Page 62 - The 'X' Chronicles Newspaper - September 2021
P. 62
62 Florida Police Looking for “Rosalia”
Florida Police On The
Lookout For 'Rosalia,' A
Mystery Woman
Operating A Witchcraft
Known only as "Rosalia" the
mystery woman scammed clients
who paid her for witchcraft
services out of $100,000.
By Dorian Geiger
An unidentified Florida woman is wanted by
authorities for allegedly swindling a number of
unsuspecting victims who paid her for
“spiritual” and “witchcraft services” earlier this her. On his third visit to Rosalia, the man evil, curse. Inevitably, a self-proclaimed
year. allegedly gave her $29,500. Telling him the spiritualist, or psychic, will claim that through
money was cursed, she advised instructed the spiritual or psychic powers, he or she alone can
At least 10 people were defrauded of man to give her the funds so she could bless and vanquish the darkness, negativity, evil, curse by
approximately $100,000 by the suspected occult multiply them at her temple. She promised to ‘cleansing’ the victims money, which is the
scam artist, officials announced this week. On “double” or “triple” the man’s earnings. alleged cause of the alleged curse.”
April 19, the Naples Police Department released However, she later canceled his next
composite sketches of the woman identified appointment and stopped returning his Anyone with information related to the case or
only as “Rosalia.” messages, police said. The man told detectives the identity of the alleged suspect is urged to
he’d trusted the woman and didn’t expect to be contact Naples Police Department at 239-213-
Police suspect the “spiritual” services scam scammed. 4822 or 239-213-4844.[]
began in January and ended in mid-March of
this years. Three other victims also confessed they’d hired More FACT*oids…..
Rosalia to have their finances “cleaned.”
In December 2020, the woman allegedly began In the Ottoman Empire, a batman was a unit
marketing her services to residents of Golden Police spoke to the building owner where the of mass equivalent to 15lb., 8 oz.
Gate and East Naples. Ads for the company woman’s office was reportedly located but were
began to roll out in free Hispanic newspapers, on unable to physically locate her. The suite was Aboard the Russian Mir space station (1966
the radio, and on makeshift flyers plastered to rented to a merchant of religious artifacts, the - 2001), cosmonaut rations included vodka
telephone poles and laundromats in the region, police report stated.
and cognac.
according to police.
No arrests have been made in the case.
When e-mail was introduced in 1984, the
Some posters promised a “100% guarantee” to customary signature was “Electronically
fix prospective clients’ marital and relationship Police have described the woman as a Spanish yours.”
issues, according to a police report obtained by speaker who is potentially of Eastern European “If you’re having an argument or Hispanic descent. She is five feet and two Bees have five eyes - the two large ones you
with your wife/girlfriend, she can help you with inches tall, medium build, has light brown eyes, see and three tiny ones on the top of the
your problems,” read one flyer. and blonde hair with dark roots.
The southwest Florida number at the bottom of “It’s just unfortunate that this individual or Swedish territory includes more than
the flyer appears to have been disconnected. individuals preyed on the religious beliefs of
innocent victims essentially by offering services 221,000 islands. Only about 1,000 are
The first victim to report "Rosalia" to law that they thought would benefit them spiritually
enforcement on March 14 told detectives the or financially, or whatever the sales pitch was,” Only primates, humans, and red pandas taste
woman invited him to her “office” where she Lt. Bryan McGinn told
artificial sweeteners.
presented a deck of tarot cards and claimed there
was a dark force present in his life. The woman “These schemes often involve self-proclaimed They need a law? In Indiana, it’s illegal to
told him to sleep with three eggs under his bed spiritual healers, or psychics, who size-up tattoo a person’s eyeballs.
and bring them to her the following day. When vulnerable people and dupe them out of their
the man returned, Rosalia allegedly waved the money by claiming that the people are plagued Ancient Romans didn’t have toilet
eggs over his head and face. by darkness, negativity, evil, or a curse,” Bob
Nygaard, a private investigator who specializes what did they use? A spongs on a stick.
“Rosalia then opened each egg: the first egg in psychic scams, told
The tongue-eating louse is a parasite that
contained blood inside; the second egg eats a fish’s tongue, then becomes the
contained needles inside; and the third egg “The spiritualists, or psychics, often gain the tongue.
contained worms inside,” the police report complete confidence and trust of their victims
stated. by performing common magic tricks — blood St. Patrick is the patron saint of Nigeria as
that comes out of an egg, water that turns black
well as Ireland.
Rosalia allegedly demanded he collect all the or red, needles that come out of a tomato — to
money he had, including any cash he could bamboozle their victims into believing in the Look for more FACT*oids still to come!
borrow from friends and family, and bring it to existence of the alleged darkness, negativity,