Page 22 - The 'X' Chronicles Newspaper - September 2021
P. 22

22                      Sir Richard Branson Reaches Space

         Richard Branson Reaches

         Space on Virgin Galactic’s

                      VSS Unity

                 Continued from Page 21

        But Branson scored points when SpaceX CEO
        Elon Musk decided to show up at the New
        Mexico spaceport to cheer him on. Late in the
        week, Blue Origin released a testy head-to-head
        comparison between the two systems. Bigger
        windows! Better for the environment! And, most
        pointedly, it emphasized that Blue Origin’s New
        Shepard capsule clears the Kármán line, which it
        considers “real” space. A Virgin Galactic pilot
        sent a huffy tweet (later deleted) noting that Blue
        Origin has so far only flown a mannequin. On
        the eve of the flight, Bezos did post tepid
        encouragement: “Wishing you and the whole
        team a successful and safe flight tomorrow. Best  landing.                                        Atlantic  Airways wasn't supposed to fly until
        of luck!” he posted on Instagram.                                                                 later this summer. But he assigned himself to an
                                                         "The whole thing, it was just magical," a jubilant earlier flight after Bezos announced plans to ride
        Indeed, luck was with Branson today.  True,      Branson said after the trip home aboard the his own rocket into space from Texas on July 20,
        Virgin Galactic’s claims that this flight is a   gleaming white space plane, named Unity.         the 52nd anniversary of the  Apollo 11 moon
        groundbreaking one for commercial space is                                                        landing. Branson denied he was trying to outdo
        somewhat overblown. Russia was first to charge   The brief, up-and-down flight — the rocket Bezos.
        astronauts for rides into space. The first private  ship's portion took only about 15 minutes, or
        crewed space launch came with  Virgin’s          about as long as  Alan Shepard's first U.S. Branson's other chief rival in the space-tourism
        predecessor, Scaled Composites. (Branson paid    spaceflight in 1961 — was a splashy and race among the world's richest men, SpaceX's
        to brand it with the Virgin logo and later bought  unabashedly commercial plug for  Virgin Elon Musk, came to New Mexico to witness the
        Allen’s assets.) SpaceX was the first private    Galactic, which plans to start taking paying flight,      wishing    Branson     via   Twitter,
        company to send astronauts into orbit. Blue      customers on joyrides next year.                 "Godspeed!"
        Origin will be the first private company to
        charge a private passenger.                      Branson became the first person to blast off in Bezos's Blue Origin company intends to send
                                                         his own spaceship, beating Bezos by nine days. tourists past the so-called Kármán line 100
        But give Branson this: Virgin Galactic is the first  He also became only the second septuagenarian kilometres above Earth, which is recognized by
        space tourism company to send its billionaire    to go into space. Astronaut John Glenn flew on international aviation and aerospace federations
        owner into space, at least space as defined by the the shuttle at age 77 in 1998.                 as the threshold of space.
        FAA. Branson will forever have that bragging
        right.  And one expects he will exercise it Bezos sent his congratulations, adding: "Can't But NASA, the U.S.  Air Force, the Federal
        endlessly.                                       wait to join the club!" — though he also took to Aviation     Administration      and     some
                                                         Twitter earlier in the week to enumerate the astrophysicists consider the boundary between
             'It was just magical':                      ways in which be believes his company's rides the atmosphere and space to begin at 80
                                                         will be better.                                  kilometres and up.
               Billionaire Richard
                                                         With about 500 people watching, including The risks to Branson and his crew were
             Branson flies to space
                                                         Branson's family, a twin-fuselage craft with underscored in 2007, when a rocket motor test in
              aboard his own ship                        Unity attached underneath took off in the first California's Mojave Desert left three workers
                                                         stage of the flight. Unity then detached from the dead, and in 2014, when a Virgin Galactic rocket
                                                         mother ship at an altitude of about 13 kilometres plane broke apart during a test flight, killing one
              Brief flight a splashy and                 and fired its engine, reaching more than Mach 3, pilot and seriously injuring the other.
        unabashedly commercial plug for                  or three times the speed of sound, as it pierced
                                                         the edge of space.                               Dawn of space tourism
              Branson's Virgin Galactic
                                                         Spectators cheered, jumped into the air and      Ever the showman, Branson insisted on a global
                     Associated Press                    embraced as the rocket plane touched down.       live stream of the Sunday morning flight and
                                                         Branson pumped his fists as he stepped out onto  invited celebrities and former space station
                                                         the runway and ran toward his family, bear-      astronauts to the company's Spaceport America
        Swashbuckling entrepreneur Richard Branson       hugging his wife and children and scooping up    base in New Mexico.
        hurtled into space aboard his own winged rocket  his three grandchildren in his arms.
        ship on Sunday, beating out fellow billionaire                                                    R&B singer Khalid performed his new single
        Jeff Bezos.                                      "That was an amazing accomplishment," former     New Normal — a nod to the dawning of space
                                                         Canadian astronaut Chris Hadfield, a one-time    tourism — while CBS Late Show host Stephen

        The nearly 71-year-old Branson and five          commander of the International Space Station,    Colbert served as master of ceremonies.
        crewmates from his  Virgin Galactic space-       said from the sidelines. "I'm just so delighted at
        tourism company reached an altitude of about 88  what this open door is going to lead to now. It's                       (Continued on Page 23)
        kilometres over the New Mexico desert —          a great moment."
        enough to experience three to four minutes of                                                        Do you have a story that you would like to
        weightlessness and see the curvature of the      Virgin Galactic conducted three previous test         have published in The ‘X’ Chronicles?
        Earth — and then safely glided to a runway       flights into space with crews of just two or three.  Email:
                                                         The flamboyant, London-born founder of Virgin
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