Page 10 - The 'X' Chronicles Newspaper - September 2021
P. 10
10 UAP Report To Congress of 25 June 2021
Preliminary Assessment:
Unidentified Aerial
Continued from Page 6
Expand Collection
The UAPTF is looking for novel ways to
increase collection of UAP cluster areas when
U.S. forces are not present as a way to baseline
“standard” UAP activity and mitigate the
collection bias in the dataset. One proposal is to
use advanced algorithms to search historical
data captured and stored by radars. The UAPTF APPENDIX B – Senate Report aerospace or other threats posed by the UAP to
also plans to update its current interagency UAP national security, and an assessment of whether
collection strategy in order bring to bear relevant Accompanying the Intelligence this UAP activity may be attributed to one or
collection platforms and methods from the DoD Authorization Act for Fiscal Year more foreign adversaries;
and the IC. 2021
7. Identification of any incidents or
Increase Investment in Research and patterns that indicate a potential adversary, have
Senate Report 116-233, accompanying the
Development Intelligence Authorization Act for Fiscal Year achieved breakthrough aerospace capabilities
that could put U.S. strategic or conventional
2021, provides that the DNI, in consultation
The UAPTF has indicated that additional with the SECDEF and other relevant heads of forces at risk; and
funding for research and development could USG Agencies, is to submit an intelligence
further the future study of the topics laid out in assessment of the threat posed by UAP and the 8. Recommendations regarding
this report. Such investments should be guided progress the UAPTF has made to understand increased collection of data, enhanced research
by a UAP Collection Strategy, UAP R&D this threat. and development, additional funding, and other
Technical Roadmap, and a UAP Program Plan. resources.[]
The Senate Report specifically requested that
the report include: IN MY TIME OF
APPENDIX A - Definition of Key 1. A detailed analysis of UAP data
Terms and intelligence reporting collected or held by DYING
the Office of Naval Intelligence, including data
and intelligence reporting held by the UAPTF;
This report and UAPTF databases use the What is death? We’re all going to find
following defining terms: out... but here’s how some great minds
2. A detailed analysis of
have thought of it.
unidentified phenomena data collected by:
Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAP):
a. Geospatial Intelligence;
Airborne objects not immediately identifiable.
b. Signals Intelligence; • “At the moment of one’s conception is
The acronym UAP represents the broadest
c. Human Intelligence; and when one starts to die.” - Rob McConnell
category of airborne objects reviewed for
d. Measurement and
Signatures Intelligence • “It’s inspirational to see someone who is
dying smile.” - Arlene Specter
UAP Event: A holistic description of an
3. A detailed analysis of data of the
occurrence during which a pilot or aircrew
Federal Bureau of Investigation, which was • “I’m not afraid of death because I don’t
witnessed (or detected) a UAP.
derived from investigations of intrusions of believe in it. It’s just getting out of one car
UAP data over restricted U.S. airspace; and getting into another.” - John Lennon
UAP Incident: A specific part of the event.
4. A detailed description of an • “Death commences too early - almost
UAP Report: Documentation of a UAP event,
interagency process for ensuring timely data before you’re half-aquatinted with life,
to include verified chains of custody and basic
collection and centralized analysis of all UAP you meet the other.” - Tennessee Williams
information such as the time, date, location, and
reporting for the Federal Government,
description of the UAP. UAP reports include
regardless of which service or agency acquired • “To the well-organized mind, death is but
Range Fouler1 reports and other reporting.
the information; the next great adventure.” - J.K. Rowling
1 U.S. Navy aviators define a “range fouler” as
5. Identification of an official • “Dying is a wild night and a new road.” -
an activity or object that interrupts pre-planned
accountable for the process described in Emily Dickinson.
training or other military activity in a military
paragraph 4;
operating area or restricted airspace. (Continued on Page 36)
6. Identification of potential