Page 5 - The 'X' Chronicles Newspaper - September 2021
P. 5

UAP Report To Congress of 25 June 2021 5

                OFFICE OF THE

                 DIRECTOR OF



          Preliminary Assessment:

               Unidentified Aerial


                 Continued from Page 4

        Consistent consolidation of reports from
        across the federal government, standardized
        reporting, increased collection and analysis,
        and a streamlined process for screening all
        such reports against a broad range of
        relevant USG data will allow for a more
        sophisticated analysis of UAP that is likely to
        deepen our understanding.  Some of these
        steps are resource-intensive and would require
        additional investment.
                                                         how to appropriately filter out radar clutter to of latest-generation sensors operating in those
        AVAILABLE                  REPORTING
                                                         ensure safety of flight for military and civilian areas, unit expectations, and guidance to report
        LARGELY INCONCLUSIVE                             aircraft—are longstanding in the aviation anomalies.
                                                         community, while others are unique to the UAP
        Limited     Data     Leaves      Most     UAP problem set.                                        And a Handful of UAP  Appear to
        Unexplained…                                            •      Narratives from aviators in the    Demonstrate Advanced Technology
                                                         operational community and analysts from the
        Limited data and inconsistency in reporting are  military and IC describe disparagement           In 18 incidents, described in 21 reports,
        key challenges to evaluating UAP. No             associated with observing UAP, reporting it, or  observers reported unusual UAP movement
        standardized reporting mechanism existed until   attempting to discuss it with colleagues.        patterns or flight characteristics.
        the Navy established one in March 2019. The      Although the effects of these stigmas have
        Air Force subsequently adopted that mechanism    lessened as senior members of the scientific,    Some UAP appeared to remain stationary in
        in November 2020, but it remains limited to      policy, military, and intelligence communities   winds aloft, move against the wind, maneuver
        USG reporting.  The UAPTF regularly heard        engage on the topic seriously in public,         abruptly, or move at considerable speed, without
        anecdotally during its research about other      reputational risk may keep many observers        discernable means of propulsion. In a small
        observations that occurred but which were never  silent, complicating scientific pursuit of the   number of cases, military aircraft systems
        captured in formal or informal reporting by      topic.                                           processed radio frequency (RF) energy
        those observers.                                        •      The sensors mounted on U.S.        associated with UAP sightings.
                                                         military platforms are typically designed to
        After carefully considering this information, the  fulfill specific missions.  As a result, those  The UAPTF holds a small amount of data that
        UAPTF focused on reports that involved UAP sensors are not generally suited for identifying       appear to show UAP demonstrating acceleration
        largely witnessed firsthand by military aviators  UAP.                                            or a degree of signature management. Additional
        and that were collected from systems we                 •      Sensor vantage points and the      rigorous analysis are necessary by multiple
        considered to be reliable. These reports describe  numbers of sensors concurrently observing an   teams or groups of technical experts to
        incidents that occurred between 2004 and 2021,   object play substantial roles in distinguishing  determine the nature and validity of these data.
        with the majority coming in the last two years as  UAP from known objects and determining         We are conducting further analysis to determine
        the new reporting mechanism became better        whether a UAP demonstrates breakthrough          if    breakthrough      technologies     were
        known to the military aviation community. We     aerospace capabilities. Optical sensors have the  demonstrated.
        were able to identify one reported UAP with      benefit of providing some insight into relative
        high confidence. In that case, we identified the  size, shape, and structure. Radiofrequency      UAP PROBABLY LACK  A
        object as a large, deflating balloon. The others  sensors provide more accurate velocity and
        remain unexplained.                              range information.                               SINGLE EXPLANATION

               •       144 reports originated from USG But Some Potential Patterns Do                     The UAP documented in this limited dataset
        sources. Of these, 80 reports involved Emerge                                                     demonstrate an array of aerial behaviors,
        observation with multiple sensors.                                                                reinforcing the possibility there are multiple
                       o Most reports described UAP as   Although there was wide variability in the       types of UAP requiring different explanations.
        objects that interrupted pre-planned training or  reports and the dataset is currently too limited to  Our analysis of the data supports the construct
        other military activity.                         allow for detailed trend or pattern analysis, there  that if and when individual UAP incidents are
                                                                                                          resolved they will fall into one of five potential
                                                         was some clustering of UAP observations
        UAP Collection Challenges                        regarding shape, size, and, particularly,        explanatory categories: airborne clutter, natural

                                                         propulsion. UAP sightings also tended to cluster  atmospheric phenomena, USG or industry
                                                                                                          developmental programs, foreign adversary
        Sociocultural stigmas and sensor limitations around U.S. training and testing grounds, but we
                                                                                                          systems, and a catchall “other” bin.
        remain obstacles to collecting data on UAP. assess that this may result from a collection bias
                                                                                                                                  (Continued on Page 6)
        Although some technical challenges—such as as a result of focused attention, greater numbers
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