating formation                      WITH
        Book as “explained,” this report falls in the    that he described as flying like geese. He said it           GWILDA WIYAKA
        category     of    Insufficient   Information.   looked as if they were chained together and that                      ON
        (      the formation was rather diagonal.                   THE ‘X’ ZONE BROADCAST NET
                                                         When  Arnold landed in  Yakima,  Washington,                         AND
        Next up in Garrett’s Mini EOTS, was reported     later on the afternoon of June 24, he told the                    SIMULTV
        from Greenfield, Massachusetts on June 22,       assembled reporters what he had seen. In the               (WWW.SIMULTV.COM)
        1947. According to the report:                   course of describing the objects, he said they                       AND
                                                         moved with a motion like that of saucers                MISSIONEVOLUTION.ORG
                                                         skipping across the water. Hearing  Arnold's
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