Page 72 - The 'X' Chronicles Newspaper - September 2021
P. 72

72                                 Top 10 Most Famous Ghosts

             Top 10 Most Famous                          sisters admitted it had all been a hoax; there was proof” vest. It turns out the vest wasn’t stab-
                                                         no murdered peddler, and the spirit proof, which he discovered while trying to prove
                          Ghosts                         communications had been faked. Still, the sisters it was, by stabbing himself in the chest with a
                                                         had inadvertently founded a religion called kitchen knife. Easton, 22, was rushed to the
                                                         Spiritualism, which is still practiced today. The hospital, but didn’t make it. (The coroner ruled
                 Continued from Page 71                  Murdered Peddler is the only fake ghost whose it death by “misadventure.”)
                                                         presence started a real religion.
                                                                                                          SAY CHEESE
        The Ghost of Christmas Past                                                                       In May 2015,  Anna Ursu, a “self-obsessed”
                                                         Slimer is the grotesque green ghost featured in teenager from Romania, attempted to snap a pic
        In Charles Dickens' famous novel "A Christmas    the "Ghostbuster" films and cartoons. He's of herself on top of a parked train. While lying
        Carol," cold-hearted miser Ebenezer Scrooge      green, he's obnoxious, and he can spew slime... on her back, she held her phone above her and
        has a change of heart after being visited by     what's not to love? In fact, Slimer proved to be lifted one of her legs in the air...not realizing that
        several ghosts representing different eras of his  so popular with kids that he got a starring role in there were 27,000 volts of electricity  hovering
        life's Christmases (Past, Present, and  Yet to   the spin-off series "The Real Ghostbusters." A around the cable.  The shock actually caused
        Come).                                           reformed evil ghost that joined the Ghostbusters Ursu to burst into flames. She did not survive.
                                                         team, Slimer's voracious appetite and guttural
        Ghosts are often associated with life lessons and  burps make him among the most memorable SCAVENGER HUNT
        morality tales, and these spooks are no          cartoon ghosts. []
        exception.  The ghosts aren't wasting time                                                        In 2019, brandon and Jennifer Husband were
        rattling chains or scaring kids; instead the Ghost                                                riding their motorcycle on a Kansas highway
        of Christmas Past rehabilitates Scrooge by            STRANGE DEATHS                              when a large vulture flew out of a ditch and
        showing him visions of his past Christmases.                                                      struck Brandon in the head. He lost control of
        Scrooge comes to appreciate the true meaning of                                                   the bike and crashed into a barbed-wire fence.
                                                         THE LAST LAUGH
        Christmas- no, not holiday commercialism but                                                      Neither of them were wearing helmets and
        friendship and goodwill.                                                                          neither survived.
                                                         In April 2019, a 60-year-old British comedian
                                                         known as Ian Cognito (real name: Paul Barbieri)
        The Murdered Peddler                                                                              A BAD SIGN
                                                         arrived at the Atic bar in Bicester to perform his
                                                         stand-up routine. Cognito told club owner
        One day, in the early 1840s in Hydesville, New                                                    In 2009, Mark and Diane Durre of Chambers,
                                                         Andrew Bird that he wasn’t feeling well that
        York, a young peddler arrived at the home of a                                                    Nebraska, drove their Ford pickup truck to a
                                                         evening, but he’d do his best. Bird later told
        Mr. and Mrs. Bell to sell his housewares. He was                                                  Taco Bell on Interstate 80 in order to meet a
                                                         reporters that the set got off to a great start, as
        invited into the home by the Bells' housekeeper                                                   couple to whom they were going to sell a puppy.
                                                         Cognito joked about  being sick and even about
        and in fact stayed for some days. The maid was                                                    They parked in the prearranged meeting spot
                                                         having a stroke.  A few minutes later, he  sat
        shortly dismissed from service but abruptly                                                       under the 75-foot tall Taco Bell sign, but before
                                                         down in a chair and stopped talking. Then he
        rehired a week later. The peddler was gone, but                                                   the meeting could take place, tragedy struck.
                                                         collapsed. “Everyone in the crowd, me included,
        many of his items were now in use in the Bells'                                                   Strong wind gusts - later estimated at around 40
                                                         thought he was joking,” said Bird. Not only was
        kitchen. The maid thought little of it until she                                                  mph - put so much strain on the sign that the
                                                         Cognito not joking, he wasn’t breathing.   A
        began     experiencing     strange,    ghostly                                                    pole broke about 15 feet from the ground. The
                                                         nurse tran to the stage to try and revive him, but
        phenomenon, only to find out from the peddler's                                                   large sign came crushing down and landed right
                                                         he’d died on the spot.
        ghost that he had in fact been murdered in her                                                    on Durre’s truck. Amazingly, mark’s only injury
        absence.                                                                                          was a broken finger, and the puppy was
                                                         BURDEN OF PROOF
                                                                                                          unharmed...but Diane wasn’t that lucky. She
        At least that was the story told by two sisters                                                   took the brunt  of the hit and was pronounced
                                                         In 2017, Jordan Easton was at a friend’s house in
        named Maggie and Katie Fox, who claimed to                                                        dead at the scene. []
        communicate with the ghost.  Years later, the    northeastern England, bragging about his “stab-
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