Page 31 - The 'X' Chronicles Newspaper - September 2021
P. 31

Latest on Travis Walton’s Alleged Abduction                                                                                      31

         Latest on Travis Walton’s

                Alleged Abduction

                     by Kevin Randle
             Host of A Different Perspective
                  Radio Show on XZBN

        For those living under rocks, who haven’t gotten
        out of the basement, or who, though some
        miracle, have avoided social media, let me tell location of his abduction with him and others in abducted. It might interesting to compare what
        you that the cracks in the  Travis  Walton the Sitgraves National Forest, and been moved he told me with some of the information coming
        abduction case have widened into deep fissures. by his taking the time to visit my late father who out now. You can read about that interview here:
        This all began a while back when Mike Rogers also held Travis in high regard. Of course any of
        announced that he was through with  Travis us can be fooled, especially if the scammer is
        Walton.  At that time, because I have fully dedicated to pulling off a well-planned pierce-and-travis-walton.html
        communicated with both men, I asked a couple fraud. I know this from personal experience. But
        of questions because it seem the split had in this particular arena, I notice that not once
        nothing to do with the abduction tale. Oh, has anyone cited any of the well-established klass-travis-walton-and-steve.html
        Rogers had mentioned, several times that no one scientific evidence confirming the physical
        saw  Walton abducted, but that wasn’t really reality of the events in question such as the I was asked by Rob McConnell to provide my
        much of a revelation and proved nothing.         otherwise unexplanable growth of the tree rings take on this latest episode. I confess that I find it
                                                         on the side of trees that faced the event site, or disturbing. It seems to me, that after all these multiply passed polygraph tests, not to mention years, decades really, that the pot is being stirred
        mike-rogers-repudiate-travis-walton.html         the FBI statistical odds against same. And how again. Rogers seems, to me, to be a loose cannon
                                                         was it that absolutely none of the tracking dogs at this point. Walton, it seems to me, it a little involved in the search for days following more rock solid. But this latest information,
        to-coast-am-travis-walton-and.html               Travis's disappearance led law enforcement supplied by Ryan Gordon, has caused quite the
                                                         personnel or any of the other volunteers stir. You can listen to Rob McConnell and me
        This latest exchange, which was hosted by Erica invloved to the tower were he was allegedly talk about it on his ‘X’ Zone Radio Show found
        Lukes on her podcast UFOs Unclassified, began    hiding? Please. Then again, to quote the late here:
        with an interview with Mike Rogers and ended Stanton T. Friedman, "Don't bother me with the
        with a discussion with Ryan Gordon.  The         facts. My mind's already made up." May I
        Rogers end of the interview was, to be kind, respectfully suggest that those of you who have
        slightly incoherent and the Gordon bit was quite now decided that Travis Walton is a liar - and There is one other aspect of this that I do want to
        illustrative. Gordon does raise some interesting that he has been lying for the past 45 years, mention. That is the lie detector tests that have
        points about the whole case.                     watch the 90 minute documentary, "Travis: The been given. The members of the wood cutting
                                                         True Story of Travis Walton," then return to your crew were all, with a single exception, given lie
        Peter Robbins, who might be best known as one    armchair debate. In the furhter interests of full detector tests while  Walton was still missing.
        of the authors of a book on the Rendlesham disclosure, I served as an associate producer on They all passed, but there really weren’t
        Forest case that involved a number of Air Force this film. I did not accept payment for this as the questions about the abduction. The focus was on
        personnel in December 1980, has posted an accrued evidence I carefully reviewed had more the possibility that Walton had been murdered.
        alternative view of the Walton abduction:        than convinced me that this individual - along
                                                         with the other men involved (including Mike Once  Walton reappeared, he was given a lie
               “Some of you, like me, may have noticed Rogers) were telling the truth - as they had detector test arranged by APRO’s International
        over the past weeks a growing free-for-all of observed it at the time, and as they had stood by Director, Jim Lorenzen. Walton failed that test
        attacks on Travis Walton and his credibility, it for years afterward. And let me close here by but Walton told me that it was the polygraph's
        character, and motivations regarding his         stating for the record that if it is established fault and the test hadn’t been fairly
        extremely well-documented UFO abduction on beyond a reasonable doubt that Travis Walton, administered. Because the operator didn’t
        November 5, 1975. At this point I have to say in concert with his alleged 'co-conspirators,' did believe the story, that influenced the test and I
        that I find myself as amazed as I am disgusted.  fabricate the events of November 1975, I will have to say that such a charge makes sense.
        Please understand that you are more than gladly and willingly leave the field of UFO
        welcome to discount my comments if you like studies for good and ever. You can watch              Other tests, given later, had positive results.
        given what some may consider my lack of "Travis: The True Story of Travis Walton on Jerry Black arranged for them in the 1990s. You
        objectivity. Over the past few decades I've come, Amazon Prime, or order a copy from     can read about this later test here:
        to know Travis quite well and am proud that he   Onwinges Productions.”
        considers me a friend as I do him. I was honored                                        
        when he asked me to assist him in organizing his  And before we get too deep into this, I’ll point htm
        Fire In the Sky Conferences in 2014 and 2015, out that I interviewed Steve Pierce, who was one
        have spent time on the road with him, visited the of those who was there when  Walton was                                (Continued on Page 32)
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