Page 17 - The 'X' Chronicles Newspaper - September 2021
P. 17

A Different Perspective on UAP Report                                                                                        17

           UAP Report and a Mini

         Estimate of the Situation -

                   A Comparison

               Continued from Page 16

        In an entry that is thin, almost nonexistent, is a
        sighting from July 1.  A civilian pilot on the
        ground in Bakersfield, California, saw
        something. Garrett’s report provides no
        additional information and the case was not
        found in the Project Blue Book files under that
        date.  Although Garrett suggested that other
        information would be found later, there is no
        evidence that such is the case.  Without
        additional information it seems strange that
        Garrett would include it in his estimate, even if
        the witness was a pilot.

        Civilian pilots were responsible for the next
        sighting that Garrett quoted. Captain E. J. Smith
        was piloting a United Airlines plane when one
        of the flying saucers appeared coming at them.   that of any aircraft he had ever seen. The object  Baldy, California, on July 8, 1947.  The flat
        The first officer, Ralph Stevens, reached down   was in his view for approximately sixty seconds  object, reflecting light, was about the size of a
        to blink the landing lights, and Smith asked     during which time it travelled over three-       fighter.  The pilot said that he gave chase
        what he thought he was doing. Stevens            quarters of the visible sky. Burniston could     attempting to keep the object in sight but was
        responded that another plane was coming at       distinguish no definite color or shape. It       unable to do so.
        them. As it closed, they realized that it wasn't  appeared to roll from side to side three times
        another aircraft but one of the flying disks.    during his observation and one side reflected    A police officer, among others, in Grand Falls,
                                                         strongly from its surface while the other side   Newfoundland, reported an egg-shaped object
        They could see no real shape but did say the     gave no reflection. He estimates the size to be  with a barrel-like leading edge about thirty
        craft was flat on the bottom, very thin, and     about that of a C-54 and states that between the  minutes before midnight on July 9, 1947, in the
        seemed to be irregular on the top. The object    time the top of the object was visible and the   next case reported by Garrett. There were four
        appeared to be at the same altitude as the       time it rolled over … the bottom became very     objects that had a phosphorescent glow.
        airplane and followed them for ten to fifteen    difficult to see and almost disappeared.
        minutes.                                                                                          The next day, and next on the list there was a
                                                         Although the next two reports seem to be         series of sightings in Newfoundland. Garrett
        Moments later four more appeared on the left of  related, Garrett broke them into two separate    used the sighting that took place about four in
        the aircraft. Smith was quoted in the newspaper  incidents, one from Koshkonong,  Wisconsin       the afternoon, and was seen by a “TWA
        saying, "We couldn't tell what the exact shape   and the second from East Troy, Wisconsin. The    Representative and a PAA Representative
        was except to notice that they definitely were   Blue Book files corrects this, listing them both  [identified as J. N. Mehrman, A.R. Leidy and
        larger than our plane (a DC-4), fairly smooth on  on the same “Project Card.” Both sightings      J.E. Woodruff] on the ground.” The object was
        the bottom and rough on top."                    lasted under a minute, and in both sightings the  “circular in shape, like a wagon wheel,” and was
                                                         witnesses were members of the Civil Air Patrol,  bluish-black with a fifteen-foot-long trail.  The
        Although the case was thoroughly investigated,   an official auxiliary of the Air Force that is a  object “seemed to cut clouds open as it passed
        the Air Force found no solution for it and in the  civilian volunteer organization. The first of the  thru [sic]. Trail was like beam seen after a high-
        Project Blue Book files, it is still carried as  sightings was reported at 11:45 (CST) in the     powered landing light is switched off.”
        “Unidentified.”                                  morning and the second at 2:30 (CST) in the
                                                         afternoon. Both were made on July 7, 1947.       The case took on added importance because
        Three airmen, including Major  Archie B.                                                          there were color photographs of the disk as it cut
        Browning, flying a B-25, near Clay Center,       According to the Blue Book Project Card,         through the clouds. Dr. Michael Swords reported
        Kansas said they saw a silver-colored object     “Saucer descended vertically edgewise through    in the Journal of UFO Studies:
        pacing their aircraft at 1:45 p.m. Browning said  clouds, stopped at 4000’ and assumed
        that a bright flash called his attention to the  horizontal position and proceeded in horizontal  The bluish-black trail seems to indicate ordinary
        object, which he said was thirty to fifty feet in  flight from a horizontal position for 15 seconds  combustion from a turbo-jet engine, athodyd
        diameter and very bright. He said the object     covering 25 miles, again stopped and             [ramjet] motor, or some combination of these
        appeared to be pacing the aircraft at 210 miles  disappeared.”                                    types of power plants. The absence of noise and
        an hour. When they turned toward it, the object                                                   apparent dissolving of the clouds to form a clear
        seemed to accelerate to high speed and           These two cases were marked, “Insufficient       path indicates a relatively large mass flow of a
        disappeared. The Air Force would suggest that    information for proper analysis.” This begs the  rectangular cross section containing a
        the sighting was caused by a sunshine reflection  question of what Garrett thought was so         considerable amount of heat.
        on the windshield. (Bloecher 1947)               important about them that he included them in

                                                         his analysis, or what information was left out of  The report reached General Schulgen on July 16
        Garrett next reported that Captain James H.      the reports now available that Garrett had in    with a more detailed version on July 21.  The
        Burniston, on July 6, 1947, while at Fairfield-  1947. It wouldn’t be the first time that         updated information was sent on to the
        Suisun Army Air Base saw one of the flying       information in the Project Blue Book files were  Pentagon. Schulgen ordered  T-2, part of the
        disks. According to the information available:   altered or reevaluated.                          intelligence function at Wright-Patterson, to take
                                                                                                          a top team to Harmon to investigate.
        …He observed an object traveling in a            Following his theory of who might make the
        southeasterly direction at an estimated height of  best witnesses, the next case involved an Army                        (Continued on Page 18)
        10,000 feet or more and at a speed in excess of  Air Corps National Guard pilot flying near Mt.
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