Page 58 - The 'X' Chronicles Newspaper - September 2021
P. 58

58                                    Searching for Psychic Ann

             Searching for Psychic

            Ann: One Man's Fight

         Against a Shadowy Group

                      of Grifters

                 Continued from Page 57

        As he dug further, Elie found what’s described
        in the lawsuit as an enterprise of named and
        unnamed individuals who, for years,
        committed, promoted and managed fraud and

                                                         “There are lots of victims that have reached out
        According to the lawsuit, the enterprise has an  to me,” Elie told me in one email. “It's a sad   It’s still too early to tell how far the network
        identifiable structure, with each person         situation that needs to be put on the FBI's      reaches, but they think the people they’re
        fulfilling a specific role. It consisted of a referral
                                                         radar.”                                          dealing with are based in  Texas. Either way,
        network to funnel potential victims to different                                                  they’re reaching across state lines for their
        organizations and psychics, people who engage                        *****                        victims through social media. “Social media
        with the client to set up payments, and others                                                    knows no boundaries in terms of states, so they
        who maintain the bank accounts under different   Paul Green and his client have slammed up        are trying to contact and defraud whomever they
        names across multiple states.
                                                         against similar roadblocks, the way Green tells  can,” Green explained. “It doesn’t matter where
                                                         it. “We’ve talked to folks who said ‘Well, look,  the individual is from.”
        In the lawsuit, Elie said he wants all of his    if someone wants to go to a psychic, whether it’s
        money back. Under federal anti-racketeering      a form of entertainment or it’s something they   In the past, people who know the psychic and
        laws, the lawsuit says, Elie is entitled to      truly believe, they should be able to spend their  mediumship industry told me that psychics who
        $270,000 and payment of his attorney’ fees.
                                                         money the way they want to.’  And I agree,”      won’t use their full, real names should raise a
                                                         Green said. What makes it different here are the  red flag. If a psychic uses a stage name, they
        I tried phoning the people named in the lawsuit.  lies that were being told to entice Elie to fork  generally have something to hide, Angela Lusk,
        Unsurprisingly, I didn’t have a lot of luck.     over the cash.                                   a local psychic, said in 2018.

        The lawsuit alleges individuals named Dillion
                                                         Before taking on Elie’s case, Green had only     Another red flag, Lusk explained, was when an
        Evans, Rita Evans, Valerie Williams and Sonya    heard vague stories about these types of fraud.  alleged psychic starts trying to extend the
        Adams are involved. It includes the business     He never took them all that seriously. “My       duration of a reading to coax more money out of
        entities Psychic Universe, Psychic Love Center,  initial thought had always been ‘Well, that was  a client. “If they give you a definitive price, for
        Twin Flame Universe, Best  Texas Psychic         dumb. You shouldn’t have done that,’” Green      a definitive service, then you can guarantee to
        Reader and Psychic Readings by Francine.
                                                         said.                                            some degree that you’re dealing with someone
        Most of them trace back to a Dillion or Rita                                                      who’s not trying to sucker you,” she said.
        Evans.                                           But Elie came to Green equipped with a trove of
                                                         information. He'd hired private investigators    Named  American Psychic and Medium
        Williams and Adams didn’t respond to requests    that gave him access to extra resources, like    Magazine’s Man of the  Year in 2017, John
        for comment. When I first called Francine, who
                                                         criminal databases. When he approached Green,    Cappello said to watch out for psychics who ask
        is actually Rita Evans, she hung up. The second  he already had an idea of what was going on and  clients to come back frequently for additional
        time, she snapped, “Don’t bother me,” and then   who was involved. “When we made contact          information. “If they keep trying to use you as a
        the phone line clicked dead. She didn’t have any  with each other, he was ahead of the game,”     piggy bank, that’s wrong,” Cappello said.
        publicly available email address, so I messaged  Green said. “He was doing research himself.
        her Facebook page. She never responded.
                                                         Being the victim, he quickly decided ‘I need to  As far as Elie’s lawsuit goes, the people named
                                                         do something about this. I need to protect       in the filing have submitted several motions to
        I rang a phone number listed for Dillion Evans,  myself.’”                                        the courts that would see the complaint
        but he didn’t answer. I texted and asked to speak                                                 dismissed altogether. “It’s been painfully slow,”
        to him about the allegations. When he called, I  Green said, “On the surface, when you say        Green said. “We are at a position where
        told him about the lawsuit, how he was named
                                                         ‘We’re suing an alleged psychic because they     essentially if we don’t start getting responses we
        in it, and how it alleges that he’s tied to psychic  siphoned X amount of dollars,’ folks get a smile  are going to have to seek the court's help in
        services in Texas also named in the lawsuit. He  on their face like ‘Are you kidding?’ But when   ordering these individuals to start producing
        was quick to point out that he didn’t live in    you dive deep into [the question] ‘Well, how did  documents.“
        Texas. “So why would I be a psychic reader in    they obtain all that money?’ I think folks are
        Texas?” he asked.
                                                         quick to be more understanding.”                 In the meantime, Elie and Green are still just
                                                                                                          trying to piece it all together. “We feel as though
        I explained that a lot of this allegedly took place  Part of what makes these cases so difficult,  we’ve been gaining puzzle pieces, which is
        through social media and that he wouldn’t have   Green explained, is how common they have         nice,” Green said. “Now, it’s just a matter of
        to live in Texas to be involved. He replied, “So,  become. After all, there are an unknown number  figuring out where they go on the board.”
        what are you after here? You lookin’ for some
                                                         of networks like this out there; Elie had
        money? A little news piece?”                     stumbled upon only one of them, but he and       Elie wants justice, but he also wants to send a
                                                         Green discovered more like them while            warning to others. “It was a very traumatic
        It wasn’t money I was looking for, I told him.   researching for the lawsuit. They don’t have a   experience," he said. "I continue to feel the
        Rather, I wanted to give him the opportunity to  full flow chart of who’s doing what, but they say  financial and emotional ramifications, and I
        comment on allegations. “You’re going to have
                                                         they know that people have different, distinct   want nothing more than to alert other people so
        to find a different Dillion Evans,” he said.     roles in this network. “It is being operated like a  other victims don’t fall into the same scam that I
        “Sorry, bud.” Then, he hung up. I texted again,  business,” Green said. “The problem is the type  did." []
        but he didn’t respond.                           of business that it is.”
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