Page 33 - The 'X' Chronicles Newspaper - September 2021
P. 33
Sign The Anti-Vaxxer Petition 33
Anti-Vaxxers Are A THREAT To
All Canadians
And MUST Be Held Responsible
For Their Actions!
As the number of people across Canada are being hospitalized for the new Delta Strain of
the Corona Virus, and with the Nu strain in the wings, we the people who have signed this
petition demand legislation that would find Canadians guilty of a Criminal Offence, and if
found guilty fined, imprisoned or both.
Also, in the same proposed legislation as described above, Anti-Vaxxers, Canadians or
visitors to Canada, gathering for the purpose of demonstrating or impeding access to
hospitals, clinics, or other media centers be charged under the legislation protecting the
health and welfare of Canadians and if found guilty fined, imprisoned or both.
Also, the Anti-Vaxxers should be also be registered as is in the case of Sex Offenders - an
Anti-Vaxxer Registry.
In the same legislation, the media and social media outlets should be banned from
broadcasting and or publishing such events to the public.
The police and health officials must have the authority to arrest without warrant all those
who are planners and or participants of any "Anti-Vaxxer" meeting, rally, and/or
Anti-Vaxxers should also be legislated to be the same as any other group or organization
and deemed "Hate Crimes."
The needs of the many, outweigh the needs of the few.