Page 63 - The 'X' Chronicles Newspaper - September 2021
P. 63

On Planet Earth All Lives Matter                                                                                     63

                         MISSION: EVOLUTION                                              CONNECTING WITH COINCIDENCE
                          with GWILDA WIYAKA                                               with DR. BERNARD BEITMAN, MD

          Gwilda Wiyaka author of So, We're Still Here. Now What? Spiritual         Dr. Bernie Beitman, MD, author Connecting with Coincidence: The
          Evolution and Personal Empowerment in a New Era, is considered by         New Science for Using Synchronicity and Serendipity in Your Life, is
          many to be today's foremost expert on the modern day application of       the first psychiatrist since Carl Jung to attempt to systematize the
          ancient shamanic principles. She is the founder and director of the       study of coincidences. He is a Visiting Professor at the University of
          Path Home Shamanic  Arts School, a Colorado state-certified               Virginia and former Chair of the Department of Psychiatry at the
          occupational school of the shamanic arts. Gwilda is also a preceptor      University of Missouri-Columbia. He attended Yale and completed a
          for the University of Colorado School of Medicine, where she              psychiatric residency at Stanford. Dr. B has received two national
          provides instruction to medical doctors on the modern interface           awards for his psychotherapy training program and is internationally
          between shamanism and allopathic medicine for the University's            known for his research into the relationship between chest pain and
          School of Medicine's Complementary and  Alternative Medicine              panic disorder. In addition, he has edited two issues of Psychiatric
          course. Radio  Talk Show Host, author, teacher, singer, musician,         Annals that focus on coincidences. Dr. B is the founder of
          visionary and much more. Email -                    Coincidence Studies. To contact Dr B -

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