Page 77 - The 'X' Chronicles Newspaper - September 2021
P. 77

Costume Retailer: Bigfoot A Fake                                                                                     77

         Costume Retailer: Bigfoot

                         A Fake

                    By Tonya Jameson

        CHARLOTTE, N.C. -- Philip Morris may own
        one of the nation’s largest wholesale costume
        retailers, but in his heart the 70year-old is still a
        suave magician and storyteller.

        Now, one of Morris’ stories has put him at the
        center of a debate over one of America’s most
        enduring legends -- Bigfoot.

        Since starting his Charlotte, N.C., business in
        the early ’60s, the entrepreneur has built Morris
        Costumes into an empire.  The company’s
        costumes have appeared in big Hollywood
        films, and some 10,000 businesses buy his
        costumes, props and other stage products.

        Although a giant in his field, the tale of one of
        his gorilla suits is generating buzz outside the
        amusement industry and has Bigfoot believers Patterson-Gimlin film became a disputed piece Morris says of the skeptics, “You’re interfering
        stomping mad.                                    of Bigfoot evidence, Morris said he never heard with their belief system. It’s like telling a child
                                                         from Patterson. Morris told friends and relatives there’s no Santa Claus. []
        In “The Making of Bigfoot: The Inside Story,” that the creature shot with a 16mm camera was
        (Prometheus Books) published in March, author    actually someone wearing his gorilla suit.
        Greg Long devoted a chapter to telling Morris’
        alleged connection to the famed Bigfoot film He says he refrained from going public because
        shot by Roger Patterson and Bob Gimlin. The he did not want to expose a fellow illusionist.
        film, which has aired on TV specials, shows a
        grainy image supposedly of Sasquatch walking “In my mind it was a magic trick,” he said.
        in a northern California national forest in
        October 1967.                                    Morris never met Patterson, Gimlin or Bob
                                                         Heironimus, the man featured in Long’s book as
        Morris says the PattersonGimlin film depicts a the wearer of the suit.
        man wearing a gorilla suit, which had been
        hand-sewn in the basement of his home.           “I wasn’t there when they shot the film,” Morris
                                                         said. “I didn’t know they were going to do that.”    SOME OF KEVIN RANDLE’S
        When he started his costume business more than                                                              GUESTS INCLUDE:
        40 years ago, Morris was a touring magician      Morris did not start speaking publicly about the
        who recruited his wife and her friends to help Bigfoot suit until Patterson died in the early       Robert Scheaffer * Mike Rogers * Dr. Abraham
        make gorilla suits from their Charlotte house.   ’70s.                                              (Avi) Loeb * Peter Robbins * John Greenwald *
                                                                                                           Don Schmitt * Robert Swiatek * Nick Redfern *
        In 1967, a man called, identified himself as Long found Morris after a Bigfoot researcher             Kathleen Marden * Jacques Vallee * Paolo
        Roger Patterson and said he was a rodeo cowboy   sent him an email about a Morris interview on a      Harris * Don Ecker * Tony Bragalia * Bill
                                                                                                              Konkolesky * Lawrence R Spencer * David
        who wanted to buy a gorilla suit for a gag, Charlotte radio station in 2002.
                                                                                                            Marler * James McQuiston * William Puckett *
        Morris recalled.
                                                         When Long called Morris, he had finished most        Colonel Richard Weaver * Ben Moss * Lee
                                                                                                             Speigel * Susan Swiatek * Joe Murgia * Matt
        Morris Costumes was one of the few companies     of his book.  After interviewing Morris four         Tiller * John Steiger * Calvin Parker * Tom
        making relatively inexpensive gorilla suits.     times last November, the writer believed the        Carey * Andy Marocco * Bernie O’Connor *
        Patterson paid $435 plus shipping and handling Charlotte costume maker because many of his             Diane Tessman * Curtis Collins * David
        for the suit.                                    comments corroborated things Heironimus said         Halperin * Michael Hall * Robert Koford *
                                                         about the suit.                                       David  Shindele * Peter Davenport * Tim
        “I didn’t think it was a real big deal,” Morris                                                    Whitmore * Kenneh Dudley * John Burroughs *
        said. “It was just another sale.”                Bigfoot researchers say Morris’ claim is just that  Ryan Wood * Colonel Charles Halt * Jan Harzan
                                                         -- a story.                                        * Jim Willis * Robert Cornett * Jim Penniston *
                                                                                                           Don Burleson * Paul Davids * Stephen Bassett *
        Patterson later called asking how to make it
        more realistic, Morris said. Use a stick to extend “For him to suggest that is just wishful thinking  Alejandro Rojas * Bruce Fenton * Dan Wright *
                                                                                                           Dr. Bruce Mccabbe * Dan Fascas * Jerry Clark *
        the arms, brush the fur to cover the zipper and on his part,” said Jeff Meldrum, an associate
                                                                                                              Mark O’Connell * Larry Holcombe * Terry
        wear football pads to make the shoulders bigger, professor of anatomy and anthropology at Idaho
                                                                                                           Lovelace *  Dr. Michael Masters * Bryan Sentes
        Morris told him.                                 State University, who has studied the Patterson      * Nick Pope * Christopher Montgomery *
                                                         film.                                              Auturo Interian * Keith Plaskett * Paul S Hynek
        He never heard from Patterson again.                                                                 * James Carrion * Adam Dew * Dr. Thomas
                                                         Bigfoot believers say the bend of the human             Eddie Bullard * And Many More!
        Sometime in October 1967, Morris was in his elbow debunks Morris’ theory that a stick
        living room when he saw the now-famous           extended the arms because the creature’s elbow        Listen To All Kevin’s Past Shows At
        Bigfoot footage on TV.                           joint is proportional to its body, its fur looks real
                                                         and its torso is longer and wider than an average
        Even after what would become known as the person’s.                                                        randle-different-perspective
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