Page 36 - The 'X' Chronicles Newspaper - September 2021
P. 36
36 The Moment of Truth - Walton Failed Test
Travis Walton’s Alien
Abduction Lie Detection
Test That He FAILED!
Continued from Page 35
But they persisted, modifying the standard
contract to satisfy my objections. They said the
rules were being changed to insure more prizes
would be awarded. My looming layoff pushed
me to reconsider. I inquired as to whether good,
accepted modern polygraph methods were being
used. They assured me that was the case. I
should have known better, but I figured all I had
to do was tell the truth, even if I had to make
public something embarrassing like a personal
business or marital mistake and I would win top
I didn’t became aware of the shocking truth
about the polygraph procedure they were using
until it was too late. It did no good to tell them
what I’d written in my book (page 322) years
earlier, that “The American Polygraph
Association’s Standards and Principles of
intentioned people who had been duped by a
Practice item #5 states: “A member shall not IN MY TIME OF
dishonest examiner.
provide a conclusive decision or report based on
chart analysis without having collected at least DYING
Check out that website and tell me what you
two (2) separate charts in which each relevant
think. Continued from Page 10
question is asked on each chart. A chart is one
presentation of the question list.” There many
I think the polygraph is not a reliable determiner • “Almost everything - all external
other violations of accepted procedure.
of truth. I think Travis Walton was not abducted exceptions - all pride, all fear of
by aliens. In both cases, the power of deception embarrassment or failure - these things
We came back home and my wife had me
and self-deception is all we need to understand just fall away in the face of death, leaving
retested with the most rigorous new tests we
what really happened in 1975 and after. only what is truly important.” - Steve Jobs
could find — in New Mexico where it is
stringently regulated by the state because results
ABOUT MICHAEL SHERMER: • Life should not be a journey to the grave
are admissible in court there. A firm highly
with the intention of arriving safely in a
recommended by other examiners, one that does
work for the Albuquerque Police Dept, the NM Michael regularly contributes opinion editorials, pretty and well preserved body, but rather
essays, and reviews to: the Wall Street Journal, to skid in broadside in a cloud of smoke,
State Prison, and the U.S. Marshal’s office. The
most accepted methods on state-of-the-art the Los Angeles Times, Science, Nature, and thoroughly used up, totally worn out, and
computerized equipment. I passed two different other publications. He wrote 214 consecutive proudly proclaiming, ‘Wow! What a
new tests flawlessly. Then I found a website that monthly columns for Scientific American. He ride.’” - Hunter S. Thompson
was even more devastating of any claim of appeared on such shows as The Colbert Report,
20/20, Dateline, Charlie Rose, Oprah, and Larry • “No one is actually dead until the ripples
legitimacy for The Moment of Truth: The Truth
About the Moment of Truth. Written by a court King Live (but, proudly, never Jerry Springer!). they cause in the world die away.” - Terry
certified polygraph expert back in 2004 shortly He has been interviewed in countless Pratchett
after the show debuted, he began with, “…the documentaries aired on PBS, A&E, Discovery,
polygraph aspect of the show has no validity The History Channel, The Science Channel, and • “Death is nothing… to die, to sleep, to
The Learning Channel. Dr. Shermer was the co- pass into nothingness, what does it
whatsoever.” and “This test format will NOT
determine truth or deception.” In fact I wrote host and co-producer of the 13-hour Family matter? Everything is an illusion.” - Mata
years ago that the GAO tests showed such Channel television series, Exploring the Hari
methods would yield as high as 80% false Unknown. His two TED talks, seen by millions,
positives. He wrote in conclusion, “Due to the were voted in the top 100. • “They say you die twice. Once when you
stop breathing and the second time, a bit
vague, subjective, futuristic nature, and sheer
volume, of relevant questions asked on The Dr. Shermer received his B.A. in psychology later on, when somebody says your name
Moment of Truth, there can be little more than from Pepperdine University, M.A. in for the last time.” - Banksy
chance accuracy in determining truth or experimental psychology from California State
deception to these questions. In other words, University, Fullerton, and his Ph.D. in the • “The darkness of death is like the evening
history of science from Claremont Graduate twilight; it makes all objects appear more
they could simply flip a coin and achieve the
same accuracy levels.”, saying you’ll get the University. He has been a college professor lovely.” - Jean Paul
same opinion from any accredited polygraph since 1979, also teaching at Occidental College,
school. I then proceeded to gather several more Glendale College, and Claremont Graduate • “The fear of death follows from the fear
equally damning judgments from some of the University, where he taught a transdisciplinary of life. A man who lives fully is prepared
course for Ph.D. students on Evolution, to die at any time.” - Mark Twain
very top experts in the world in polygraph, plus
I had several international mediaforums lined Economics, and the Brain.[]
• “Of all escape mechanisms, death is the
up. So there’s a bit of a let down because I was
geared up to defend myself in a way that would Listen to past episodes of most efficient.” - H. L. Mencken
have unfortunately demolished the show and The ‘X’ Zone Radio Show
seriously hurt Fox. Too bad, because I think that with Rob McConnell at (Continued on Page 43)
the producers I dealt with are good, well