Page 6 - The 'X' Chronicles Newspaper - September 2021
P. 6

6             UAP Report To Congress of 25 June 2021

                OFFICE OF THE

                 DIRECTOR OF


          Preliminary Assessment:
               Unidentified Aerial


                 Continued from Page 5

        With the exception of the one instance where we
        determined with high confidence that the
        reported UAP was airborne clutter, specifically a
        deflating balloon, we currently lack sufficient
        information in our dataset to attribute incidents technology by a potential adversary.            aerial objects such as weather balloons, high-
        to specific explanations.                                                                         altitude or super-pressure balloons, and wildlife,
                                                                                                          machine learning can add efficiency by pre-
        Airborne Clutter:  These objects include                                                          assessing UAP reports to see if those records
        birds, balloons, recreational unmanned aerial    Ongoing Airspace Concerns                        match similar events already in the database.
        vehicles (UAV), or airborne debris like plastic                                                          •      The UAPTF has begun to
        bags that muddle a scene and affect an           When aviators encounter safety hazards, they     develop interagency analytical and processing
        operator’s ability to identify true targets, such as  are required to report these concerns. Depending  workflows to ensure both collection and analysis
        enemy aircraft.                                  on the location, volume, and behavior of hazards  will be well informed and coordinated.
                                                         during incursions on ranges, pilots may cease
        Natural Atmospheric  Phenomena:                  their tests and/or training and land their aircraft,  The majority of UAP data is from U.S. Navy
        Natural atmospheric phenomena includes ice       which has a deterrent effect on reporting.       reporting, but efforts are underway to
        crystals, moisture, and thermal fluctuations that       •      The UAPTF has 11 reports of        standardize incident reporting across U.S.
        may register on some infrared and radar          documented instances in which pilots reported    military services and other government agencies
        systems.                                         near misses with a UAP.                          to ensure all relevant data is captured with
                                                                                                          respect to particular incidents and any U.S.

        USG or Industry Developmental                    Potential National Security Challenges           activities that might be relevant. The UAPTF is
                                                                                                          currently working to acquire additional
        Programs: Some UAP observations could be                                                          reporting, including from the
                                                         We currently lack data to indicate any UAP are
        attributable to developments and classified                                                       U.S. Air Force (USAF), and has begun receiving
                                                         part of a foreign collection program or indicative
        programs by U.S. entities.  We were unable to                                                     data from the Federal Aviation Administration
                                                         of a major technological advancement by a
        confirm, however, that these systems accounted                                                    (FAA).
                                                         potential adversary. We continue to monitor for
        for any of the UAP reports we collected.                                                                 •      Although USAF data collection
                                                         evidence of such programs given the counter
                                                                                                          has been limited historically the USAF began a
                                                         intelligence challenge they would pose,
        Foreign Adversary Systems: Some UAP                                                               six- month pilot program in November 2020 to
                                                         particularly as some UAP have been detected
        may be technologies deployed by China, Russia,                                                    collect in the most likely areas to encounter
                                                         near military facilities or by aircraft carrying the
        another nation, or a non-governmental entity.                                                     UAP and is evaluating how to normalize future
                                                         USG’s most advanced sensor systems.
                                                                                                          collection, reporting, and analysis across the
        Other: Although most of the UAP described in                                                      entire Air Force.
        our dataset probably remain unidentified due to  EXPLAINING UAP WILL                                     •      The FAA captures data related to
        limited data or challenges to collection REQUIRE ANALYTIC,                                        UAP during the normal course of managing air
        processing or analysis, we may require           COLLECTION AND                                   traffic operations.  The FAA generally ingests
        additional scientific knowledge to successfully                                                   this data when pilots and other airspace users
        collect on, analyze and characterize some of     RESOURCE INVESTMENT                              report unusual or unexpected events to the
        them.  We would group such objects in this                                                        FAA’s Air Traffic Organization.
        category pending scientific advances that        Standardize           the        Reporting,             •      In     addition,    the     FAA
        allowed us to better understand them.  The Consolidate the Data, and Deepen the                   continuously monitors its systems for
        UAPTF intends to focus additional analysis on    Analysis                                         anomalies, generating additional information
        the small number of cases where a UAP                                                             that may be of use to the UAPTF. The FAA is
        appeared     to    display    unusual    flight  In line with the provisions of Senate Report 116-  able to isolate data of interest to the UAPTF and
        characteristics or signature management.         233, accompanying the IAA for FY 2021, the       make it available.  The FAA has a robust and
                                                         UAPTF’s long-term goal is to widen the scope     effective outreach program that can help the
        UAP        THREATEN               FLIGHT of its work to include additional UAP events             UAPTF reach members of the aviation
        SAFETY           AND,         POSSIBLY,          documented by a broader swath of USG             community to highlight the importance of
                                                         personnel and technical systems in its analysis.  reporting UAP.
                                                         As the dataset increases, the UAPTF’s ability to
                                                         employ data analytics to detect trends will also                        (Continued on Page 10)
        UAP pose a hazard to safety of flight and could  improve.  The initial focus will be to employ
        pose a broader danger if some instances          artificial   intelligence/machine     learning
        represent sophisticated collection against U.S.  algorithms to cluster and recognize similarities     THE ‘X’ ZONE TV CHANNEL
        military activities by a foreign government or   and patterns in features of the data points. As the         EXCLUSIVELY ON
        demonstrate     a   breakthrough     aerospace   database accumulates information from known                   SIMULTV.COM
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